Venue: On-Line Meeting
Contact: Kevin Fielding (Democratic Services Officer)
No. | Item |
Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements Announcements:
· Vice-Chairman of Area Board Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everybody to the Melksham Area Board meeting.
The Melksham Area Board members were introduced.
The following Chairman’s Announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:
· Vice-Chairman of Area Board – Cllr Nick Holder was elected Vice-Chairman of the Melksham Area Board
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18 May 2021
Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision
· That the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18 May 2021 were confirmed as the correct record
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Proposed A350 Melksham Bypass: launch of public consultation into shortlisted route options Steve Wilson - Major Projects Highways Engineer, Wiltshire Council
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Steve Wilson - Major Projects Highways Engineer, Wiltshire Council outlined the second public consultation of the A350 Melksham Bypass.
That the consultation provided the opportunity to gather additional information on the scheme and its potential effects and help identify mitigation measures where required.
The views of organisations with specialist knowledge of the area would be particularly important in helping to refine the proposals.
It should be noted that the consultation was not a public ‘vote’ for or against the scheme. A wide range of factors had to be taken into account in determining the emerging bypass option.
There would be other formal consultation stages in the future, including at the planning application and in connection with the statutory orders, but it was considered that ongoing consultation was a vital aspect in developing major projects of this type.
Your views would help Wiltshire Council develop the scheme, and would be taken into account.
Note: A comprehensive power point presentation was attached to these minutes.
Points made included:
Primary transport objectives
· Reduced journey times and improved reliability north - south along A350
• Reduced journey times and improved reliability east – west through Melksham
• Provide enhanced opportunities for walking & cycling
• Safety – reduce personal injury rates and severity
• Reduce the severance effect of the existing A350 route
About the second consultation
The scheme is now progressing towards the submission of the Outline Business Case (OBC).
The aims of this non-statutory consultation were to:
• Engage with stakeholders affected by or interested in the scheme
• Engage with potentially affected landowners
• Encourage involvement from stakeholders and build strong open relationships
• Raise awareness of the scheme and understanding for the need to improve the A350
• Inform about the single emerging option identified
• Understand stakeholder concerns, issues and suggestions
• Receive feedback on the single emerging option to allow us to develop the scheme further
• Prepare for the statutory consultation phases
Emerging Bypass option
• Approximately 9km long
• Single carriageway (9.3m) with scope to widen
• Generally designed for national speed limit
• Roundabout at A350 tie in north of Halfway Farm and south of Lacock village
• Long, low level viaduct needed across River Avon and flood zone
• Bridge at Wilts & Berks canal route
• Woodrow Road – no junction. Woodrow Road diverted at Hack Farm
• Bridges at Forest Brook
• Roundabout with A3102 Sandridge Common east of Manor Farm
• Alignment developed to avoid suspected buried historical settlement with archaeological interest
• Bridges for Clackers Brook
• Roundabout with A365 west of Vernon Farm
• Route passes approximately mid way between Bowerhill and Kennet & Avon canal
• Roundabout at A350 between Littleton & Hampton Park roundabouts, to the north of the Kennet & Avon aqueduct
Environmental matters
• Initial environmental and ecological surveys done – more investigations needed
• Some impacts unavoidable – always looking to mitigate and enhance
• Screening vegetation and hedgerows
• Attenuation ponds – opportunity for habitat creation
• Flood ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
Melksham Community Campus i) Build update ii) Archaeology and outreach programme iii) Future use of Melksham House
Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling - Cabinet Member for Leisure, Libraries, Governance, Facilities Management and Operational Assets Louise Cary - Head of Community Development Natasha Gumbrell - Business Manager, Community Campus & Hubs Build Rory Bowen - Head of Service, Economic Regeneration
Supporting documents:
Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling - Cabinet Member for Leisure, Libraries, Governance, Facilities Management and Operational Assets introduced the latest Melksham Campus update.
Louise Cary - Head of Community Development, Rory Bowen - Head of Service, Economic Regeneration updated on the campus construction & Natasha Gumbrell - Business Manager, Community Campus & Hubs Build.
· That Campus Construction commenced in March, led by Pellikaan Construction Ltd
· That the steel frame was close to completion
· That the Sports Hall roof decking had been installed
· That the pool shell and associated pipework had been installed
· The Lift shafts were now installed
· That works to refurbish the Northern Boundary had concluded
· That construction was due to conclude in the Summer of 2022
Melksham House
Points made included:
· That a design team had now been appointed
· Designs were currently being finalised for the refurbishment of the house
· A planning application was due to be made in early July 2021
· Multiple surveys were being undertaken to support this application
· The application would seek permission to convert the house into flexible work space
· The rear hall would be retained to provide multi-purpose activity/community space
· All newer extensions to the house would be removed
Melksham House Planning
Points made included: · There would be a public open day on the 6July 2021in the Melksham Library.
· Designs would be on display, with the project team on-hand to answer any questions.
· There would be an opportunity for the community to leave feedback, and for those that could not attend in person, the plans would be added to the Melksham Campus webpage and social media accounts
Levelling up fund
Points made included:
· Funds had been earmarked for the Melksham House project
· An application had been submitted to the Government’s Levelling Up Fund towards the re-purposing of the building
· If the bid was successful, this would also release funds for exploration of future regeneration opportunities in Melksham town centre, including at the current Blue Pool and Library sites
· The Levelling Up bid would also seek funding for an active travel initiative, provision of a range of sustainable transport measures which would deliver a range of enhancements, improve accessibility, connectivity and legibility to Melksham House and the town centre and an indicative proposal had been presented with the bid and this would be refined through the Town Council-led Priority for People Programme
It was agreed that the Melksham Area Board members should be involved in discussions around the Levelling Up bud and that a briefing with Area Board members and Town Council members would be arranged.
The Chairman thanked everybody for their updates.
Public Consultation by Melksham Without Parish Council on a potential Public Works Loan for a new village hall at Berryfield Cllr Richard Wood
Supporting documents: Minutes:
Cllr Richard Wood advised that Melksham Without Parish Council were to undertake a Public Consultation on a potential Public Works Loan for a new village hall at Berryfield.
Points made included:
· That it was hoped to build the village hall before the contractors finished on the site
· That Melksham Without Parish Council were looking to appoint a contractor for this work
· That Melksham Without Parish Council would not have enough funds to start work in September 2021, hence the need to potentially take out a Public Works Loan
The Chairman thanked Cllr Richard Wood for his update.
Appointments of lead members to outside bodies and working groups To make appointments to outside bodies and working groups for 2021/22 as follows:
- Cllr Alford - Cllr Holder - Cllr Hubbard - Cllr Oatley - Cllr Sankey - Cllr Seed Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Melksham Area Board agreed the following appointments to outside bodies and working groups for 2021/22:
Note: that the Local Youth Network would discuss leadership of the LYN group and update at a future Area Board meeting
Member lead areas:
Cllr Phil Alford - Environment Cllr Jon Hubbard – Children and Young people Cllr Mike Sankey - Safety Cllr Jonathon Seed – Economy and Transport Cllr Nick Holder – Older People; Health and Wellbeing Cllr Jack Oatley – Culture; Children and Young People
Delegation to Community Engagement Manager To agree policy on CEM Delegated Authority to award funding in between meetings Supporting documents: Minutes:
The Melksham Area Board were asked to agree policy on CEM Delegated Authority to award funding in between meetings.
Wiltshire Area Boards had previously delegated authority to officers to grant funding from their delegated community, youth, health and wellbeing budgets in respect of urgent matters that may arise between meetings of the Area Board. It was proposed this delegation was updated for the new council term and extended to cover Community Area Transport Group recommendations.
In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, and due to Area Board engagements increasingly taking place outside of formal meetings, it was recognized that Area Boards now conduct their businesses with increased flexibility and according to community need. The proposed delegation would allow essential decision-making business to continue under such circumstances.
Under the proposed delegation, consultation would take place with the Chairman of the Area Board (or in their absence, the Vice-Chairman) by the Community Engagement Manager to determine urgent matters. It was recognized in urgent situations all members may not be contactable in the timescales required (for instance due to time off or sickness), however, where possible the views of all members should be sought.
Area Board Model and Dates of Future Meetings · Area Board: Wednesdays 22 September, 8 December, 9 March
· Community Area Transport Group: Thursdays 9 September, 25 November, 24 February
· Health and Wellbeing Group: quarterly, dates TBC
· Special meeting on Older People – Autumn 2021
· Special meeting on Young People - Spring 2022 Supporting documents: Minutes:
The Melksham Area Board noted the Area Board model and dates of future meetings:
· Area Board: Wednesdays 22 September 2021, 8 December 2021, 9 March 2022
· Community Area Transport Group: Thursdays 9 September 2021, 25 November 2021, 24 February 2022
· Health and Wellbeing Group: quarterly, dates TBC
· Special meeting on Older People – Autumn 2021
· Special meeting on Young People - Spring 2022
Budget Allocations 2021/22: Melksham Area Board Community Grants: £44,617 capital Community Area Transport Group: £12,169 capital Health and Wellbeing: £7,700 revenue Youth Grants: £18,349 revenue
Total £82,835
Carry-forward from 2020/21: Public Open Spaces budget: £11,791 capital Young Carers Initiative: £2,750 revenue Supporting documents: Minutes:
Peter Dunford outlined the Melksham budget allocations for 2021/22.
Community Grants: £44,617 capital Community Area Transport Group: £12,169 capital Health and Wellbeing: £7,700 revenue Youth Grants: £18,349 revenue
Total £82,835
Carry-forward from 2020/21: Public Open Spaces budget: £11,791 capital Young Carers Initiative: £2,750 revenue
The Area Board noted the budget allocations for 2021/22.
Applications for Grant Funding · Melksham Station Hub requesting £5,000 towards a canopy in the piazza area
· Shaw and Whitley Community Hub requesting £5,000 towards the set up of a community shop
· Cllr Alford requesting £5,000 towards resurfacing the Millennium Riverside Walk
· Cllr Hubbard requesting £495 towards a defibrillator to be sited at the cricket pavilion at King George V Playing Fields
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Community Area Grants
Melksham Station Hub awarded £5,000 towards a canopy in the piazza area
Shaw and Whitley Community Hub awarded £5,000 towards the set up of a community shop
Councillor Led Initiative
Cllr Alford awarded £5,000 from the Green space funding pot towards resurfacing the Millennium Riverside Walk – Noted: to be confirmed the continued use of the path with the land owner, and that contractors would be able to access the land to carry out any future work
Cllr Hubbard awarded £495 towards a defibrillator to be sited at the cricket pavilion at King George V Playing Fields
Melksham Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Supporting documents:
Minutes: Cllr Jon Hubbard outlined recommendations from the CATG meeting held on Thursday 10 June 2021:
Melksham Lowbourne Rd and Church Lane – request for bus shelters and benches - Highways to chase up provision of benches
Issue 9-19-13 – Melksham Old Broughton Road – request for drop kerbs at junction with The City - Final cost to be split 50/50 between CATG and Town Council and to recommend to the Area Board that this issue be closed
6055 – Broughton Gifford - Gateways and Traffic Management measures - A road closure will be required during construction. Highways will commence with programming the work. To recommend to the Area Board the allocation of a further £2,000 to complete this project
A365 Shaw Bath Road Footway improvements – funded by Section 106 monies from George Ward Gardens development - Highways to arrange construction
Issue 9-19-9 – Bowerhill Falcon Way – Request for Bus Shelter near Kingfisher Drive for southbound travel - Parish Council to seek clearance from Land Owner
Melksham Dunch Lane – funded by Section 106 monies from George Ward Gardens development - Town Council to undertake consultation
Issue 9-21-4 – Steeple Ashton - Request for 2 x ground sockets and support post to enable SID deployment - To recommend to the Area Board that this issue is added to the Priority List and to allocate £500
Issue 9-21-5 – Littlemarsh old section of A350 – Speeding, littering and anti-social behaviour - Highways to arrange site meeting
· That the Melksham Area Board agrees the CATG meeting notes dated 10 June 2021 and the agrees all recommendations
The Chairman thanked Cllr Hubbard for his update. |
Public questions Members of the public are invited to ask questions relating to Area Board business
Minutes: There were no public questions. |
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Melksham Health and Wellbeing Group 020921 slidepack Supporting documents: |