Venue: Access the on-line meeting here
Contact: Kevin Fielding Tel: 01225 706612, Email:
No. | Item |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the on-line meeting and introduced the councillors and officers present.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Ben Anderson – Wiltshire Council. |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 10 November 2020 Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision
· The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 10 November 2020 were approved as the correct record
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were none.
Chairman's Announcements To receive the following chairman’s announcements:
· Healthy Us Weight Management Programme
· Covid-19 Update
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman outlined the following chairman’s announcements contained in the agenda pack:
· Healthy Us Weight Management Programme
· Covid-19 Update
Wiltshire Police Precept
A short film outlining the precept and public consultation survey can be found at:
PCC Precept Video -
Public consultation survey -
Minutes: Angus Macpherson – Police & Crime Commissioner gave a short presentation outlining the Wiltshire Police precept consultation.
Points made included:
· That all residents supported a £15 per household, a year, rise on a band D property in the policing part of council tax for 2021/22. This equated to an extra £1.25 a month.
· That even with the £15 increase, Wiltshire Police would still be asking for a lower precept contribution than any other Force in the South West.
A short film outlining the precept and public consultation survey could be found at:
PCC Precept Video -
Public consultation survey -
Points made by the Area Board included:
· That there were concerns over the loss of the local teams and their intelligence during this period of cutbacks.
· That Corsham officers were extremely good – but had had a busy time during the pandemic.
· That there were concerns over the future of policing with the budgets available.
The Chairman thanked Angus Macpherson for all his hard work carried out during his tenure as the Police & Crime Commissioner.
The Census 2021 for England and Wales in relation to Wiltshire Jonny Corbett – Census Engagement Manager
Presentation about the Census 2021, its importance for Wiltshire and the key target groups
Minutes: Jonny Corbett – Census Engagement Manager – power point
Points made included:
· That the census was a survey that happened every 10 years and everyone took part.
· That the Office of National Statistics was responsible for the census in England and Wales.
· That the census was important because it gave the most detailed information we had about our society.
· Scotland and Northern Ireland hold their own around the same time.
· That the census provided information that government needed to shape policy, allocate resources, plan services and monitor equality
· Any questions about our partnership activities with local authorities please email at
Bookmark the Census 2021 website:
Follow us on social Media #Census2021
The Chairman thanked Jonny Corbett for his presentation.
Partner Updates To receive any updates from the following partners:
· Wiltshire Police · Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service · Town & Parish Councils · Healthwatch & CCG
Supporting documents:
Minutes: To receive any updates from the following partners:
Wiltshire Police – written outlined by Sgt Ho Tsang
· That a small number of tickets had been issued to members of public who had blatantly breached the Covid legislation. There had been dedicated patrols allocated.
· That officers were conducting speed checks at various locations across the sector. The locations were identified predominately based on intelligence
· That CPT had, and was currently targeting a local drug dealer within Chippenham and Corsham. 1 male had been arrested due after a warrant was executed. A small quantity of drugs, money and a devise believed to be a S5 firearm were seized.
· That officers had been conducting regular visits to enforce a closure order on a premises which had attracted drug users within the area.
· That officers were currently working with a number of regular missing young people along with other agencies to reduce missing episodes and reduce the risk of harm to them.
· County Lines – No known county lines in our CPT at the moment.
· That officers were currently looking at closures on properties that were being used to deal drugs in the local area.
The Chairman thanked Sgt Tsang for his update
Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – The written report was noted
Corsham TC and Colerne PC – The written reports were noted
Box PC – Tony Clarke
Points made included:
· That residents were pleased that the Thickwood path had been re-surfaced.
· That a Task force had been set up and had been working with Gigaclear to make changes with underground cabinets and the relocating of some bigger cabinets to more suitable locations.
Healthwatch & CCG – The written reports were noted |
Community Area Grants The Wiltshire Councillors will consider the following applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:
Applicant: Corsham RFC Project: New shower facilities Amount requested: £5,000
Applicant: Colerne RFC Project: Perimeter Fence and training Amount requested: £4,385
Applicant: Bleeding Nora Project: When Dolly Met Dom Amount requested: £1,000
Applicant: Corsham Community Club Project: Bring back the Smile Amount requested: £2,000
Applicant: Portable Wellbeing Studio Project: Portable Wellbeing School at Corsham School Amount requested: £2,500
Applicant: Will Lawton Project: Music Therapy to support vulnerable students at Corsham School Amount requested: £1,800
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Wiltshire Councillors considered the following applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:
Decision Colerne RFC awarded £5,000 for new shower facilities
Decision Colerne RFC awarded £4,385 for Perimeter Fence and training on condition that Colerne PC match funds this application
Decision Bleeding Nora awarded £1,000 from the Health & Wellbeing budget for When Dolly Met Dom
Decision Corsham Community Club awarded £2,000 from the Health & Wellbeing budget for Bring back the Smile
Decision Portable Wellbeing Studio awarded £2,500 from the Youth funding budget for Portable Wellbeing School at Corsham School
Decision Will Lawton awarded £1,800 from the Youth funding budget for Music Therapy to support vulnerable students at Corsham Schoolon the condition that match funding from Corsham School was forthcoming Decision Spindles awarded £1,212 from the Youth funding budget for Corsham Cycling Youth Network CYGNETS
Working Group updates and requests for funding · Youth · Health and Wellbeing group · Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Supporting documents:
Minutes: Youth
· The minutes of the meeting held on the 18 November 2020 were noted.
· That there was £8,000 left in youth funding budget
· Cllr Phil Whalley was thanked for re-energising the youth network
Health and Wellbeing group – Kevin Gaskin
· That the group continued to meet connecting the villages and Town.
· That the group had last met on Wednesday 20 January 2021.
· That there continued to be ongoing concerns re loneliness, financial hardship and mental health during the pandemic.
· Speaking with local surgeries re the vaccination program
Community Area Transport Group (CATG)
· The minutes of the meeting held on the Wednesday 2 December 2020 were noted.
Public Question time Minutes: There were no public questions. |
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