Contact: Ben Fielding Democratic Services Officer - Email:
Note | No. | Item |
7:00pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions The Chairman will welcome those present to the meeting. Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Ross Henning, welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the councillors and officers present. |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2021 were presented for consideration.
Resolved: To approve the minutes as a correct record. |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2021. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2021 were presented for consideration.
Resolved: To approve the minutes as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: Councillor Dr Nick Murry declared a non-pecuniary interest due to being a trustee of Avon Needs Trees and therefore would be not be partaking in the vote for this respective grant item. |
7:05pm |
Chairman's Announcements To receive the following announcements through the Chairman:
· The 2023 Boundary Review · Covid-19 Booking Vaccines · Youth Survey · Foster Carers and Foster Children · Ash Dieback Supporting documents:
Minutes: The chairman gave the following updates:
· The 2023 Boundary Review Last month the Boundary Commission for England published its initial proposals for new constituency boundaries, with the proposals and maps for the nine English regions published on their website. Though the consultation window has now closed, area specific information can be found on the linked website within the agenda pack by entering a post code or region. This can be used to view the current constituency and local authority boundaries as well as the proposals for the new constituency boundaries.
· Covid-19 Booking Vaccines The Chairman reminded those in attendance not to forget to book their Covid-19 vaccine. Those looking to book an appointment should use the National Booking Service, which is available online or for those who do not have internet access, appointments can be booked by calling 119. The web link for booking an appointment can be found within the agenda pack.
Councillor Nic Puntis also drew attention to Influenza vaccinations that arecurrently taking place and are free for those over 50.
Community Engagement Manager, Ollie Phipps, noted that a Youth Survey has been launched in order to help Wiltshire Council know more about the lives of young people living in Wiltshire. The survey is for age ranges 11-25 and can be found via the following link: Youth Survey Autumn 2021 (
Community Engagement Manager, Ollie Phipps, updated that the Foster Carer service had an ambition to sign up 100 people this year and so far, has reached 50% of this target. Anyone who knows of someone who would be suitable as a foster carer should get in touch with Ollie or use the following link: Fostering - Wiltshire Council
· Ash Dieback The announcement was introduced by Community Engagement Manager, Ollie Phipps, who noted that a link to an ash dieback video can be found in the agenda pack as part of the attached ash dieback report. |
7:15pm |
Partner and Community Updates To note the written updates provided and answer any questions arising from the floor:
· Wiltshire Police · Parish and Town Councils · BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) · Healthwatch · Older People / Carers Champion · Other Community Groups Supporting documents:
Minutes: Updates were received from the following partners:
· Wiltshire Police The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda. In Inspector James Brain’s absence, the following questions and points were identified:
· Parish and Town Councils Alison Butler updated that there is a need to revisit the local situation regarding defibrillators. Currently ambulance response times aren’t what they were previously, therefore there is a need for people to be familiar with where their local defibrillator is located. Additionally, there is a stigma regarding CPR, however for those running meetings it could be constructive to show videos on how to do CPR and use defibrillators as it could save lives. The Chairman noted that such training is worthwhile, and he has an app on his phone, “Staying Alive”, which shows where to find local defibrillators in the area.
· BaNES, Swindon & Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (BSW CCG) The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda.
· Healthwatch Wiltshire The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda.
· Older People / Carers Champion Alison Butler, Carers Champion, provided the following verbal update: · There have been concerns for the older population and isolation. A group has been formed to look at what is available for those older in towns and villages. · It was also acknowledged that younger people are currently experiencing challenges with there being a 50% rise in mental health referrals. The importance of support groups was stressed in caring for this generation. It was stressed that it is also important to be aware of drugs and alcohol use, and to put an arm out to those who might need support.
· Police and Crime Commissioner The newly elected Police and Crime commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon, Philip Wilkinson was in attendance for the start of the meeting and was welcomed by the Chairman, who looks forward to working with him. |
7:30pm |
Highways 5-year Work Plan To receive a presentation from a Highways Officer in regard to the Highways 5-year Work Plan. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board received a presentation regarding the Highways 5-year Work Plan from Highways Principal Technical Officer, Diane Ware. The presentation covered the following points:
· Diane provided her email address ( for if any attendees wanted to get in touch with her regarding the current proposed plan. It was stated that this is the first revision and pre-plan to inform what the Council is thinking of doing over the next 5 years. The plan will be authorised in April. · Previously funds had been allocated based upon the length of the roads in question, however there was a discrepancy with this with traffic flows and geology not being the same for all. Therefore, over the next 5 years funding will be allocating to roads dependent on condition as with the need to be Carbon neutral by 2023, roads cannot be left to need a full reconstruction. · Diane Ware outlined some of the preventative treatments that are used on roads, in order to make carbon savings and ultimately prevent road surfaces from needing major intervention work. · Last year the whole road network was covered by a laser machine, which means that each road has a score which can be looked up and prioritised to be worked on. · A graph was provided to show that currently on average 31.90% of Wiltshire’s A,B,C roads need work; Chippenham’s roads were scored 30.22%. · It was also acknowledged that the budget for this work has been cut by million pounds, therefore cuts have been made. · The proposed spend level for Chippenham was outlined as being 4.46 million pounds over a 5-year period, with the average spend for othercommunity areas being 3.3 million pounds.
Following the presentation there was time for the following questions and points to be raised:
Community Engagement Manager Update To note the written Community Engagement Manager update attached to the agenda. Supporting documents: Minutes: Ollie Phipps, Community Engagement Manager, noted that there was a written updated attached to the agenda pack, which covered activities ran and groups worked with over the summer period. |
7:45pm |
Wiltshire Council Draft Climate Strategy Consultation To discuss the Wiltshire Council Draft Climate Strategy Consultation. Supporting documents: Minutes: Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Councillor Nick Botterill provided the Area Board with a presentation regarding the Wiltshire Draft Climate Strategy and the Green & Blue Infrastructure Strategy for Wiltshire. The presentation covered the following points:
1) Transport – the largest proportion of emissions in the county 2) Homes and the Built Environment – new build and retrofit 3) Natural Environment, Food and Farming – including GBI strategy 4) Energy – reduce usage and move to sustainable sources 5) Green Economy – create jobs and skills opportunities 6) Waste – prevent waste and encourage reuse 7) Carbon Neutral Council – by 2030
1) Flooding and Water Management 2) Sustainable Farming & Land Management 3) Nature Recovery & Landscape Management 4) Woodland and Trees 5) Healthy Living 6) Economic Recovery and Valuing Natural Capital
Following the presentation there was time for the following questions and points to be raised:
· It was questioned whether the choice of locations and times for the drop-in sessions was democratic. Councillor Botterill stated that it is difficult to balance, however the Council is trying to get as many responses as possible to the consultations. · It was suggested that it would be positive to produce a pack that could be provided to residents regarding the installation of electric charging points as transport is currently one of the key contributors to carbon emissions. · A point was raised that water authorities are swapping water between different areas of Britain in order to maintain water flow, for exampleWessex Water is currently pumping water from local aquifers to feed the Malmesbury Stream. This is therefore having an impact locally with areas previously having ran dry. · It was questioned how seriously the Council is dealing with the climate emergency when compared to other emergencies such as Novichok and Covid-19. Councillor Botterill reassured that the climate emergency is being taken very seriously and this is demonstrated by the strategy. · The impact of hesitancy was questioned, with there potentially being challenges ahead to retrofit buildings if planning permissions don’t initially insist on ... view the full minutes text for item 24. |
8:05pm |
Future Chippenham To receive an update on the Future Chippenham Programme. Minutes: The Area Board received an update on Future Chippenham from Leader of the Council, Councillor Richard Clewer and Simon Hendey, Director of Housing andCommercial. The update covered the following points:
Following the presentation there was time for the following questions and points to be raised:
8:30pm |
River Festival Working Group To receive an update from the River Festival Working Group. Minutes: Ollie Phipps, Community Engagement Manager, updated that there are plans to run a River Festival in Chippenham that would take place next August Bank Holiday Monday. This would potentially include such activities as wild swimming, kayaking and tree climbing. Anyone interested in helping to help run, support or deliver the festival was encouraged to get in touch with Ollie as per below:
Email: Telephone: 01249 709404 |
8:35pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) To consider the report and recommendations arising from the last meeting of the Community Area Transport Group held on 14 September 2021.
Please note that the respective report for this item will be published as an Agenda Supplement at a later date. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced the minutes and recommendations from the CATG meeting held on 14 September 2021.
Resolved: |
8:40pm |
Area Board Funding To determine the following grant applications:
Community Area Grants:
To consider the following applications for Community Area Grant funding:
· Kington St Michael QE2 Field Group - £2,294.34 towards Kickball Area Extension.
· Refashion My Town CIC - £4,250 towards Refashion My Town Workshop Equipment.
· Avon Needs Trees - £5,000 towards New Forest on Stanley Lane.
Youth Grant Applications:
To consider the following applications for Youth Grant funding:
· Sheldon Road Methodist Church - £1,200 towards Heals of Malmesbury Summer Programme for Chippenham Youngsters.
· Access Safety - £1,250 towards Coercive Relationships Educational Short Film
· The Stay Safe Initiative CIC - £1,500 towards The Digital Empowerment Programme Chippenham. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board considered the following as detailed in the reports attached to the agenda.
Community Area Grants
1) Kington St Michael QE2 Field Group - £2,294.34 towards Kickball Area Extension.
Resolved: Kington St Michael QE2 Field Group was awarded £2,294.34 towards Kickball Area Extension
2) Refashion My Town CIC - £4,250 towards Refashion My Town Workshop Equipment.
Resolved: Refashion My Town CIC was awarded £4,250 towards Refashion My Town Workshop Equipment.
3) Avon Needs Trees - £5,000 towards New Forest on Stanley Lane.
Resolved: Avon Needs Trees was awarded £5,000 towards New Forest on Stanley Lane.
Youth Grants
The Area Board noted that the following Youth Grant have now been approved by the Chippenham and Villages councillors under delegated authority:
1) Sheldon Road Methodist Church - £1,200 towards Heals of Malmesbury Summer Programme for Chippenham Youngsters.
Resolved: Sheldon Road Methodist Church was awarded £1,200 towards Heals of Malmesbury Summer Programme for Chippenham Youngsters.
2) Access Safety - £1,250 towards Coercive Relationships Educational Short Film.
Ollie Phipps, Community Engagement Manager, updated that the Local Youth Network had recently met and updated that Chippenham Borough Lands had previously awarded funding to Access Safety, meaning that they would only be requesting £237 from the Area Board.
Resolved: Access Safety was awarded £237 towards Coercive Relationships Educational Short Film.
3) The Stay Safe Initiative CIC - £1,500 towards The Digital Empowerment Programme Chippenham.
Resolved: The Stay Safe Initiative CIC was awarded £1,500 towards The Digital Empowerment Programme Chippenham. |
Urgent Items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
9:00pm |
Close The next meeting of the Chippenham Area Board will be held on 13 December 2021. Minutes: The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 13 December at 7.00pm. |