Venue: Alamein Suite, City Hall, Malthouse Lane, Salisbury, SP2 7TU
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||
7.00pm |
Election of a Chairman - 2019/20 Democratic Services Officer will open the meeting and call for nominations for Chairman for 2019/20. Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer opened the meeting and called for nominations for Chairman for 2019/20.
Cllr Douglas nominated Cllr Sven Hocking. This was seconded by Cllr Hoque
Decision Councillor Sven Hocking was elected as Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board for 2019/20.
Election of a Vice-Chairman - 2019/20 To call for nominations for Vice-Chairman for 2019/20. Minutes: Cllr Sven Hocking in the Chair
Nominations for Vice-Chairman were sought.
Cllr Brown nominated Cllr Hoque. This was seconded by Cllr Douglas.
Decision Councillor Hoque was elected as Vice-Chairman of the Salisbury Area Board for 2019/20.
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Salisbury Area Board and invited the members of the Board to introduce themselves.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from:
· Robin McGowan – Salisbury BID
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 16th May 2019. Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 16 May 2019 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: Councillor Mary Douglas declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to Item 13 – Area Board Funding due to an acquaintance with the grant applicants for God Unlimited and The Friary Youth Club. Cllr Douglas took part in the discussion and voted on the applications.
Chairman's Updates The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board.
Minutes: The Chairman gave the following updates:
· The new Group Leader of Conservative Party was Cllr Phillip Whitehead. The election of the new Leader of Wiltshire Council would take place at the Full Council meeting next Tuesday 9 July.
· National Armed Forces Day – Was a huge success, with 27,000 people in attendance on Saturday.
Mr Brown stated that he felt the situation was unacceptable. He asked the Board to go back to the company that had provided the shelters to complain that they were not fit for purpose, as they allowed rain to come through.
Cllr Dean suggested that as the Board had done all it could, that Mr Brown could write to the company if he wished.
Cllr Rogers noted that as they were purchased with a capital grant from the Board, could the Board look for some guidance on what could be done to improve them and at what cost?
Action: Cllr Hocking to liaise with Highways to establish if works could be undertaken to improve the design of the shelters, and will feedback to a future meeting.
Information items a. Healthwatch Wiltshire b. Clinical Commissioning Group c. Wiltshire Council Updates: 1. Healthier Communities 2. Winter Weather Preparations 3. Highways Improvements and Traffic Survey requests d. North Wessex Downs Walking Festival e. Current consultations online: Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda:
Cllr Dean – The Electoral Commission website details a consultation specifically of the Southern Wiltshire.
7.15pm |
Partner and Community Updates To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.
a) Salisbury City Council (SCC) b) Laverstock and Ford Parish Council c) Police d) Fire e) Salisbury BID f) Community Engagement Manager g) Local Area Coordinator h) Air Quality Group
Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board received the following verbal updates from Partners present:
Laverstock & Ford PC Philipa crook new ranger of the country park, now in post. Work on the boardwalk in Laverstock was taking place soon A new play area was underway at Virginia way The Neighbourhood Plan was proceeding, resident consultation was about to start.
Police – Inspector Sparrow National Armed Forces Day weekend only saw one arrest for a minor offence. Local area update was circulated at the meeting. The Police had carried out a successful warrant this week, which resulted in removing £10k of cannabis off the streets. There had been successful convictions of 6 months terms following two incidents of Police assault. A man had been charged with the attempted theft of the Magna Carter. There had been a reduced volume of recorded crime by 1%. Salisbury continued to have one of the lowest crime rates in the country. Crime statistics were available in the pack.
The Board had request a boundary map at the last meeting, was that sent out? Answer: Yes it was emailed to all Board Members.
What was the change to the 101 system? Answer: Yes it has been taken up by the Government and it will become free next year. We have also taken up an online reporting system.
The Board gave thanks to the service provided by the Police.
Fire – Neil McConchie Standing in for the Station Manager who is on leave. The Board noted the written report attached to the agenda.
Community Engagement Manager – Marc Read
· Beat the street competition 20th May launched. 10k people walked, jogged, scooted. Special event in Churchill gardens 11 – 1pm Saturday for awards.
· Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living – Have Your Say – 5th Aug 10am at Salisbury Medical Practice.
Local Area Coordinator – Pip Loach New local coordinator based in Salisbury. The role sat with Public Health with Wiltshire Council. Working closely with the CEM in Salisbury. I work with the individuals in how to become more involved and strengthen them in interacting better in their communities. I cover the whole of the city. Have been working in the Friary and creating links there, and have been finding out about the groups that are currently running in Salisbury. There are a lot of opportinities available. I will be working with Marc on areas that people wish to develop more.
Your post is new, could we have more of a focused update with an example of what you do? Answer: Marc had been contacted by an older gent in the community with issues about his garden, it came to light he was recently bereaved. I went out and found out that there were issues with his garden and some planning near him. I was able to signpost him and find out about what services were around to support him, such as the widowers coffee morning at St Thomas’ Church.
At WC we have ... view the full minutes text for item 49. |
7.30pm |
A Celebration of Grant Assisted Projects To hear from past grant recipiants on how Salisbury Area Board funding has helped to support local projects.
Minutes: Wiltshire Music Centre – Celebrating Age This three-year project was funded by the Arts Council and Wiltshire Council, where isolated people came together to create art work. 16 events had been held so far with 481 people attending at a variety of venues around the city. Future plans included putting together a 5 year funding application for future projects.
Questions: The Board put in £1500 for 3 years, what was the total project cost? Answer: There was other funding from the lottery fund, the whole project cost £100k.
The Secret Garden - 3D Bee Trail Rebecca Twigg, Director of the Secret Garden Salisbury. We encourage people to get outside for health. The Bee Trail was partly funded by the Area Board, who awarded us £4000 of the total £15,000 project.
There is an app with a map that details a route with locations to find the bees which appear around the city on the signs in our green spaces.
Other local businesses supported us with funding including nationally. We won an innovation award from DEFRA and Kew Gardens for the app and the trail and encouraging people outside.
There has been a lot of interest from other cities. This is a permanent project in the city.
Laverstock Country Park and boardwalk would be included as two more points to visit. We have worked with lots of schools and have been running workshops in the secret garden on pollinating.
Our future plans are to have a proper launch around the city, and push this free activity out to everyone.
Salisbury Literary Festival Tom Bromley – Director of Salisbury Literary Festival. We wanted a festival to celebrate the city and to inspire writers for the future. The funding from the Area Board was used quite broadly. We have had 2 festivals so far. This year we ran 43 events across 6 days, where we had around 100 authors into the city.
We will run a full day of free events for children in the city and are about to launch the Salisbury storey prize, a competition for adults and children.
Our events are organised by volunteers with lots of good will, creativity and passion.
This year the festival is scheduled for 18 – 20th October.
Salisbury Post Adoption Support Group Creative Workshops for Adopted Teenagers Sarah Taylor runs the post adoption support group. We wanted to do something not in education but that was more creative, so we set up a group called ‘Make your Mark’. We offered creative arts in sessions where our young people and their families were all invited to come together. The grant enabled us to reach out to hard to reach families and deliver sessions which have had a positive impact on the young people. We have forged strong links with the local arts organisations who have since reached out and offered us opportunities for our young people. Last year we launched a Wiltshire Wide network called WANDS. I have become a national champion for adopters.
Questions ... view the full minutes text for item 50. |
8.15pm |
Maltings Consultation - Update To receive an update on the Maltings Consultation.
Officer: Richard Walters, Head of Service for Major Projects Minutes: Richard Walters, Head of Major Projects gave an update on the progress of the Maltings consultation.
The public consultation ran for over 6 weeks. An application was submitted and considered by Strategic Planning on 19th June. The Committee unanimously supported the Masterplan and that has now been endorsed as a document for material consideration in the future planning considerations. This was an important milestone in the economic development of this site.
We have our key strategic partners like the Environment Agency working on issues like flooding.
Disappointed that the Strategic Planning committee did not approve the application for the library. What is your next step? Answer: The proposal came forward from the developer and the Council was engaging with them. The reasons for refusal were around design, they were working on bringing forward new proposals for the site. It was a matter for the developers.
The Maltings project was an Area Board project set up six to eight years ago, can I ask that our chair continues to be involved.
I was not disappointed that application was turned down, it would be so helpful if we could start to get something sorted out for the Young Gallery and the site for the library. Answer: Cllr Church - With regards to the library and gallery we are going through a consultation process on the cultural strategy for Salisbury. At the end of that process that would hopefully spread some light as to where they may be.
It was a rushed application and was turned down for valid planning reasons. The Conservation Officer objected quite strongly. They need to get it right before it comes back again. With regards to the £6.1m from the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), why is the Council not lobbying the MP to secure the money? Answer: The application was developer led and the Council did not have any input into that. It was important for the LEP funding to remain in Salisbury, the Council was talking directly with the LEP.
8.25pm |
High Street Fund & Central Area Framework Update To receive updates on the High Street Fund consultation and the Central Area Framework.
Officers: Victoria Moloney, Head of South Wiltshire Economic Recovery Team & Tom Dobrasian Programme Director for Economic Recovery. Minutes: Victoria Moloney Head of South Wiltshire Economic Recovery Team gave an update on the High Street Fund.
We would hear back on whether our bid was successful in the summer 2019.
At the last meeting with SCC, Cllr Dean advised that we should look at all areas of funding, including the Heritage Asset Bid. We have been speaking to some heritage focused community groups.
Questions: When do we expect to have a definitive answer? Answer: Summer 2019.
This is a real opportunity to get one area correct, in sharing what the public want for the city. I am certain we will get the £25 million high street funding, but we need to involve the public.
Tom Dobrashian, Programme Director for Economic Recovery gave an update on the Central Area Framework
The consultation was initiated over a week ago and is available online.
There are information boards at the back of the hall for people to view. We are trying to get a cross section of views form visitors, residents and businesses across Salisbury
Tibbalds presented for us at the Last Area Board. Where we proposed a number of objectives.
We did not go into the detail of the Framework, we have raised some concepts, like character areas. We suggest that the Character of Salisbury can be improved and linkages can be strengthened.
People friendly streets, pedestrianisation and introducing changes, with treatments to pavements to enhance beauty of the place.
Consultation is running for you to have your say.
Where else are the Information boards on display? Answer: The boards will be in the library until 8th August. Also on display at 5 Rivers.
Can we remind you to have a close relationship with the Community Safety Group.
8.35pm |
Area Board Funding The Board will consider requests to the Area Board funding schemes as detailed in the report attached to the agenda, and summariesd below:
Community Area Grants Scheme:
Youth Projects:
Health & Wellbeing Projects:
No applications to consider at this meeting. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered 4 applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
God Unlimited This was based just outside Shrewton, and provids outdoor opportunities for adults and young people, with job opportunities for around 20 people and many volunteers.
We work to assist young people who are really struggling in schools. We work with them to better manage the transition in their lives.
We have applied for £5000 from three Boards, Salisbury, Amesbury and Southern Wiltshire, as our clients come from across those community areas.
There are three elements to the project, roofing, a toilet block and a low rope course in our woodland.
As you are based in Shrewton, how many people come from Salisbury? Answer: 27
The benefits are worthy.
Decision God Unlimited was awarded £5000 towards an outside therapy expansion of services for 2020. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20.
Salisbury Live This was an annual music festival in and around Salisbury each year. This year we will have the launch in Market Square and close in Riverbourne Community Farm. These will be two large free events.
The Salisbury Bash is something that the public asked for. In conjunction with SCC we have some brilliant headline bands.
Starting tomorrow 5th July, leading up to this event there would be free music in the Market Square every Friday.
Decision Salisbury Live was awarded £1625 towards the Summer Bas project. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2019/20.
Decision The application from the Buzz Action Foundation was deferreduntil a representative could attend.
Castle Hill Country Park The new Ranger of the Country park was providing 3 days a week at the park and her other 2 days on the Farm developing their water meadows.
The parish council owned the park. The endowment was given to the parish to manage the Park. I am tasked to gain additional funding to bolster up our funds to carry out additional works. I have asked for funding for some power tools and a vehicle to access the park.
Kit like this would need to be securely stored.
Cllr Dean - This is a good cause and a real community benefit, however L&F made it clear that they wanted to maintain their independence and run the country park. We accepted that position at the time, that they would not approach this Board for funding anymore because of the boundary. I propose 50% and suggest the applicant approach the southern AB and L&F parish council for the rest. Answer: We did originally apply to Southern Wilts AB, we were advised that we should come to Salisbury for the full amount.
Cllr Brown - It does fall within our area. It falls within my division. I think the aspirations for this park have been enormous and will be a benefit. I support this funding bid. ... view the full minutes text for item 53. |
8.50pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) To note the report from the last meeting of the CATG held on 11 June 2019, and consider the recommendations of the Group, as detailed in the attached papers.
Funding recommendations are listed below:
· 6781 & 6852 – Bus shelter installation at Devizes Road & Heath Road junction - £674 · 7000 - Motorcycle parking barriers re-distribution - £2580 · 7134 – Cycle Route signage - £1600 · 7219 – Bollard installation to alleviate further damage caused by large vehicles to Chequers House - £450
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chair noted the minutes of the last meeting held on 11th June and considered the recommendations for funding as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
Decision The Salisbury Area Board agreed to award CATG funding to the schemes as below:
8.55pm |
Representatives to Outside Bodies and Working Groups of the Board To consider nominations of representatives to Outside Bodies and Working Groups for 2019/20, as detailed in the attached papers.
The Area Board is requested to:
a. Appoint Councillor representatives to Outside Bodies, as shown in the 2018/19 list in Appendix A
b. Agree to reconstitute and appoint to the Working Group(s) as set out in Appendix B; and
c. Note the Terms of Reference for the Working Group(s), as set out in Appendix C.
d. Appoint (if relevant to this Area Board) an Older Person’s Champion for the Area Board, in accordance with Appendix D.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board considered the report attached to the agenda.
It was noted that appendix A, was out of date as there had been some movement since that list of representatives had been agreed. The Board members would consider the allocation of representatives at its next Councillor briefing and ratify the decision for Appendix A at the next Area Board meeting.
The nominated Cllrs to the Working Groups as listed in Appendix B would be as follows:
· Community Area Transport Group: Councillor Sven Hocking
· LYN Management Group: Councillor Derek Brown
· Health and Wellbeing Group: Councillor Derek Brown
· Child Health & Wellbeing Group: Cllr Mary Douglas
· Crime & Safety Group: Cllr Atiqul Hoque
Decision The Area Board agreed to:
a. Appoint Councillor representatives to Outside Bodies at a Councillor Briefing outside of the Area Board Meeting and feedback at the next meeting;
b. Agree to reconstitute and appoint to the Working Group(s) as set out in above;
c. Note the Terms of Reference for the Working Group(s), as set out in Appendix C.
d. Appoint Irene Kholer as the Older Person’s Champion for the Area Board, in accordance with Appendix D.
9.00pm |
Close The date of the next meeting is Thursday 26th September 2019, 7pm at City Hall, Salisbury.
Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 26th September 2019, At City Hall, Salisbury.