Agenda and minutes

Salisbury Area Board - Thursday 26 September 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Alamein Suite, City Hall, Malthouse Lane, Salisbury, SP2 7TU

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman, Councillor Sven Hocking welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Salisbury Area Board and invited the members of the Board to introduce themselves.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from:


  • Cllr Derek Brown
  • Cllr John Walsh





To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th July 2019.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th July 2019, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



The following declarations were received:


·       Item 12 – Community Area Grant Funding

Cllr Mary Douglas noted that she knew someone that worked with Alabare but the Board agreed this did not constitute an interest.


Chairman's Updates

The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board.



The Chairman made the following announcements:


·       Bus shelters –  We have found a way forward. Some remedial works would be carried out to reduce the amount of rain that comes through the gap at the top. This would be funded through CATG.


Cllr Rogers thanked the Board for the bus shelter at Stinkpot Alley, as it was now much improved.


Cllr Dean suggested the Board approached Salisbury Reds to request they make a contribution, as they sold the bus station and had not contributed anything financially to improvement to the shelters.


Irene Kholer added that the signage on the bus stops was appalling. The estimated times of buses were totally up the wall. Other areas have satalite information ones.


Action: The Board would raise these issues with the bus company.


·       Area Board Chairs meeting – The idea of how to make meetings more engaging was discussed.  The next Salisbury Board would be on 4th Nov, and would include a joint themed session focused on Climate Change with Salisbury City Council.

·       The Council now had a dedicated Portfolio Holder and dedicated Officer for Climate change.


·       Cllr Hoque congratulated Cllr Hocking as the new Portfolio holder for   Highways and Streetscene.


Information items

a.     Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

b.     Healthwatch Wiltshire

c.     Clinical Commissioning Group

d.     Wiltshire Council

e.     Consultations Online

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the following written updates attached to the agenda and information available online:



·       b. Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       c. Clinical Commissioning Group

·       d. Wiltshire Council

·       e. Consultations Online




Partner and Community Updates

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Salisbury City Council (SCC)

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)     Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner - online

d)    Police

e)    Fire

f)      Salisbury BID

g)    Community Engagement Manager

h)    Air Quality Group



Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman.

Supporting documents:


The Board received the following Partner updates:


a)    Salisbury City Council (SCC) – Jeremy Nettle


·       There were plans for the return of the ice rink and chalets at Christmas. Group, school or party sessions could be booked on the ice rink by contacting SCC.

·       The Services Committee to vote on SCC Environmental Policy

·       The new cemetery to be opened on 2nd October 2019.

·       The Deputy Mayor was supporting the mental health roadshow on 10th October 2019.


b)    Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner – online


Jerry Herbert, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner provided an update on the recently published PCC Annual Report.


·       Officers and Community Coordinators increased by 41 this year.

·       Wiltshire recorded reduction in crime over the year.

·       Targeting new funding to cybercrime

·       Two people had been sentenced this week in relation to the Emilio Salas crime.

·       The Cybercrime prevention team would be coming to Salisbury in November

·       Continued working to reduce domestic abuse and support victims. The Horizon Victim and Witness Care team was the best in class.

·       The Commissioners priority remained the Community Policing Teams.



c)     Police - Inspector Pete Sparrow 


·       Policing services had been under huge demand. Recruitment was welcome and would have a massive impact.


·       Demand reduction – A pilot area had been set up in the south to look at antisocial behaviour problems in the city centre, and looking at ways to deter this.


·       Bike thefts – September was the highest month for those.


·       A knife amnesty was underway, knives could be handed in at Bourne Hill.



f) Salisbury BID – go to website for newsletter



g) Community Engagement Manager – Marc Read


It would soon to be time for the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA), where the Board receives lots of new data from its partners in Public Health. People are invited to attend so discuss which priorities the Board should focus on. Electronic surveys would be sent out, asking people to submit their three top priorities. Paper copies were also available in the Library.


Silver Sunday programme – Older People’s Champion, Irene updated on the success so far of the programme. She had been delighted at the spread of publicity and brochures, reporting that the first few sessions had been well attended.


h) Air Quality Group – Marc Read


The Group had met earlier that week, the minutes are attached to these minutes.


The Group was working on an action plan in conjunction with Highways England and Officers from WC on some applications for funding to tackle air quality issues around Salisbury.



Co-Bikes Electric Bike Scheme

A presentation on the Co-Bikes extensive electric bike hire scheme which is proposed for the city.


Speaker: Benji Goehl, Director of Co-Bikes


Supporting documents:


The Board received a presentation on the Co-Bikes electric bike hire scheme, proposed for the city from Benji Goehl – Operations Director at Co-Cars


An example of the electric bikes was available to view


South West Railways had given some funding to bring ten bikes to Salisbury.


Similar schemes operate in Bournemouth and Pool having 100 bikes, and Southampton having 300 bikes.  Proposed to bring 10 bikes to Salisbury in spring next year.


Questions were asked about hire and infrastructure costs which will be addressed in more detail nearer implementation


A copy of the presentation is attached to the minutes



High Street Fund Update

An update on the High Street Fund bid.


Officer: Victoria Moloney, Head of Southern Wiltshire Economic Recovery


Victoria Moloney, Head of Southern Wiltshire Economic Recovery advised the HSF bid had passed the expression of interest stage at the end of August. Maximum bid is £25M, the Council will now develop the full business case by April 2020 with a decision expected in Autumn 2020


Project ideas included Salisbury railway station, Fisherton Street, artisan and creative workspaces, young person city centre accommodation, evening illuminations and accessibility.




Central Area Framework Update

An update on the progress of the Central Area Framework.


Officer: Tom Dobrashian, Programme Director, Economic Recovery


Tom Dobrashian, Programme Director for Economic Recovery gave an update on the Central Area Framework (CAF).


The CAF team had met with Salisbury City Council (SCC) and held one to one meetings with landowners to discuss key strategic actions that will make Salisbury a more distinctive character, create more people friendly streets, promote better design quality, attract inward investment in line with the Wiltshire Local Plan and the Salisbury Neighbourhood Plan.  Next Public consultation would be in November 2020




Maltings and Central Carpark Development Update

An update on the Maltings and Central Carpark Development.


Officer: Richard Walters, Head of Service, Major Projects


Tom Dobrashian provided an update to the Board.


The Master Plan was passed by the Strategic Planning Committee in June 2019.


Phase 1 (British heart Foundation building development) - Planning permission approved June 2019, expected to start development August 2019 for approximately 18 months duration


Phase 2 – (Market Walk) – Planning application expected approximately six months after Phase 1 commencement.  Concerns we expressed and noted around another site for the Young Gallery while Phase 2 was under construction, negotiations with landlord and tenants are ongoing.


The final “Cultural Strategy“ report which will help influence the design of the Cultural Quarter within the Maltings was expected shortly.




Area Board Funding

To consider applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report.


Community Area Grants - budget remaining - £65,703.58



Amount requested

Applicant: Alderbury Football Club
Project Title:
Alderbury FC Pavilion Interiors

View full application






Applicant: Foragers Farm
Project Title: The Foyer Therapeutic Kitchen Garden

View full application






Applicant: Buzz Action Foundation
Project Title: Roadshow Equipment

View full application




Applicant: Alabare Christian Care and Support
Project Title: Alabare Place Defibrillator

View full application







Applicant: Safer & Supportive Salisbury
Project Title: Lighting to main pathway to St Johns Place Community Centre

View full application





Applicant: The Secret Garden Salisbury
Project Title: Go Wild at Five Rivers

View full application





Youth Funding – budget remaining £25,285.00



Amount requested

Applicant: Barford Hornets Football Club

Project Title: Barford Hornets Football Club

View full application



Health and Wellbeing Funding – budget remaining £11,728.50



Amount requested

Applicant: Salisbury Repair Cafe
Project Title: Salisbury Repair Cafe

View full application



Applicant: Friends of Salisbury Medical Practice
Project Title: Community Family Fitness Programme

View full application









Applicant: Salisbury Museum
Project Title: Well City Consultation Workshops

View full application





Applicant: Safer & Supportive Salisbury
Project Title: Carers Showcase

View full application




Applicant: Older People’s Champion
Project Title: Financial Abuse Seminar


Paper application included in Area Board Agenda




Applicant: Happy Café (Action for Happiness)
Project Title: Happy Café Salisbury


Paper application included in Area Board Agenda




Supporting documents:


Original applications can be viewed by following the link to the agenda.



The Board considered six applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme, as detailed in the agenda.


Alderbury FC – £5000 – Pavilion interior works.


Cllr Rogers – in principle supportive but to note the club was in the Southern Wiltshire Community area, and requested cooperation with the other area boards that in future they would support Salisbury AB in cross boundary projects


Action: Cllr Hocking – will discuss cross AB support the next AB Chairs meeting at WC 



Alderbury FC was awarded £5000 towards the interior works at the clubhouse.


The project met the criteria of the Community Area Grant Scheme for 2019/20.


Foragers Farm requested £3100 – Therapeutic Kitchen Garden



Foragers Farm was awarded £3100 towards the Therapeutic Kitchen Garden project.


The project met the criteria of the Community Area Grant Scheme for 2019/20.


Buzz Action Foundation - requested £1000 – Roadshow Equipment


The applicant had raised £2k by fundraising and also applied to Southern and South West Area towards to help fund to which the Board was suitable impressed.



Buzz Action Foundation was awarded £1000 towards the Roadshow Equipment.


The project met the criteria of the Community Area Grant Scheme for 2019/20


Alabare Christian Care and Support - requested £988.80 – Alabare Place Defibrillator  



Alabare Christian Care and Support was awarded £988.80 towards the defibrillator project.


The project met the criteria of the Community Area Grant Scheme for 2019/20


Bemerton Community - requested £1850 – Path Lighting at St Johns Place



Bemerton Community Group was awarded £1850 towards to path lighting.


The Secret Garden Salisbury requested £5688- Go Wild at Five Rivers


The Board discussed the option to hold discussions with SCC Grounds Manager for grants support.



The Secret Garden was awarded £5000 towards the Go Wild at Five Rivers project.


The project met the criteria of the Community Area Grant Scheme for 2019/20


Youth Funding

consider one bid for Youth Funding as detailed in the agenda pack.



The application from Barnet Hornets Football Club was deferred.


Until a representative can attend to answer questions.


Health & Wellbeing Funding

The Board considered six bids for funding from the Health & Wellbeing Budget for 2019/20, as detailed in the agenda.



The Board approved the recommendations of the Health & Wellbeing Group as follows:

·       Salisbury Repair Café - £1000

·       Friends of Salisbury Medical Practice - £584

·       Salisbury Museum - £450

·       Safer & Supportive Salisbury - £500

·       Older People’s Champion - £500

·       Happy Café - £350







The date of the next meeting is Monday 4th November 2019, 7.00pm at City Hall, Salisbury.



The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on Monday 4th November 2019 – at The Guild Hall, Salisbury.


Attachments: Air Quality minutes & Co-Bikes Presentation

Supporting documents: