Agenda and minutes

Calne Area Board - Tuesday 7 February 2017 6.30 pm

Venue: Calne Library, The Strand, Calne, SN11 0JU

Contact: Edmund Blick  Email:

Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions

The Chairman will welcome those present at the meeting.  


The Chairman welcomed everyone to Calne Area Board and introduced the Councillors and Officers present.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies.


Apologies were received from Cllr Tony Trotman.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6th December 2016.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6 December 2017 were signed as a true and accurate record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations.



Chairman's Announcements

The Chairman shall make the following announcements:


·        The Rural Crime Partnership for Wiltshire and Swindon


·        The Police Crime Commissioner: Precept Consultation Video

o   Updating on OPCC priorities and precept proposals for 2017/18.

o   Video available here.

o   Further info and link to consultation feedback here.   


Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the written announcements included in the agenda pack.



Partner Updates

To receive an update from the partners listed below:


a)    Wiltshire Police

b)    Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service

c)    NHS Wiltshire

d)    Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group

e)    Other


Supporting documents:




Inspector David Hobman was in attendance and announced that he was soon to be leaving his post as Sector Head, covering Calne, and would be moving to a new post in Swindon. He named his replacement as Inspector Mark Luffman, but indicated that his Deputy Sector Head Gill Hughes would be staying, so there was an element of continuity.


Inspector Hobman referred the Board to the submitted police report and offered to answer any questions the Board had.


Cllr Glenis Ansell asked what actions were being taken in regards to the Rural Crime Partnership of Wiltshire and Swindon. Inspector Hobman said that, historically, rural crime has not received the same level of policing as towns, and that the new aim was about making an investment in rural policing, and aiming at prioritising it equally to town policing.


Cllr Ansell also asked about the performance of the 101 service. Inspector Hobman stated there was an institutional acknowledgement that the 101 service was appalling. He said that work was underway to get more calls answered and pledged that it would get better. He was not able to give a timeframe on the service being improved but said that the Police Crime Commissioner was treating it as a priority, as was the Chief Constable.


Cllr Alan Hill took the opportunity to say that he thought Calne had been very lucky in the community engagement of its police representatives. He said the police worked well, in harmony with Calne’s community groups, to make the most of the limited resources that were available. Cllr Hill thanked Inspector Hobman for his efforts and he was applauded by the Board. In response, Inspector Hobman stated that the police were moving towards a more community focussed model and expressed it as a positive opportunity, in line with the foundations of Sir Robert Peels policing model.




District Commander Jack Nicholson was in attendance and referred the Board to the Fire Service report submitted. He volunteered to answer any questions raised but none were raised.


Other Group Updates


There were no further partner group updates.



Local Youth Network

To receive an update from the Locality Youth Facilitator Helen Bradley and the Chair of the Local Youth Network Jordan Holt.

To consider the following Youth Grant Applications

  • Calne Badminton Club- Junior Section: £5000
  • Wiltshire YFC- Pop Up Cafe: £2500


There is also a Local Youth Network Initiative to be considered:

·        Intergenerational Dementia Project: £720


Supporting documents:


Local Youth Network Grants


Rebecca Green gave a brief introduction to the two grant applications, reading extracts from the attached reports and explaining how the Local Youth Network had arrived at their decision.


An application from Wiltshire YFC sought £2500 for a pop up café scheme, whereby they planned to use a gazebo as a base for activities, to engage with teenagers and work with local youth clubs to increase their membership. Councillors were impressed with the outreaching nature of the project and awarded the funds unanimously.


An application from Calne Badminton Club sought £5000 for the establishment of a junior section, to provide a 2 hour weekday club for secondary school children, for 50 weeks of the year. Rebecca stated that in determining the application, the Local Youth Network came to the conclusion that the proposed project was ambitious and they felt a trial fund would be more appropriate. As such, the Local Youth Network were proposing the award of £1000, to help with the initial set up costs, as a pilot fund, with a view for plans to be put in place for a sustainable future. Cllr Alan Hill made a point of highlighting the mature and sensible way in which the Local Youth Network had come to it’s decision. Cllr Howard Marshall, thanked Cllr Hill for his comments and confirmed that a lot of work goes into the decision making process.


A Local Youth Network initiative, Intergenerational Dementia Project, was an application by the Local Youth Network for £1000. This was to help fund a project to facilitate Dementia Friendly sessions with John Bentley School, along with further plans for 12 young volunteers to be part of a wider project to become Dementia friends and befriend adults with Dementia, helping introduce them to music from their past, in order to trigger memories. Cllr Alan Hill asked what would happen to the equipment once a particular user no longer required it and it was confirmed that all equipment would be returned to the programme. Councillors voted to approve the funds unanimously.


Christine Crisp took the opportunity to thank the Local Youth Network in their efforts and professionalism in the work they do around the Youth Grant applications.


Cllr Hill, reaffirmed his praise of the Network but asked that their focus be on reaching out to the hard to reach areas of the community, targeting the young people with the most serious problems. It was noted that the pop up café was a good example of this.



·        £2500 awarded to Wiltshire YFC

·        £1000 awarded to Calne Badminton Club

·        £1000 awarded to Local Youth Network initiative- Intergenerational Dementia Project








Our Community Matters

An update from the Councillors, Community Engagement Manager and Working Groups addressing Community Area Priorities:


·        Section 106 Working Group

o   There is no update from this Group as there has not been a meeting since the last Area Board Meeting.


·        Dementia Friendly Calne

o   A written report from the Working Group is attached and an update will be provided by Chairman Cllr Crisp at the Area Board Meeting.


·        Highways Working Group (CATG)

o   There is no update from this Group as there has not been a meeting since the last Area Board Meeting.


·        Love Calne Love Clean Air (Air Quality Working group)

o   There is no update from this Group as there has not been an update since the last Area Board Meeting.


·        Older People and Carers Champions

o   A written report is attached and an update will be provided by Champion Diane Gooch at the Area Board Meeting.


·        Health and Wellbeing programme

o   A written report on the progress of the Calne Community Hub and Library is attached and an update will be provided by Cllr Alan Hill at the Area Board Meeting.


·        Community Engagement Manager

o   A report is attached and an update will be provided by Community Engagement Manager Jane Vaughan on ‘Our Community Matters’ priorities for 2017/18 and future opportunities for Community Action.



Supporting documents:


Dementia Friendly Calne


Chairman Cllr Christine Crisp gave an update on Dementia Friendly Calne group. She referred members to the report attached and confirmed that they had already received the backing of 5 organisations out of their target of 12. Dianne Gooch  gave a further input, stating that their current priority was looking for backing for the ‘Singing for the Brave’ project. Cllr Glenis Ansell suggested using the Calne Larks Choir in the medium term, who meet at Calne Town Hall on Thursdays between Calne 12am and 1pm.


Older Persons Champion


Dianne Gooch also spoke as the Older Persons Champion representative, asking for volunteers to become local voices for the group.


Calne Community Hub and Library


Cllr Alan Hill gave an update on the Calne Community Hub and Library. He referred the Board to the attached report and spoke of the increased attendance since the introduction of the “Open +” system, going against the national trend in the decline of library use. He also highlighted that there had been no issues with rough sleepers, or anti-social behaviour. He was congratulatory of the volunteer staff and said that the Council would continue to work together with community groups to ensure the future success of the hub and library.




A brief update was received from those Parish Council representatives in attendance.


Community Engagement Manager


A presentation was delivered by Jane Vaughan on “Our Community Matters” priorities, looking at proposals to take forward to future Area Board meetings. These included; championing training skills, health and well-being, diversity focus from culture groups, Local Youth Network to address young mental health and Champions projects to look at social inclusion of vulnerable and  deprived persons. Cllr Alan Hill moved a motion to accept all proposals and this was agreed by the Board unanimously.


A short film was also shown to the Board on the Legacy for Wiltshire: 2012-2016, showing successful community events over the years. Jane Vaughan followed this by briefly mentioning the upcoming events, including the Great British Spring Clean, The Big Pledge- London Calling, Healthy Schools Initiative and World War One Commemorations build up to 2018. 













Area Board Funding

To consider applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


  • Calne Bowl Project- Landscaping Britain in Bloom 2017: £500
  • Castlefields Canal and River Park Association- Bigger and Better Outdoor Gym: £5430
  • Hilmarton Primary School Eco Club- Great British Clean Up Event: £280
  • Cherhill Parish Council- Cherhill and Yatesbury Defibrillator Project: £2045
  • Calne Community Daycentre- New Dishwasher: £1295
  • Cllr Initiative- Cllr Crisp- Dementia Action Alliance Promotional/ Welcome Packs: £350
  • Cllr Initiative- Cllr Hill- Ring fencing of funds  to be allocated to community groups and organisations for litter picking equipment in the Great British Clean Up 2017: £2800


Supporting documents:


The Board considered 5 Community Grantapplications:


Calne Bowl Project- Landscaping Britain in Bloom 2017: £500

The project representative Jake Brock spoke in favour of the application, explaining that the on going project sought to reach out to the wider community, and that the Landscaping project would help them achieve this aim. Cllr Howard Marshall gave his support to the project, which he has championed from the beginning. Cllr Alan Hill raised the issue of how the plants would be watered and suggested that the Town Council could be utilised for this purpose. Cllr Howard Marshall said that he would, personally, look into this option with the Town Council. Cllrs voted on the application and the funds were awarded unanimously.


Castlefields Canal and River Park Association- Bigger and Better Outdoor Gym: £5430

Martin Court, trustee of the applicants, spoke in favour of the application, stating the outdoor gyms benefits to the whole community. He emphasised that the equipment was durable and would last. Cllr Alan Hill noted that the application sought more than the usual grants amount of £5000. However, he highlighted that the applicants were matching the funds and, given the benefit to the community, he was happy to use increase the amount to that sought, £5430. Cllrs voted and approved the funds unanimously.


Hilmarton Primary School Eco Club- Great British Clean Up Event: £280

Edith Cameron, from Hilmarton School, spoke in favour of the application, stating that she was involved in the “clean up” the previous year with the school and was applying for funds for equipment for this years “clean up” and future years, on advice of the Community Engagement Manager. Chairman Christine Crisp also gave her support to the school and the event as a whole, stating that it was more beneficial and efficient for schools to have their own equipment. Cllrs voted and approved the funds unanimously.


Cherhill Parish Council- Cherhill and Yatesbury Defibrillator Project: £2045

David Evans spoke in favour of the application, stating that in light of the previous Area Board meetings input from the Ambulance service on the importance of defibrillators, the project was seeking funds for an additional defibrillator, to meet guidance of their requirement in a 200m radius for optimal efficiency. Cllrs awarded the funds unanimously.


Calne Community Daycentre- New Dishwasher: £1295

Cllr Glenis Ansell gave support to the application stating that she had visited the centre recently and confirming that they needed an industrial dishwasher.  Chairman Cllr Christine Crisp also gave her support, stating that it was important that the volunteers were able to spend their time engaging with the service users, rather than washing up. Cllrs voted and awarded the funds unanimously.


The Board also considered the following Councillor initiatives:


Cllr Crisp- Dementia Action Alliance Promotional/ Welcome Packs: £350

Chairman Cllr Christine Crisp spoke in favour of the application. Cllr Alan Hill asked if this was to be an on going cost or a one off. Cllr Crisp explained that it was primarily for set up costs but  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



Local Highways Investment Fund

To consider reports on roads in the local area and proposed surfacing sites for 2017-18.

Supporting documents:


Chairman Christine Crisp gave a brief explanation of the origins and nature of the road resurfacing proposals. She explained that a Highways officer had volunteered to attend the meeting to answer questions but had been advised that it would not be required, as the Board were confident in the procedures by which the plans had been produced. 


Cllr Alan Hill gave a brief explanation of some of the factors included in the proposals and distinguished pothole repairs from major road resurfacing.


There was some criticism raised by attendees, notably Ross Henning, in regards to the failure of Wiltshire Council to repair potholes and a general criticism of the state of some of the local roads.



Open Forum

This section is to enable members of the public to raise issues to Councillors and Members for consideration.


If a member of the public should wish to raise an issue in this meeting then they are advised to contact the Democratic Services Officers, as above, to enable research and consideration.


Chairman Cllr Christine Crisp highlighted a question that had been asked by Mr John Boaler from  the Calne Branch Labour Party and it was explained that a written answer had already been provided to Mr Boaler, prior to the meeting.


Mr Boaler reiterated his question regarding proposed cuts to services in Calne and asked “When and How” Calne residents would be informed of these cuts. He criticised the current mechanism’s as being unreachable to many people in the community, stating that a lot of residents would not know to look on Wiltshire Council’s website for updates, for example.





Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.




The Chairman will set out arrangements for the next meeting.


Chairman Cllr Christine Crisp explained that the next meeting may be cancelled due to pre-election period, or that it would be a “grant only” meeting due to restriction on political Area Board activity from 15March 2017. She advised that next full meeting would be held at 7.00 pm on 6 June 2017 at Calne Library 6.30 pm.