Agenda and minutes

Corsham Area Board - Thursday 24 July 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: Springfield Community Campus, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 9DN

Contact: Sharon Smith 

Note No. Item

7:00 pm


Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed those present to the Springfield Community Campus highlighting Corsham was the first Area Board to offer this service and praised it as a great opportunity for the community. The Chairman explained the Campus was in the first stage of development and encouraged all present to take a tour after the meeting, stressing the importance of as many young people visiting the building as possible. It was noted the Board meeting was the largest Wiltshire had seen in the last five years and the meeting would proceed as quickly as possible to allow people to enjoy the building.


The membership of the Board introduced themselves.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from:


David Martin and Ruth Hopkinson (Corsham Town Council)

Terry O’Neil (Lacock Parish Council)

Sue Stockley (Corsham Chamber of Commerce)

Chloe Lintern (Young Persons’ representative)

Kevin Gaskin (Corsham Community Area Network)



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2014.

Supporting documents:




The minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2014 were approved as a

correct record with the following amendment to the wording of Item 8g:


‘The Community Centre had now closed but all groups using the premises had been found alternative venues in the interim period before facilities were available within the new Campus’ should read: ‘The Community Centre had now closed but all community groups using the premises had been found alternative venues in the interim period before facilities were available within the new Campus’.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


There were no declarations of interest received.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive the following chairman’s announcements:


·         Garden Waste Collection

·         WW1 Commemorative Event

·         Changes to Electoral Registration System

Supporting documents:


The Chairman took the opportunity to note the presence of a photographer and invite those attending to inform him if this posed any problems.


The Chairman drew attention to the announcements as provided within the

agenda pack which included:


·         Garden Waste Collection
It was highlighted there was an ongoing public consultation on garden waste which began on 1 July and would run until 1 September offering residents three proposals for changes to the service. Details of these proposals and a full update were available on page 15 of the agenda pack.


·         WW1 Commemorative Event

It was announced there would be an event held at Tidworth Military cemetery at 10am on 30 July to mark the 100 year anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War and those present were encouraged to attend. The Chairman also encouraged attendance at a similar event at Saint Bartholomew Church on 3 Aug from 6pm.


·         Changes to the Electoral Registration System
It was noted there would be changes to the Electoral Registration System which would require some present to re-enrol. The Chairman acknowledged some residents may have already received the details by post and referred attention to page 19 of the agenda pack for further details.


Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


(a)  Wiltshire Police

(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

(c)  Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

(d)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(e)  Corsham Community Area Network (CCAN)

(f)   Chamber of Commerce

Supporting documents:


(a)  Wiltshire Police
Sgt Nick Cooke from the Neighbourhood Policing team (NPT) drew attention to a full update available in the agenda pack and showed his enthusiasm for the coming Police move into Springfield Community Campus, adding that he would be available after the meeting to answer any questions.


(b)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

The update provided by Corsham Town Council was noted.


(c)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Mike Franklin explained that consultation to consider options for the future of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service started on Monday 21 July and would finish on 20 October.

Details of the consultation could be found by following the attached link below:


(d)  Young Person Update

The Chairman gave an update on behalf of Chloe Lintern.


Chloe Lintern, the Young People’s Representative, was unable to attend the meeting and had provided a written report, a copy of which is attached to the minutes.  The Chairman highlighted the forthcoming meeting of the UK Youth Parliament, of which Chloe is Deputy Member for North Wiltshire, on 25 July where five important issues for young people would be considered with one to be decided on as the campaign for the following year. The Chairman voiced his support for this ‘Make Your Mark’ initiative and the involvement of young people in politics.


Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update

To receive an update from the CATG following its last meeting held on 19 June and to consider any recommendations arising.

Supporting documents:


An update following the last meeting on 19 June was received stating a site meeting had been held between the local member and area highway representatives to discuss the junction of Grove Road and Station Road Corsham following community concern.  A commitment had been made to refresh existing road marking and ensure visibility would be maintained by removing unnecessary vegetation.

The Area Board considered the report on page 35 of the agenda and was asked to contribute from the CATG budget to fund a topographical survey of the area to assist investigating a substantial solution to the problem.




Corsham Area Board approved a contribution of a maximum of £1,500 from the CATG budget to fund a topographical survey of the area.


Community Area Grants

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider the following applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme:


·         Corsham Rugby Youth Section - £992 to purchase training kit

·         Rudloe pre-school - £1,000 to improve play area

Supporting documents:


The following Community Area Grants were considered with the decisions recorded accordingly below:



Corsham Rugby Football Club Junior Section was awarded £992 towards a total project cost of £992 to purchase new equipment.



Rudloe Pre-School was awarded £1,000 towards a total project cost of £1,000 to renovate the play area and disabled access.


Youth Activities

Cllr Laura Mayes to provide an update following the review of Youth Activity undertaken earlier this year.


Cllr Laura Mayes thanked the Board for her invitation and introduced herself as Cabinet member for Children’s Services including her responsibilities to support education and skills for children, child protection, safeguarding, adoption and the Youth Service. Cllr Mayes gave a presentation providing updates following the review of Youth Activity undertaken earlier this year.


It was explained that following the review there would be a new model for the Youth Service and the Springfield Community Campus was a fine example of this model and the benefit of a community coming together. The existing Youth Service model had been in place for over ten years and, alongside being out-dated, was expensive to run, it was necessary to make savings, be sustainable, make use of new technology and adapt to changes to family life. The Cabinet Member emphasised however the new model must retain a firm commitment to protecting vulnerable children. With regards to Springfield Community Campus, the Councillor praised this example of the new model in its involvement of young people and tailoring facilities to their needs, citing how 90% of those surveyed desired a climbing wall, prompting the construction of one.


The four proposals for a ‘new model’ had been considered before one was decided on:

(i)            The same service with less money;

(ii)          Paying a charity and the commissioning out of services;

(iii)         The take-over of existing services by existing staff;

(iv)         A community-led model.

It was explained that the fourth model was chosen by the Council following extensive community consultation which received the largest ever response in Wiltshire, involving many young people. 1,770 young people replied to the survey, contributing ideas, and plans were changed in recognition of these. The results of the survey also highlighted issues of importance to young people and showed they value youth work, notably access to trained and trusted adults. The Voluntary and Community sector also praised the new model and were keen to become involved.


Three key characteristics of the model were presented:

(i)            Services tailored by young people and communities;

(ii)          Trained Community Youth Officers (CYOs) to assure the quality and tailoring of services;

(iii)         Area Boards to receive funding to support these provisions.

It was also noted that: CYOs would assist community groups, Youth Advisory Groups (YAGs)would be known as Local Youth Networks (LYNs) and there would be Youth Support Workers to support the most vulnerable children.


The importance of the Springfield Community Campus having community ownership was celebrated and the need for the community to decide how to spend the budget for the campus of approximately £10,000 for the year 2014/15 and £20,000 for 2015/16.


The Chairman invited questions andthe suggestion of open days for residents of the parishes to visit Springfield Community Campus was praised. The Chairman reminded those in attendance that Springfield Community was not only for Corsham but also the surrounding area and the possibility of an electric shuttle bus between the two was mentioned. Opportunities for international exchanges for young people via Springfield Community  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Future Meeting Dates

The next meeting of the Corsham Area Board will take place on 25 September 2014.


The next meeting of the Corsham Area Board will take place on 25 September 2014.


Introduction to Springfield Campus

The Area Board will invite those present to look around the new facilities on offer at the Springfield Campus.


After the meeting, Cllr Jane Scott, OBE, the Leader of Wiltshire Council provided some context for the Campus development, citing it as a very important project for Wiltshire, noting a review in 2009 revealed the cost of maintaining services in their current condition would be £117m. A sustainable, efficient provision of essential services designed by the community was promoted and Springfield Community Campus was applauded as an example of the design of services by and for Corsham and tailored to its needs.


The benefit of cross-fertilisation, due to service provision in one hub, was underlined alongside the vision of Springfield Community Campus at the heart of the community and one where there would be many opportunities, including meeting with councillors, the police and opportunities for work experience placements for young people. Additionally, the Springfield Community Campus would hopefully be a catalyst for more community action to deal with situations in the community, such as the aging population.


Thanks were given to those on the COB, particularly Alan Bosley, Alan MacRae, Marcus Chapman, Sally Fletcher, Christine Reid, Pat Kelly, Steve Hammond and Area Board members. The Leader finished by expressing her anticipation for Stage 2 of the development. It was noted there would be another meeting of the COB over the next month or two so they could explain to Corsham residents how they delivered the building.


The Chairman extended an invitation for attendees to take part in a tour of Springfield Community Campus.