Agenda and minutes

Calne Area Board - Tuesday 4 October 2016 6.30 pm

Venue: Calne Library, The Strand, Calne, SN11 0JU

Contact: Kieran Elliott (Senior Democratic Services Officer)  Tel: 01225 718504, Email:

Note No. Item



Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Cllr Howard Marshall.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 31 May and 30 August 2016.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meetings held on 7 June and 30 August 2016 were presented for consideration and it was,




To approve and sign the minutes as a true and correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive announcements through the Chair including:


a.    Wiltshire Online Programme

b.    Mental Health Awareness

c.    Council Budget Events

d.    Licensed Trade Event


Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the written announcements included in the agenda pack, as well as noting a final budget consultation event had been arranged for 5 October in Marlborough Town Hall.



Partner Updates

To receive written or verbal updates from the partners listed below:


a.    Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group – To receive a presentation on proposed changes to Chippenham Minor Injury Unit.

b.    Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c.    Town and Parish Councils.

d.    Wiltshire Police



The following partner updates were received:


Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

Sarah McLennan and Sue Evans from the CCG provided a presentation on the forthcoming changes to the opening hours of the Chippenham Minor Injury Unit (MIU) from November 2016 onwards.


It was explained that owing to national shortages, it was no longer viable to provide staff overnight in the Wiltshire Minor Injury Units without impacting upon staffing during the day. The largest change would be at Trowbridge MIU which was currently open all night, but in Chippenham the change would be to be open from 7am-11pm, closing two hours earlier. The changes had been taken to the Wiltshire Council Health Select Committee for noting, and it was stated very few people used the MIUs after 11pm, at significant cost. Only 4 patients seen had been from the Calne area in the past year, and only 1 of those an actual Minor Injury patient. It was highlighted that urgent services remained as before open 24 hours, but that MIUs had never been miniature accident and emergency centres.


The Board discussed the changes, seeking additional details on patient numbers. It was clarified numbers did increase over the weekend overnight, but remained only an average of 3 overnight vs 0.6 per night across the entire week. Statistics would be analysed to see if it was necessary to open the MIU at holiday periods, and in response to queries on what services would still be available attention was drawn to the 111 and GP out of hours services.


The Board thanked the representatives of the CCG for the informative, evidence based presentation of the issues.


Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

The written update presented at the meeting was received.


Town and Parish Councils


Cherhill Parish Council – It was stated that due to adverse weather the local White Horse needed re-chalking in 2017, and the Board was informed the council would be looking for volunteer help.


Calne Town Council – Concerns were raised by a member of the town council on air quality issues within the town, in particular from Heavy Goods Vehicles and the impact of the Hills Group facilities. It was acknowledged the area board had an air quality working group and action plan to seek to address the problems, but some felt Wiltshire Council was not supporting the area sufficiently. There was also criticism of a recent Strategic Planning Committee meeting to discuss an item relevant to air quality in the town being held in private session.


A response was provided, detailing the significant work and progress as a result of the air quality working group and the recently approved action plan to lead to further efforts, and clarifying the position of the Strategic Planning Committee, to which further queries on its proceedings should be sent.



Community Policing Model

To receive a presentation from Inspector Hobman on the new community policing model.


Inspector Hobman was in attendance to provide an update on the introduction of the Community Policing Model in Calne, following its piloting trial in Trowbridge and Warminster. A new role of Community Coordinator who work with the Community Inspector to allocate resources, and for Calne though the team would be based in Chippenham the officers would spend as much time in the town as they had before.


The Board discussed the presentation and sought additional details. It was confirmed Chippenham and Royal Wootton Bassett would be the two hubs for the northern area, with five teams each. Each officer and community support officer (PCSO) would have an allocated area of responsibility.


In response to queries regarding Calne Police Station it was stated the service was focused on personnel rather than buildings. It was also confirmed there was a continued push to recruit more Special Constables, who unlike PCSOs had the same warranted powers as a Constable.



South West Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

To receive a presentation and discussion on defibrillator use and locations.


David Wilmot from the South West Ambulance Service gave a presentation on the Community First Responder scheme, where members of the public were trained to use defibrillators to respond to local need, and supported by officers of the ambulance service.


In response to queries it was stated that Calne had been running a successful scheme for several years of 8-10 volunteers, but that expansion and retention was key, with more volunteers always wanted. It was confirmed no prior qualifications were necessary, and there were no age restrictions for community responders



Local Youth Network Update and Grants

Supporting documents:


Rebecca Green, Chair of the Local Youth Network (LYN) provided an update on recent activity of the LYN. She particularly praised the work of their apprentice, Natalie Viveash, who had been working with them for 18 months and was leaving to work as a health trainer in the town, and the Board offered its thanks for her work.


The changes to the youth service model were discussed, noting that the Local Youth Facilitator for Calne was also responsible for Marlborough and Devizes community areas.


Details were also provided on work for a Special Education Needs Youth Club. The LYN were recommending to the Board that £9260 be approved for procurement of services from Barnardo’s to provide a club in line with the LYN’s expectations. It was hoped the club would in time be self-funding.


Following discussion of the proposal as detailed in the report and clarity over trying to find a venue other than Beversbrook Community and Sports Facility, a motion to approve the request was made by Councillor Alan Hill, seconded by Councillor Glenis Ansell.




To award £9260.00 procure the services of Barnardo’s for the SEND Youth Club.



Our Community Matters

Councillors and the Community Engagement Manager will provide an update on community issues and progress on area board working groups. This will include:


a.    Community Engagement Manager Update - To receive a presentation from the CEM on items including reviewing the ‘Big Pledge’.

b.    Community Area Transport Group

c.    Calne Health and Wellbeing Programme - A written update is attached..

d.    Calne Section 106 group. A written update on revised terms of reference is attached.

e.    Air quality working group - a verbal update will be received. The 2016/17 Action Plan was approved at the meeting on 30 August 2016.

f.     Older Peoples/Carers Champion – A report and proposal is attached to note the discussions and actions recorded in the last group meeting notes and to consider a proposed application and scoring scheme that will enable the group to make recommendations for area board funding.

g.    Dementia Friends Working Group - A report to the Board including a recommendation that the area board notes the discussions and actions outlined in the meeting notes and considers a proposal to become a full member of the Calne Dementia Action Alliance

Supporting documents:


The Community Engagement Manager (CEM) Jane Vaughan and Councillors provided an update on community issues and progress on Calne Area Board working groups. 


CEM Update

The Board received details of the many successes of Wiltshire based athletes at the Rio Olympics, as well as local efforts to encourage physical activity as part of the run up to the Games in the Wiltshire Council ‘Road to Rio’ initiative.


Details were also provided on the very successful Wordfest event (24 September – 1st October) which had run over 8 days with over 25 events celebrating literacy and communication. The Board thanked all those who prepared and took part in the event, and wished it further success in the future.


It was also noted that the HACCA (Heathy Active Calne Community Area Group) had received an award from Public Health at Wiltshire Council for tackling Obesity.


Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

There had been no meeting of the CATG since the last meeting of the Area Board.


Health and Wellbeing Programme

Details were sought on the Open Plus Library Scheme which was being trialled  and how success would be assessed. It was stated reports on performance would be tabled from February 2017 onwards. The need for a suitable disabled toilet in the refurbishment of the leisure centre was also raised.


Section 106 Group

The written update was received and discussed. A motion was moved by Councillor Tony Trotman, seconded by Councillor Christine Crisp and it was,



1)    To note the discussions and actions recorded in the meeting notes.

2)    To approve the proposed revisions to the Calne s106 Working Group terms of reference in order to allow involvement in other s106 agreements in the area, in addition to the current Sandpit Road agreement.


Air Quality Working Group

The Board had approved the Air Quality Action Plan at its August 2016 meeting. It was also confirmed the tree planting scheme would continue.


Monitoring of air quality and location of devices was raised and whether they were suitably placed. It was stated the air quality team had been advised of the query and the Board would seek further information.


Older People/Carer’s Champion

The written report was received and discussed, including a proposed scoring system for the consideration of grants as detailed in the agenda papers. A motion to approve the proposed scoring scheme was moved by Councillor Alan Hill, seconded by Councillor Tony Trotman.



1)    To note the discussions and actions from the group meeting notes

2)    To approve the proposed scoring scheme.


Dementia Friends Working Group

A report and update was provided. It was noted much work had been done to support the Dementia Action Alliance in the community area, and it was felt appropriate the Board commit to be a fill member to show its commitment.


A motion was moved by Councillor Alan Hill, seconded by Councillor Christine Crisp, and it was,



1)    To note the discussions and actions recorded in the Group meeting notes

To sign the Area  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.



Area Board Grant Funding

To note one application was approved under delegated authority since the last meeting.


And to determine the following application:

Applicant: Calne Fitness and Friendship Club

Project Title: To pump prime a new club promoting health and wellbeing.



Supporting documents:


It was noted that one grant application had been approved under delegated authority by the Community Engagement Manager since the last meeting as follows:


Councillor Led-Initiative – Christine Crisp – Display Equipment for the Community Hub - £82.98


Consideration was also given to a health and wellbeing application provisionally scored using the scheme considered under ‘Our Community Matters’. A motion was moved by Councillor Christine Crisp, seconded by Councillor Alan Hill.



£1038.00 was awarded Calne Fitness and Friendship Club to develop a new club promoting health and wellbeing among people aged over 50.



The application meets the 2016/17 grant criteria.



Open Forum Discussion

Members of the public are invited to raise topics for open discussion.


As part of the Open Forum session Mr John Boaler raised concerns that in his view the Area Board minutes were not sufficiently detailed or accurate. In response it was stated that the accuracy of minutes of a meeting were confirmed at subsequent meetings and people could make representations on that accuracy prior to confirmation. It was noted that level of detail in minutes would vary across different committees, but that no matter how detailed they would not be a verbatim record. It was stated the council’s Head of Corporate Support (Democracy and Performance) could be contacted if there were general points to be made on how minutes were prepared.


Mr Francis Bosworth (Friends of Abberd Brook) raised concerns about the new charges for recycling centres. It was not likely that the Friends of Abberd Brook would continue undertaking their voluntary maintenance and development work along the Brook for the benefit of the wider community if they were to incur such charges. The Board undertook to look into the concerns and see what actions  or resolutions could be identified.


Another Friends of Abberd Brook volunteer noted that she was keen to set up litter picking groups and new volunteers would be welcomed.


Further concerns were raised at the decision of the Strategic Planning Committee in relation to the Appeal by Hills Group. A response was provided explaining what information the Committee had considered, and that proper procedures had been followed when excluding the public as they considered legal advice. It was noted queries on the Committee should be directed to the Committee itself.


Members of the public were advised that if prior notice was given of issues they wished to raise, work could be undertaken to provide responses or briefing material to aid discussion at the meeting itself.



Community Engagement Manager Delegation

To consider updates to the delegated authority granted to the Community Engagement Manager.

Supporting documents:


It was noted that with the change from Community Youth Officer to Local Youth Facilitator the previously agreed delegated authority for urgent decisions required updating. A motion was moved by Councillor Alan Hill, seconded by Councillor Christine Crisp.




In order to expedite the work of the Area Board and to deal with urgent matters that may arise between meetings, the Community Engagement Manager, in consultation with the Chairman (or in their absence, the Vice-Chairman) of the Area Board, may authorise expenditure to support community projects from the delegated community grants budget of up to £5,000 in total, youth projects of up to £5,000 in total, and health and wellbeing projects of up to £1,000 in total, between meetings of the Area Board.


Decisions taken between meetings will be reported to the next meeting of the Area Board explaining why the matter was considered urgent or necessary to expedite the work of the Board and the Cabinet Member for Communities, Campuses, Area Boards and Broadband will also be kept informed of any such decisions.


Reason for Proposal


In order to expedite the work of the Area Board and to deal with urgent matters that may arise between meetings.




Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items, but the Chairman noted that the Calne Library space had proven an excellent location, and it was intended all future meetings be held there.