Venue: Whiteparish Memorial Centre, Common Rd, Whiteparish, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 2SU
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | ||||||
7.00pm |
Welcome and Introductions Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Richard Britton welcomed everyone to the meeting. Board Members and Officers introduced themselves.
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from: · Councillor Julian Johnson · Tracy Carter – Associate Director. · Inspector Pete Sparrow – Wiltshire Police · Louis Minchella – Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 26 May 2016. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 26 May 2016 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were none. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive Chairman’s Announcements
Minutes: The Chairman made the following announcement. The Community Policing item planned for this meeting had been cancelled due to the unavailability of the new Police Sector Inspector; Pete Sparrow. Inspector David Minty had been promoted to Superintendant and would be running the Devizes communications centre. The board looked forward to welcoming Inspector Sparrow at the next meeting, where he would present the Community Policing item.
Current Consultations To note the links to current consultations:
Minutes: The Board noted the information available online by following the link:
7.05pm |
Report on issues facing the community as a whole Written Updates attached are:
· Police · Fire & Rescue Service · Wiltshire Council Updates – Wiltshire Online · Any other comments or reports Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates: Police – Matt Holland and Tina Roylance In addition to the written report attached to the agenda, PC Matt Holland, Beat Manager for local NHP team explained that Inspector Sparrow was on leave, however he would be in attendance at the next Board meeting in September to give a fuller update on the new Policing model. Matt would be the Area Coordinator for the area under the new model, bringing continuity and local knowledge to the post. Henry Clissold based at the local Alderbury station had passed his Sergeants exam, and would be moving to Salisbury. PCSO’s Tina Roylance and Matt Smith would remain in Alderbury and would become the main point of contact for the area. The team would be looking to provide a written report to each parish council meeting. Although they would not be able to attend every meeting, if required to attend for a specific issue they would try to do so. The Chairman commented that a police presence at every parish meeting was not expected, but a short message to the clerk to say “nothing to report” would be welcomed. Tina had circulated the monthly neighbourhood reports for her patch, Matt would be circulating his shortly. Tina urged people to get in contact if they had any requests for her to attend meetings or events. Questions and comments included: · With improved Broadband services in many villages, would it be possible to consider having a regular 5 minute Skype session with the Police to ask any questions? Answer: The Police use a similar system for internal briefings called Lync. This is something we could look in to, to see if it could work. Fire & Rescue In addition to the written report attached to the agenda, Cllr Devine gave an update. Everything was going well at Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service. The Chief Fire Officer had recently resigned, this would take effect as of December 2016. A recruitment process would run from September with the aim of having a replacement in post by January 2017.
Wiltshire Council Update – Broadband Commitment A written report was attached to the agenda. The Chairman noted that the Government was committed to delivering a minimum of 2mbs to every household. The Area Board had previously held a meeting to discuss broadband provision within the community area and those present were asked whether they would like to see this subject return to a future meeting for further discussion. This idea was supported by a small majority in attendance.
Parish Clerks Coffee Morning Catherine Purves (Clerk to Pitton & Farley PC) had scheduled another Clerks Coffee morning at her house on Tuesday 9 August. Parish clerks for the area were all invited. Speed limit on the A36, Partridge Hill, Landford. Cllr Leo Randall explained that residents had asked him to support their request for a reduction in the speed limit on Partridge Hill in Landford, to ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
7.15pm |
Theme Updates Youth Health & Wellbeing Minutes: Youth Officer The Chairman explained that following the reorganisation of the Youth Officer provision across the county, there was still a vacancy in the south of the county. It was hoped that an update would be available at the next meeting.
Health & Wellbeing Work had started in this area, with an initiative in Winterslow and an event in Downton, where they held a meeting of interested people, doctors, pharmacy, professionals and agencies on 14th July. Discussion took place where they thought about what we might be able to do and how we could help at a local level. Two ideas which came out of this were:
· The take up of the Safer Places Scheme. · To produce a resources signposting booklet. Following the presentation on dementia earlier in the year, Mick Brown and his colleague Angela Sillence of Winterslow parish council met to discuss a way to take this initiative forward, where they identified 3 factors.
They established a forum which met for the first time on 9th June. Ten people attended including representatives from the Woman’s Institute, LINK and Age UK. There was a good exchange of information and ideas to take forward. The next step was to raise the profile of the forum and hold meeting in September, to recruit volunteers and prepare for the Celebrate Winterslow day event in November. The Chairman explained that the Board was planning to use the Winterslow experience to produce some templates for other Parish Council’s to pick up and run with when planning their own events.
7.25pm |
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) All Area Boards are being asked to draw attention to this vitally important subject.
Officer: Blair Keltie, Child Sexual Exploitation Manager Minutes: Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Manager, Blair Keltie presented information on this vitally important subject. CSE had a high profile nationally and locally, with the Police prioritising work in this area. What is Child Sexual Exploitation? Someone taking advantage of you sexually, for their own benefit. Through threats, bribes, violence, humiliation, or by telling you that they love you, they will have the power to get you to do sexual things for their own, or other people’s benefit or enjoyment (including: touching or kissing private parts, sex, taking sexual photos).
Background Following events in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford and elsewhere; in March this year, the Prime Minister stated that CSE was a National Threat and that child sexual abuse was a national Policing priority. Police forces must prioritise CSE and this is reflected in Wiltshire Police Priorities. An idea of the problem nationally: · 88% increase in Police investigations since 2012 = 70K investigations nationally and no sign of slowing down. · In 2012 there was a watershed with the Savile revelations and it is estimated that 30,000 victims of non-recent cases would come forward. · Estimated 100m images of children being abused in circulation and 50K people viewing these online. · 15 – 50% will go on to have contact offences.
The sexual exploitation of children and young people is a form of sexual abuse. It is not new. What is new is the level of awareness of the extent and scale of the abuse and of the increasingly different ways in which perpetrators sexually exploit children and young people.
Grooming Grooming refers to actions deliberately aimed at establishing an emotional connection and trust with a child or young person in order to increase the likelihood of them engaging in sexual behaviour or exploitation. Signs of Grooming include:
· Regularly missing from home or school and staying out all night · Change in behaviour – becoming aggressive and disruptive or quiet and withdrawn · Unexplained gifts or new possessions such as clothes, jewellery, mobile phones or money that can’t be accounted for · Increase in mobile phone use or secretive use · Appearing to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol · Being picked up or dropped off in cars by unknown adults · A significantly older ‘boyfriend’ or ‘friend’ or lots of new friends · Spending excessive amount of time online and becoming increasingly secretive about time spent online · Sudden involvement in criminal behaviour or increased offending · Sexual health problems
There are a number of ways in which local authorities, police and other key partners can reduce the prevalence of CSE.
· Prevent the abuse from happening; · Protect young people who are victims or at risk of sexual exploitation; · Prosecute offenders wherever possible; · Publicise this activity, including how people can report Child Sexual Exploitation.
Area Boards The Area Boards are a way of working to bring local decision making back into the heart of the community. They are a formal part of Wiltshire Council that try to find solutions for local issues.
By working in partnership with local communities, the council could ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
7.40pm |
Fly Tipping Some success; a camera? Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman explained that the speaker had not been able to attend. He drew attention to the paper in the agenda pack which set out the option of the Area Board having its own surveillance camera. At present there was only one camera in the county, it had been deployed to a location in the south, but has not yet identified any fly tipping activity. There had been 10 interviews under caution as a result of the department handling this with one prosecution of a prolific offender who would be prosecuted for 8 cases. A further 4 cases were under preparation with a view to prosecution. There was legislation to allow fixed penalty notices to businesses, 12 had been issues and 5 fines of £300 each had been imposed so far. Since the regulation the government had introduced a smaller fixed penalty notice for fly tipping. Fly tipping had increased 27% nationally but in Wiltshire the increase was only 22%, with this community area ranked as third in county. Without the speaker present the Board felt that it would be beneficial to postpone the decision regarding the acquisition by the board of a camera dedicated to our community area until the next meeting in September, before committing funds to this initiative. Decision To defer the item until the next meeting in September when a speaker could be present. |
7.50pm |
Area Board Theme - Conservation Wiltshire Wildlife Trust at Coombe Bissett. Minutes: Stephen Davis, Head of Conservation at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust explained that the Trust was a membership organisation with volunteers at the heart and soul of it. The Coombe Bissett Down Nature Reserve had the opportunity to purchase a further 40 hectares of land. An application had been made to the Heritage Lottery fund to purchase this land. The Trust had to come up with match funding and had appealed to the local community who had so far been very generous. The Trust needed to find £185k of match funding. Coombe Bissett drama group held an event and raised £1000 towards the project. There were up to 40 plant species per square metre. Areas of arable land would be reverted back to chalk grassland and opened to the public. The site backed onto the local primary school, providing an opportunity for the children to be involved with the conservation area. Another site in the area was Blackmoor copse, which was probably the most important in England for butterflies. These were wonderful resources and really important for nature conservation. The Trust supported health and wellbeing groups including adults with mental disabilities, and vulnerable children. The Chairman noted that the Board had heard of all sorts of things taking place which involved health and wellbeing, there must be benefits in joining up these activities, so that they did not remain in isolation from other groups doing the same work. Stephen agreed that this was something that the Trust would pursue. |
8.05pm |
Talk to us An electronic survey of options about your community area and its Area Board. Minutes: People were invited to take part in an electronic survey of options about the community area and its Area Board. Results of that survey are attached to these minutes.
8.30pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update To note the report of the last meeting held on 22 June 2016 and consider the funding recommendations as detailed below:
1. No.4449, C12 Stratford Tony Road - £2500 to fund a centre line, subject to Coombe Bissett PC agreeing to contribute £800. 2. No.4453, Homington Road, Coombe Bissett - £7500 to lay a kerb to protect the verge and drainage ditch from further erosion, subject to Coombe Bissett PC agreeing to contribute £3000. 3. No. 4536, The Causeway, Winterslow – £750 to erect a sign at either end of the lane, positively directing drivers to enter from the correct end, subject to Winterslow PC agreeing to make a contribution of 50% (£375).
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered the recommendations for funding arising from the last meeting of the CATG held on 22 June. Decision No.4449, C12 Stratford Tony Road – refer back to CATG for consideration as Coombe Bissett parish council had not agreed to contribute any funding towards this scheme.
Decision No.4453, Homington Road, Coombe Bissett - refer back to CATG for consideration as Coombe Bissett parish council had offered a reduced amount of £800 towards this scheme.
Decision No. 4536, The Causeway, Winterslow – To award £750 to erect a sign at either end of the lane, positively directing drivers to enter from the correct end, with Winterslow PC agreeing to make a contribution of £375 towards this scheme.
8.35pm |
Community Area Grants The Board will consider 2 applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered two applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme for 2016/17.
Decision The application from Salisbury & South Wilts District Scout Council was deferred until the next Area Board meeting, pending the applicant providing further information:
· Which PCs have been asked for a contribution. · Details of the rates of hire. · When the lottery grant will be determined. · Sharing a vehicle with other community groups
Decision Redlynch Village Hall was awarded £2,500 towards the renovation of storage facilities at the hall. Reason The application met the Community Area Grant criteria for 2016/17.
9.00pm |
Close Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 29 September 2016, 7.00pm at Coombe Bissett Village Hall. |
Attachments: Survey results. Supporting documents: |