Venue: Trafalgar School Downton, Breamore Road, Downton, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 3HN
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Richard Britton welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board.
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from:
· Tracy Carter – Associate Director |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 1 December 2016. Supporting documents: Minutes: Subject to the amendments listed below the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 1 December 2016, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
· Item no. 7 – Matters of community wide interest: Downton Neighbourhood Plan – where the turnout had been 36% and not 86% as recorded.
· Item no.12 – Community Area Transport Group: The decision should read:
Decision The Southern Wiltshire Area Board approved the recommendations from the CATG as follows:
3790 – Traffic management scheme Ford – To award £8500 towards the scheme subject to a contribution of £4000 from the PC. And that any outstanding CATG funds left at the end of the next meeting would also be allocated to the project.
4453 – Homington Road, Coombe Bissett – To DEFER until the new year.
4191 & 4645 – Amendments to speed limit on Portway, Old Sarum – To DEFER until the new year.
4576 – Crockford Green, West Grimstead - £2,250 subject to a contribution from the PC of £750. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: The following declarations were noted in relation to item 8 – The Police Commissioner Precept information:
Cllr Richard Britton noted that he was the Chairman of the Police and Crime Panel (PCP) which would meet the following week to decide whether it would veto the proposals.
Cllr Julian Johnson was also a member of the PCCP.
Chairman's Announcements To receive Chairman’s Announcements including:
· Forthcoming Joint Strategic Assessment event 16th February
Minutes: The Chairman reminded everyone of the forthcoming Joint Strategic Assessment event on 16February at City Hall.
Community-wide reports · Fire & Rescue Service · Healthwatch Wiltshire · CCG · Health & Wellbeing Update · Update from Community Engagement Manager
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board noted the following written reports attached to the agenda and circulated at the meeting.
· Healthwatch Wiltshire · Clinical Commissioning Group
In addition, the following verbal updates were received:
Health & Wellbeing Update – Tom Bray, Community Engagement Manager Good progress had been made in Downton, with activity in other areas such as West Dean and the Grimstead luncheon club.
Tom had attended a session in Devizes with Jane Brentor for an older people’s workshop where they had been able to pick up some ideas which they hoped could be progressed in southern Wiltshire, such as the Make Someone Welcome campaign.
Other projects included Men’s sheds - which worked on trying to combat isolation and mental health issues in men and Dementia friends and a bite sized falls prevention project.
There were lots of projects for people to be involved with, further information would be circulated over the next few months.
Fire & Rescue Service – Tom Brolan Tom came to update the Board as temporary District Commander for Salisbury Fire station, until 1st April when a new Officer would take over.
Some of the current work streams included:
· Working with volunteer flood wardens and holding training sessions at the Salisbury Fire Station. · Safe and Well advisors were carrying out home visits to check smoke alarms and give advice. If anyone wished to have a home check they could pass their details on to the clerk. · The next tranche of the Salamander course at Salisbury fire station would be starting the following week and would run until 12 February. This was an initiative run by the Fire Service for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Cllr Chris Devine, Chairman of the Wiltshire and Dorset Fire Authority added that the merger which was approaching a year in April, was going well. All frontline services were performing well.
Update from Community Engagement Manager – Tom Bray There were a few events in 2017/18 that the Board hoped to support, these included the Big Pledge which was connected to the London athletics.
Some areas were looking at the healthy school’s initiatives. There would also be celebrations to commemorate WW1 next year.Tom had been working with the Board in developing some tool kits to support communities in these events.
The Chairman noted that the Council was well underway in its proposals for the 2017/18 budget, a big proportion of that would go in to older peoples care, and Health and Wellbeing.
Other Updates
Downton Lorries Issue Claire Freemantle; Vice Chairman of Downton Society drew attention to an old issue which had been brought to the Board’s attention back in October 2013, concerning lorries coming through the village, noting that no progress had yet been made.
The group had been liaising with Tom Bray and had also spoken to MP John Glenn, with the view of approaching Highways England to request some signage on the M27. Downton Society would be concentrating its efforts this year on this matter and would appreciate support from the Board.
The Chairman ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
7.20pm |
Community Policing update & Cyber Crime a) Community Policing – local issues and priorities b) Cyber Crime - Paul Harvey
Minutes: Community Policing PC Matt Holland – Community Policing Coordinator gave an update on local priorities and issues.
Non-dwelling burglaries An increase in offences from November onwards had been identified. This indicated that there was at least one team active. Targeted operations were being carried out. Generally, people had good home security, however the security for outside buildings was not so efficient.
Criminal damage Last weekend there had been several incidents where damaged was caused to vehicles with catapults. There had been 70 offences since October. People were urged to report all offences.
Purse thefts Older ladies over the age of 65 had been targeted in a spate of purse thefts in Salisbury City centre. People were urged to keep bags and belongings close when out shopping. Patrols were increased on the lead up to Christmas. There had been some leads but there remained an active group committing these offences.
PCSOs Officers were out on targeted patrols to monitor vulnerable people within the community.
Community messaging People were urged to sign up for this useful service. Further information on this was available online at:
Questions received included:
· Elaine Hartford, some years back the PCSO advised of some inexpensive shed alarms costing around £5. Were these still available? Answer: We can still access them yes. You could go to the Bobby Van scheme or direct to your PCSO.
· Keith Rogers Clarendon Park – To my knowledge there had been a few crimes lately which did not appear in the statistics. One where a lady was hit by a car, what happened to that? Answer: It depends on the classification of a crime and whether we are still investigating as to whether it is included in the statistics. A press release would be released relating to that incident shortly and is quite complex and still under investigation.
Cyber Crime Sergeant Paul Harvey, Strategic Support Officer for crime and prevention, gave a presentation and circulated leaflets at the meeting.
Some of the points raised included:
· 80% of cybercrime could be overcome, by using a good password, good antivirus software and if something sounds too good to be true then it probably is. · Cyber Crime was one of the four Control Strategies in the Force. · The national model against cybercrime was to Protect, Prevent, Prepare and Pursue. · The Bobby Van and some online safety volunteers could visit victims to teach them the basics to protect themselves in the future. To give a better understanding of the threat, of what was out there and what people could do to protect themselves. · The ‘Get safe online’ website was a useful place that people could access further information : · Between April and October 2016, Salisbury people were scammed out of £4.2m · The Force had employed a Cyber Prevention Officer to work with them in this field.
Questions and comments were then taken, these included:
· Could the leaflet be circulated on pdf? Answer: Yes, this could be sent to the Community Engagement Manager for ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
7.50pm |
Police Commissioner - Precept Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board watched a short DVD about the PCC plans for 2017-20 and considered the proposed 2% increase, to the 2017/18 precept.
Feedback could be submitted online via the PCC website, by midnight Friday 27 January.
The Chairman invited those present to take part in a voting session devised by the Board, to show their support for one of three options. These were:
1. Support an increase at the 2% level. 2. Support the idea of a referendum to secure a greater increase. 3. Wish to see a lower level of police precept.
The Chairman noted that when this had first been debated at the PCP two weeks ago there was almost unanimous support for the 2% increase, and support for a higher increase, if it did not involve a referendum.
About two-thirds of those present supported a 2% increase in the police precept. |
8.00pm |
Great British Spring Clean Following on from last year’s great success with ‘Clean for the Queen’ we are supporting communities to take part in the Great British Spring Clean initiative. Minutes: Following on from last year’s great success with ‘Clean for the Queen’ the Board would this year be supporting communities to take part in the Great British Spring Clean initiative.
On the weekend between fri 3rd and sun 5th march.
At the event last year, 128 volunteers had taken part in the event, with the Southern Wiltshire area yielding some impressive outcomes.
Across Wiltshire there were 70 litter picks, so the aim this year would be to improve on that. Communities were encouraged to get together and organise street cleans, or a parish clean as this would work well too.
Contact Tom Bray for assistance with where to find support. As people register with Tom, he would provide further information on when and where the litter could be collected.
A selection of litter collecting equipment should be available throughout the community, as was provided as part of the initiative last year.
The amount of litter collected at these events is incredible. It costs Wiltshire Council £2.5m a year to litter pick roads.
· Elaine Hartford – Would the collection of the litter include collecting fly tipped rubbish as well? Answer: Tom would enquire and feedback. |
8.05pm |
Intergenerational Project Update As part of our Health & Wellbeing and Youth Themes, we are looking to set up an intergenerational pilot project in Downton. A brief outline of how this project is developing is attached. Supporting documents: Minutes: As part of the Board’s Health & Wellbeing and Youth Themes, it aimed to set up an intergenerational pilot project in Downton. A brief outline of how this project was developing was attached to the agenda.
A meeting between partners, including the school, Age UK, Wiltshire Online, and Paul Harvey from Cybercrime had been set up to discuss how to get a project off the ground. Year 9 pupils would be setting up a club to help teach IT.
The group would meet and put together a proposal to bring to the March Area Board. The aim would be to ask Age UK to administrate the project so funding would be needed for this. As there was an important issue of safeguarding, the group could not rely solely on volunteers.
It was hoped that this may be a project which could be replicated elsewhere. The Chairman added that these sorts of projects were terribly important, which was why the Board should support the where possible. |
8.10pm |
Community Area Grants The Board will consider applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme.
Officer: Tom Bray, Community Engagement Manager Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered one application for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme for 2016/17, as detailed in the report.
The Board noted that there were limited funds remaining and that they could not fund the entire amount requested.
Decision Odstock Parish Council was awarded £598.30 towards the Pavilion Restoration project, for windows and doors. Reason The application met the criteria for 2016/17.
The Board also considered two applications for funding from the Youth Grants Scheme for 2016/17, as detailed in the attached report.
Decision Landford Badminton Group was awarded £125 towards the Free Badminton try-out event for young people. Reason The application met the criteria for 2016/17.
Decision The Board supported the Cllr Led Initiative put forward by Cllr McLennan for the HomeRun project at two Laverstock schools (St Edmunds and St Josephs), and awarded £2,500. Reason The application met the criteria for 2016/17.
8.20pm |
Parish Forum - A Focus on Collaboration A new feature on the Area Board agenda. This month’s topic is collaboration.
An opportunity to discuss and share ideas of how parishes can collaborate around areas of shared interest. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Chairman introduced a new feature on the agenda. This month’s topic was collaboration. This would be an opportunity to discuss and share ideas of how parishes could collaborate around areas of shared interest.
Interparish collaboration was a subject that the Board had touched on over the past years, as it was felt that parishes did not talk to each other enough, and tended to work in isolation. There were benefits to be had and improvements in terms of the services which could be offered to residents.
There were opportunities for parish councils to collaborate on ideas and resources. Promotion of local events through the Our Community Matters site and in a range of parish magazines. Currently, events were not advertised to any great extent in neighbouring parishes.
Those present were asked whether they felt this would be worth exploring again in some depth. There was good support for seeing this as an agenda item at the next meeting. |
9.00pm |
Close Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting |