Venue: Sarum Academy, Westwood Road, Salisbury, SP2 9HS
Contact: James Hazlewood (Senior Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item |
7.10pm |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Salisbury Area Board and invited the members of the Board to introduce themselves.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Stephanie Denovan, Service Director for Education, Wiltshire Council.
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 January 2012. Supporting documents: Minutes: In response to requests for updates from the previous meeting, the Chairman advised as follows:
· The issue of dropped kerbs was still under consideration by the Community Area Transport Group, and had been listed fifth in terms of priority. The issue of disabled parking had been referred to the Cabinet Member, and a full county-wide review was being undertaken, with Salisbury prioritised for initial investigation. · The matter of Housing had been deferred from the January meeting. However, officers had reported that there was no information to update on the matter of how the new applications system would work. As such, the item would come back to the Area Board when this was known.
In relation to Item 17 on the minutes of the 12 January meeting, Councillor Mary Douglas clarified that further than being merely aware of the proposed changes to membership on outside bodies, she had in fact requested them.
Decision The minutes of the meeting held on 12 January 2012 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the following amendment: At item 17 (Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups) replace the words “was aware of” with “had requested”.
ACTION: James Hazlewood
Declarations of Interest Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: Councillor Paul Sample declared a personal interest in item 6 (Funding for Youth Initiatives) as his son was presenting for one of the applications.
Chairman's Announcements a) Core Strategy Consultation b) Tidying up Salisbury – Contact CLARENCE on 0800 232323, or email c) Update on Marketplace d) Extraordinary meeting of the Area Board – Thursday 22 March, 7pm at South Wilts Grammar School, to consider Transport policy for the city. e) Quality Bus Partnership
Supporting documents: Minutes: a) Core Strategy Consultation – The Chairman noted that the Wiltshire Core Strategy Pre-submission Document was currently out for consultation prior to submission to the Planning Inspectorate for an Examination in Public. Details were set out on page 15 of the agenda.
b) Tidying up Salisbury – In view of the high profile events planned for Salisbury in 2012 (including events to celebrate The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and events celebrating the arrival of the Olympic Torch) it was hoped that people would continue to report any defects such as potholes and litter on the highway. Anyone wishing to do so, could contact CLARENCE on 0800 232323, or email
c) Update on Marketplace – An application to pollard the four large London Plane trees had recently been approved, and another was in process to pollard the remaining trees this season. Architects Letts Wheeler had pulled out of the process due to the scaled down design, so officers were currently identifying another architect. Any plans would come back to the Area Board prior to being finalised.
d) Extraordinary meeting of the Area Board - The Chairman noted that the Area Board was holding an Extraordinary meeting at 7pm on 22 March, at South Wilts Grammar School, to consider Transport policy for the city. All were welcome.
e) Quality Bus Partnership – Information on this was not currently available, but would be included in the minutes of the meeting. (Subsequent to the meeting, the following information was provided: Wiltshire Council was entering into a Quality Bus Partnership with the Wilts & Dorset Bus Co., Stagecoach, Hatts and Salisbury Vision for the purpose of developing a high quality public transport network. The new Partnership would be formally launched in the April/May. Meanwhile, work was already underway to identify improvements that could be made in the city, and to prepare a bid to government for a grant under the Better Bus Area fund. It was hoped that the Partnership would bring significant benefits to the public transport services in the city and progress would be reported periodically to the Area Board)
7.05pm |
Funding for Youth Initiatives To run a participatory budgeting exercise in which everyone attending the meeting will be asked to make a decision on bids for funding for youth initiatives.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman explained the process to be following for the proposed Participatory Budgeting exercise. It was suggested that in future, other options for this type of public involvement exercise would be to involve the Youth Council, or the Youth Forum being set up by the City Council.
Decision The Salisbury Area Board: 1. Agrees to adopt the Participatory Budgeting process as indicated in sections 4, 5 and 6 of the report, as the method of distributing the Area Board’s funding for youth initiatives, bearing in mind that there is a resource shortfall between the budget and the funding aspirations of projects submitted to the meeting. 2. Agrees to support the four applications set out in the report for the participatory budgeting process, and allocates the budget of £7,825 to take forward the two applications selected through the process. Reason – To allow the Participatory Budgeting exercise to proceed, and to ensure the spend of £7,825 on projects supported by the public.
The Chairman invited presentations from the four applicants, each of whom then spoke to explain the idea behind the proposals, the identified need, and the intended outcomes:
· Splash – activity programme for 9-16 year olds. · The Friary Transition Project – initiative to support children moving from primary to secondary school. · Hijack: All Dayer – a free all day youth arts event curated and led by young people in collaboration with Salisbury Arts Centre. · Salisbury Campus Educational Trust – To provide a minibus to allow students the means to travel around the community for various aspects of their community work.
A number of questions were put to the applicants for clarification, then the Chairman invited those present to vote for their favourite bid, using the electronic voting handsets, and asking the groups themselves to refrain from voting.
The Friary Transition Project was selected as the winning bid to receive £5,000, with the Hijack All Dayer event as the second place, receiving £2,825.
The Area Board congratulated all the applicants on their presentations, and commented that all the application were worthy of funding. It was proposed and seconded that the Area Board allocate funds from its 2011/12 budget to allow all four bids to be funded to the full £5,000. It was noted that this would require the deferral of some Community Area Grants applications and/or Councillor-led bids which were on the agenda.
Decision The Salisbury Area Board allocates an additional £12,175 (to the Youth initiatives funding of £7,825) to allow all four bids (Splash, the Friary Transition Project, Hijack All Dayer, and Salisbury Campus Education Trust minibus) to received the full £5,000 funding each, noting the implications this will have on other applications for funding from the 2011/12 budget. Reason – To allow all four projects to proceed in full.
ACTION: Marianna Dodd
7.30pm |
Update from Representatives To receive updates from representatives of the following partner organisations: a) Salisbury City Council b) Laverstock and Ford Parish Council c) Police d) Fire – to include a presentation on the Fire Service’s Integrated Risk Management Plan 2012-15 e) NHS
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Su Thorpe, Leader of Salisbury City Council, updated the meeting on the work of the city council, including details of events to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
In relation to a letter which had been circulated to Councillors, it was noted that there was concern over parking arrangements for events on Bank Holidays, when the full weekday parking charge would apply, and there would be no Park and Ride service. It was noted that parking arrangements were under consideration, and the Area Board was asked to forward the City Council’s concerns over this issue to the relevant Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member.
Inspector Andy Noble added that these events would have an overarching traffic management plan, and it had been suggested that Park and Ride would run on the Sunday and Bank Holidays.
Decision That the issue of parking arrangements for large events planned for the Jubilee weekend, particularly those on Bank Holidays, be referred to the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport.
ACTION: James Hazlewood
David Law of Laverstock and Ford Parish Council, referred to the anticipated planning application for a new supermarket on Southampton Road. The Parish Council were concerned by the impact this would have on the existing traffic issue in the villages. The Area Board noted that the site was not included in the South Wiltshire Core Strategy.
Inspector Andy Noble, referred to the tabled written update from Wiltshire Police. Although figures for violent crimes were stable, figures for theft were up slightly on the same period last year. Targeted action was being taken against two individuals which seemed to be addressing the issue.
Responding to comments regarding media coverage of proactive police work to reduce theft of lead, Inspector Noble thanked the partner agencies involved, including Wiltshire Council’s licensing team.
Scott Taylor, Station Manger with Wiltshire Fire and Rescue, gave a presentation on the Fire Services Integrated Risk Management Plan 2012-15, which set out proposed operational changes required to maintain and improve service in the face of funding reductions.
The main proposals were as follows: · To introduce a salary system for retained staff; · To alter the wholetime duty system; · To create communities for service resilience; · To alter shift times; · To move specialist appliances to where they are statistically required; and · To use dedicated staff as primary crew on specialist appliances.
In response to a question, Scott explained that the changes would leave officers better placed to undertake more fire prevention work, and that consultation on the proposals was currently being undertaken with staff and professional bodies.
It was agreed that a more detailed item on the operation of the Fire Service should come to a future meeting of the Area Board.
ACTION: James Hazlewood
The Area Board noted the written update from the NHS at pages 45-46.
7.45pm |
Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP) Supporting documents: Minutes: Debrah Biggs, Chairman of “Our Salisbury”, the Salisbury City Community Area Partnership (SCCAP), gave an update on the work of the Partnership, reporting that the consultation on the draft Community Plan was open until 30 March.
In addition, the Partnership was working with the Area Board to host a Community Planning event on Thursday 29 March – 6.30pm for a 7pm start at the Guildhall.
The Chairman explained why the Area Board was considering the 2012/13 funding for SCCAP, and emphasised that the money would be allocated from next year’s budget.
The Area Board placed on record its thanks and appreciation for all the hard work of the volunteers involved in running SCCAP.
Decision The Salisbury Area Board: 1. Noted the documentation provided by the Partnership (Claim for Running Costs 2012/13, Workplan 2012/13). 2. Approved the whole year’s core funding for SCCAP (£15,614) to be released after 1 April 2012. Reason – To allow the work of the Partnership to continue.
ACTION: Marianna Dodd
7.55pm |
Update on Finger Posts To approve the exact proposals for use of the funding previously allocated to refurbishing finger posts in the city.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: It was noted that the Area Board, at its meeting on 17 November 2011, had agreed to allocate £10,000 towards refurbishing fingerpost signage in the city. A report was set out at pages 49-66 detailing the precise condition of each fingerpost sign in the city, and recommending how the money should be allocated.
The Area Board welcomed the report, commenting that this would support the city in remaining a popular tourist destination. In terms of attracting more tourists, it was suggested that brown tourist signs should be erected on the nearby motorways and trunk routes, including the A303 and the M3. It was agreed that a report be requested from officers to outline the cost implications of this.
ACTION: James Hazlewood
Decision The Salisbury Area Board agreed that the £10,000 previously allocated to this matter be spent as follows: 1. All fingerposts with broken locking mechanisms, missing, broken or illegible fingers and missing finials, as highlighted in Appendix A to the report, are replaced at a cost of £7750. This figure breaks down as £6315 for the supply of replacement sign posts and fingers, £1250 for the removal and disposal of existing sign posts and fingers and the installation of new sign posts and fingers and £185 delivery costs. 2. Two additional signs are provided, one in Endless Street and one Castle Street, to complete signage of routes to the Arts Centre at a cost of £950. This breaks down as £600 for the supply of new sign posts and fingers and £350 for the installation of new sign posts and fingers. 3. The local Highways Maintenance Office be requested to cut back foliage obstructing visibility of signs. This work can be undertaken from existing maintenance budgets. 4. The local Streetscene Team be requested to clean all signs at a cost of £250. 5. The remaining budget of £1050 is held in contingency. Reason – To maximise the benefit of the funding allocated, and as set out in the report.
ACTION: Paul Shaddock
8.00pm |
Waste and Recycling Collection Service To receive a presentation and update on the implementation of the new Waste and Recycling Collection Service.
Minutes: Martin Litherland, Head of Waste Collection, gave a presentation on the new waste collection arrangements. These changes were due to the need to harmonise the old district council services as part of the move to a unitary authority for Wiltshire, and the need to reduce waste sent to landfill, with landfill tax increasing to £80 per tonne by 2014.
A public consultation had been held on the proposed new arrangements during the summer of 2011, with over 72% of respondents in favour of the proposals.
The new service would comprise of a fortnightly collection of garden waste, plastic bottles and cardboard, and the existing black box recycling (glass, tins and clothing), and fortnightly collection of residual waste, with the two collections on the same day of the week, on alternate weeks.
Some roads in the city centre had been identified as “exception sites”, and would continue to receive weekly collections due to a combination of the demography (i.e. elderly population) and the type of buildings (i.e. flats, or terraced housing with no front gardens or rear access to store wheeled bins). These roads had been selected by officers using local knowledge, and following consultation with Councillors.
The new service would commence on 26 March, and collection calendars and information had been sent to all residents. Anyone wishing to seek clarification was encouraged to call the council on 0300 456 0102 or email
Questions and comments were raised including the following points:
· Martin acknowledged that not all roads would have the two collections on the same days, but that this would be the case for the vast majority of households.
· Large print copies of the collection calendars were available on request.
· Martin confirmed that all new bins had been sourced from within the UK.
· The view was expressed that the new collection arrangements amounted to a drop in service for Salisbury residents, and that other roads should be added to the list to retain weekly collections, including Salt Lane and Bedwyn Street. It was also noted that while the consultation had shown 72% in favour of the proposals across the county, the figure in the former Salisbury District Council area had been much lower.
· The view was also made that the Council had a policy requirement to increase recycling and to reduce the cost of landfill tax. The draft Community Plan showed that 55% wanted more recycling, and it was anticipated that the new proposals would increase recycling rates from 35% to 50%.
Following a proposal that the Area Board should amend the list of sites to continue to received weekly collection, it was noted that this was not within the powers of the Area Board. As such, any such motion would be put forward as a recommendation to the officers and the cabinet member.
Decision The Salisbury Area Board has outstanding concerns regarding the list of roads to continue to receive weekly waste collection, and recommends that the following roads be added to the list: · Salt Lane and ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
8.10pm |
Air Quality in Salisbury City Centre To receive information on Wiltshire Council’s Air Quality Management Strategy, and specifically the local action plan for Salisbury.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Mandy Bradley, Service Director for Public Protection Services, gave a presentation on Air Quality in Salisbury.
The Council had a statutory duty to manage local air quality by undertaking regular reviews and assessments of air quality, and declaring an Air Quality Management Area if certain standards were not met.
The Wiltshire Air Quality Strategy 2011-15 set out the arrangements for the County. Salisbury was currently meeting 6 out of the 7 pollutants. The remaining concern related to nitrogen dioxide, and although the short term targets were being met, the long term annual average of 40ug/m3 was not being met. Three separate Air Quality Management Areas had been designated: A36 (St Paul’s roundabout – Hawthorn Close) A30 (St Mark’s roundabout – rail bridge), and Salisbury city centre. The source of the pollutants had been identified as traffic.
An evaluation of the figures over recent years showed that levels of pollutants were dropping in some areas. This could be due to a number of factors, including on-going transport planning, introduction of Park and Ride, and the increasing cost of fuel.
Work was on-going to review Air Quality Action plans to develop a county-wide action plan, and to produce Supplementary Planning Guidance on Air Quality to support the Core Strategy. Work would also continue with local transport groups, and to develop local practical measures to encourage sustainable transport options.
Input was welcomed from local communities and Area Boards.
8.25pm |
Fugglestone Red - Next phase of development To receive a further presentation on the proposals for the next phase of the Fugglestone Red development, following the initial presentation at the 12 January Area Board meeting. Display boards will also be available to view at the start of the meeting.
(It should be noted that this item is being presented to the Area Board for information and consultation only. A planning application is expected to be submitted regarding this site in the near future. The Area Board has no powers to determine planning applications; this authority rests with the Southern Area Planning Committee.)
Minutes: Glenn Godwin, of Pegasus Planning, gave an update on the proposals for the second phase of development at the Fugglestone Red site.
A display board at the back of the room showed the latest version of the detailed plans, and consultation was ongoing with local groups, including the Bemerton Heath Residents Association and the Governors of Sarum Academy.
A “drop-in” consultation event was being held next Wednesday 21 March 2012, 1pm – 8pm at the Bemerton Heath Neighbourhood Centre.
8.35pm |
Planning for Wiltshire Celebration Events To consider arrangements for the proposed Wiltshire Celebration Event on 1 or 2 May for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and also the event on 11 July, celebrating the arrival of the Olympic Torch in Salisbury.
A working group has been established to plan for these events – an update will be presented to the Area Board.
Minutes: This item was deferred due to the lateness of the hour.
8.40pm |
Your Local Issues Marianna Dodd (Salisbury Community Area Manager) will report on the progress of the issues recently raised by local people.
Detailed information on the progress of individual issues is available on the council’s website. Go to and click on “Track your community issues”.
Supporting documents: Minutes: This item was also deferred due to the lateness of the hour.
8.45pm |
Grants and Funding To consider community grants and bids for Councillor-led projects, with the opportunity for questions from the public.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: As a result of the Area Board’s decision to fund all four bids for youth funding (item 6), there was not enough money remaining in the 2011/12 budget to fund all applications for Community Area Grants, and the Councillor-led projects as listed in the report.
Following discussion, it was ascertained that the application from the Salisbury City Band of the Royal British Legion could be deferred to the next meeting, when the 2012/13 budget would be available. In addition, Councillor Brian Dalton offered to defer his proposal for a cycle path in Harnham; although as he would not be present for next meeting on 17 May, Councillor John Brady undertook to take it forward on his behalf.
Of the remaining projects, it was agreed to consider first the Councillor-led project for the Jubilee celebration event (paragraph 13 of the report), and then the remaining applications in the order they appeared in the report.
Decision The Salisbury Area Board agreed to allocate £6,000 to support the Area Board’s contribution to the Diamond Jubilee celebration event on 1 May, showcasing the local community through fun and informative interactive events. Reason – To participate in this county-wide event being hosted in Salisbury, and to showcase Salisbury’s vibrant community.
In relation to the application from Spurgeons, it was confirmed that the application was for funds to run two courses (starting in April and September). As such, it would be possible for half the requested funding to be allocated now, and for a new application to come forward for the remaining half in the 2012/13 financial year.
Decision Spurgeons was awarded £789 to provide funding for the Freedom Programme, a 12 week awareness raising course for women who have been affected by domestic violence. In addition, the Area Board invited an application for the remaining half of the funding initially requested, to come from the 2012/13 budget. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2011/12 and would support this resource addressing an identified problem in the City Community Area.
Decision Hoodwink Theatre Company was awarded £2,000 towards Jamboree, an intergenerational project that brings together children and senior citizens through baking cakes and jam tarts, and to link in with the Diamond Jubilee celebrations taking place. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2011/12 and would support this intergenerational project which will contribute to the City’s celebrations of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
It was noted that the application from Circular Arts was recommended for refusal, as it did not meet the criteria of providing three quotes for cost of £5,000. Councillors commented that this requirement came from the Council’s own procurement policy, and the relevant Cabinet Member had been asked to clarify whether this needed to apply to Community Area Grants. In the meantime, the issue was for the Area Board to determine.
It was also noted that the Area Board had funded Circular Arts on numerous occasions, regularly making exceptions to the Community Area Grants criteria to do so. ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
9.10pm |
Future Meeting Dates, Evaluation and Close To note the Board’s Forward Plan, including details of future agenda items.
There will be an Extraordinary meeting of the Salisbury Area Board at 7pm on Thursday 22 March, at South Wilts Grammar School for Girls, Stratford Road, Salisbury SP1 3JJ. This meeting has been called to consider and discuss future transport policy for the City.
The date of the next scheduled meeting is 17 May 2012, at 7pm in the Alamein Suite, City Hall, Malthouse Lane, Salisbury SP2 7TU.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that an Extraordinary meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held next Thursday 22 March 2012, 7pm at South Wilts Grammar School for Girls. This meeting was specifically to discuss transport.
The next ordinary meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on 17 May 2012, at 7pm in The Alamein Suite, City Hall, Malthouse Lane, Salisbury SP2 7TU.