Agenda and minutes

Southern Wiltshire Area Board - Thursday 7 December 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: Whiteparish Memorial Centre, Whiteparish, Salisbury, SP5 2SU

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman, Councillor Richard Britton, welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board.





There were none.



To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 28 September 2017.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 28 September 2017 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive Chairman’s Announcements including:


·       Speed Indicator Device Update

·       Preparing for Winter

·       My Wiltshire highways reporting

·       Boundary Commission Electoral Review


Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


  • Speed Indicator Device Update – The Area Board SID had been stolen from a location in Redlynch, a replacement had been ordered and was now back in circulation within the circuit.
  • Preparing for Winter – A checklist was attached to the agenda for consideration.
  • My Wiltshire App/Highways Reporting system – People were reminded to use the app to report issues like potholes. If your complaint was not logged on the app it would not be dealt with.
  • Boundary Commission Electoral Review looking at divisional boundaries in Wiltshire had begun. Optimal number of Cllrs, to be considered, there were currently 98. There was a huge variation of numbers of constituents in each division. Any proposals or ideas for consideration should be put to the local member who would forward them to the consultation. 



Current Consultations

To note the attached information on the following current consultations:


·        Review of Wiltshire Local Plan Link for Local Plan consultation:



Supporting documents:


The Board noted the information attached to the agenda for the following consultation:


  • Review of Wiltshire Local Plan Link for Local Plan consultation:


This would include a plan of proposed development sites. The Chairman urge people to look at the documents online.




Community-wide reports

a) Written and verbal updates from:


·       Police

·       Fire & Rescue Service

·       Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Wiltshire Council – Eat Well Information Item


b) Area Board Theme updates:


·       Health & Wellbeing

·       Youth

·       Footpaths


c) Parish Council /Community reports


·       WW1 Tree Planting project update



You are free to raise any issue on the night, but for a more detailed response please let us know in advance.


Supporting documents:


The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates from partners present at the meeting:


Police – Inspector Sparrow & Sergeant Tom Hutchins

Inspector Sparrow introduced his new deputy and drew attention to the update  circulated at the meeting.

Visibility, was the key target for the Neighbourhood Teams work at the moment. Resources were used as best we can. Pete was trying to deploy pulse patrols in Salisbury at the moment, where the aim was to carry out patrols by all available officers at one time, short bursts of all officers on the ground for 20 or 30 minutes at a time.


Wiltshire was a safe place with low crime rates. Class A drug dealing networks had recently been targeted. The special constabulary had been able to provide many hours of policing, saving the service huge amounts.



Questions and comments:


Q - The Chairman had been at the Police and Crime Panel that morning, where they had given the Commissioner a hard time about burglaries. 


A – We have a tasking team, and were gradually growing in numbers, with a Sergeant and 3 Officers. We were hoping to build on this in the new year. In the south of the county burglary was not our biggest problem.


Q – In Firsdown there had been a recent incident on the A30, it would be useful if the Parish Council were able to disseminate some information around the village. A reassurance that the incident was over could have been circulated.


A – That particular case was all to do with modern slavery and a firearm. Protocols were followed and yes there were armed Officers involved, however there was no threat to the villages. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to knock on doors, social media is the route for these updates.



Area Board Themed Updates:


Health & Wellbeing – Tom

Following on from the recent meeting, the plan was to try and create a pledge to organisations, to help people that might need help in the local community.


Youth – Tom

Cllr Ian McLennan and Tom had discussed the way forward for the provision supplied to the youth clubs. It was proposed that this would continue for a further 3 months until the end of the financial year, then to review for 2018/19.


Propose that the Area Board set aside £2,825 to continue the provision from the remaining two providers, as the third; ‘Go Active’ would not be continuing.

The loss of that provider was felt to be a shame as their input was really valued by our young people.


Cllr Clewer noted that as his daughter attended the youth group he would not vote on this motion.



The Southern Wiltshire awarded £2,825 to the youth provision for the remainder of the 2017/2018 financial year.



Tom noted that some additional strimmer training had taken place, to enable more people to go and carry out the work.


Four parishes had started work, and Tom had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.



Fire Service Response Times in Southern Wiltshire

Information from Jason Moncrieff ( District Commander, Salisbury & Wilton ) on the villages in our community areas which fall outside the 10 minute response target.



Jason Moncrieff (District Commander, Salisbury & Wilton) provided information on the villages within the area which fell outside the 10-minute response target.


Jason currently looked after Salisbury and Wilton fire stations. The nearest Dorset and Wiltshire fire station to the Southern Area was Salisbury Fire station.


It was recognised that in the south there was limited fire cover.


Why was 10 minutes important? As a fire develops, it takes about 10 minutes, and this time is to do with the survivability of the fire. After 10 mins that suddenly drops.


If the Fire Service could not get to a property in 10 minutes then the fire would then be more severe.


A colour coded map was shown, which indicate the areas outside the 10 min response perimeter, this totalled over 2000 properties that were at high risk.  A software programme called Pinpoint, was used to identify the numbers of high risk properties.


In Salisbury, we have one fire crew and 2 Safe and Well advisors. Jason noted that they would go out to the parishes if invited, to deliver Safe and Well information at Parish meetings.


Questions and comments:


Q – what is the definition of a high risk property?

A – Pinpoint identifies things like the mobility, and needs of residents, such as if they required oxygen cylinders etc. The age of the resident, if they were over 65, then enhanced more if over 85. Reduced mobility, Single parents and thatched properties.


Q – Was there a DVD available that we could show to people in the at risk categories, on your behalf?

A – We can get that DVD to you but it would be better for one of our advisors to come along too.


Q – How effective are you at finding addresses? Our post codes are a long way away. Do you use a more specific location finding tool?

A – All of our appliances use a sophisticated navigation tool. We are also reliant on the information we receive from the caller.


Q – Inconsiderably parked vehicles making were it difficult to access some incidents.

A – let us know, we can leaflet the car if there is a repeat occurrence.


Action: Tom will send out the contacts to all PC’s.


Q – response time, for residents further east of here, the issue of getting round Salisbury and down the Southampton road, is a major issue. Is anything being done?

A – Hampshire, Dorset and Wiltshire, Devon and Somerset, can all mobilise each other’s appliances, and just send the nearest resource regardless of the fire service.


Q – Alderbury, we were given a bundle of leaflets for the inconsiderate parking. If we leaflet under the windscreen wipers we can be accused of all sorts. A – Police advice is to carry on.




Grant Applications

The Board will consider applications for funding from the Community Area & Youth Grant Schemes.


Community Area Grants:



Amount requested

Project Title: Whiteparish Skatepark

View full application


Amount available to spend:




Youth Funding:



Grant Amount

Applicant: Winterslow Youth Zone
Project Title: Winterslow Youth Zone Seniors-Only Session


View full application



Applicant: Winterslow Scouts Group
Project Title: Winterslow Scout Group Equipment Storage Project


View full application



Amount available to spend:



Officer: Tom Bray, Community Engagement Manager

Supporting documents:


The Board considered applications for funding from the Community Area Grant Scheme and the Youth Grant Scheme, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.


Community Area Grants


Applicant Sarah Skeets, gave an overview of the project, to replace an existing half pipe, which was no longer fit for purpose and needed replacing. Supported by the parish council, which agreed a budget of up to £100k.


Q – papers refer to PC having committed 100% of remaining R2, was that on top of the £3k grant.

A - R2 was for £14,959. The other £27k would be from a Landfill grant (not confirmed) and £50k sports England (not confirmed).



Whiteparish Parish Council was awarded £5,000 towards the skatepark project.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria for 2017/18.



Youth Funding


The applicant noted that as there was now a consistent youth leader, and different groups of young people of different ages. They did not have the space or facility to have a separate space for the older ones. So, they wished to set up a senior only session, the funds applied for were to pay the youth leader for the second hour.


Q – There was £4.5k, showing on the financial details but £3k of that was ringfenced for telephone and broadband provisions. The availability of that level of reserves may indicate that perhaps you could afford to contribute more yourselves?


A – There were significant costs to run a line to the building as there was not one in place at present.



Winterslow Youth Zone was awarded £1,535 towards the Seniors Only sessions.


The applicant Helen Collier noted that the Group currently rented the Methodist hall in Winterslow, however storage was limited. At present the kit was either in the loft or a shed and was not accessible by the young people. The parish council had offered £350 towards the project.


Q - The papers show that you have reserves of £7,952.

A – Since completing the form, our reserves have reduced to £5,600, we have quite a lot of outgoings.



Winterslow Scouts Group was awarded £1,000 towards the equipment storage project.



Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update

To note the update and consider any recommendations for funding arising from the last meeting held on 14th November 2017.


Supporting documents:


The Board noted the report of the last meeting and considered the recommendations contained within.



The Southern Wiltshire Area Board approved the recommendations of the CATG as set out in the notes of the last meeting.


  • Issue 2940 - £3,000 for the legal costs involved in the improvements to Byway 10, Milford Road – subject to Laverstock & Ford PC funding £1,000.


  • £500 for the insurance excess on the SID



Laverstock & Ford Parish Council noted that their legal advice was that they should not be paying this £1000. The matter would be considered at the next Parish meeting.


Cllr McLennan noted that, at the moment the Parish was contributing to the overall scheme. He suggested that maybe as an alternative to paying the £1,000 legal costs, they contribute an additional £1,000 to the overall scheme.



Ecological projects in Southern Wiltshire

We live in a very attractive part of Wiltshire in which there are many important ecological projects. Speakers to include:

·       Wiltshire Wildlife Trust

·       New Forest NPA

·       Blackwater Conservation Group


Cllr Randall noted the map circulated at the meeting which detailed some ecology sites in the area.


Some parish councils had produce a community wildlife plan online.


Plant Life was a charity which campaigned on roadside verges to try and stop verge cutting.


Cllr Randall urged people to familiarise themselves with who was working on these consultations in each area.


He introduced speakers from Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, New Forest NPA and the Blackwater Conservation Group who gave presentations on ecological projects in the area.


Wiltshire Wildlife Trust – Ashley

I help the Trust to look after 14 wildlife reserves across Wiltshire.

We are a membership and voluntary charity. We have 4 in this area

Cockey down, Coombe Bissett down, Blackmore Copse, Landford bog.


Our work had benefitted from the Princess Trust coming out to assist in conservation work over last 2 years.


Some of the education work involved outreach, and going into schools.


We currently had an exciting project, as £800k had been made available to purchase 35 hectares next to our Coombe Bissett Down reserve, thanks to all who has supported us.


A large element of the project would involve engaging more people. Training, education and improved access, with additional volunteering opportunities. The training days will be free of charge. People can sign up for them, and take the new skills back with them.


The site will include a chalk butterfly bank, walking routes, accessible kissing gates, and benches.




Q – How do we find out about the training days

A – If you let me have your emails I can add you to the friends group for information.


New Forest NPA – Craig - Area Ranger

Engagement with people that live or visit the National Park (NP). 9% of the NP was in Wiltshire. There were several areas of work we are engaged with.


Working in collaboration with stakeholders, to share knowledge and ambition.


Provides land management advice and support to landowners, to help them to enhance the ecological wellbeing of the landscape.


Working woodlands project – set up to offer advice and support to owners of small areas of woodland.


Cattle dating service – this was about connecting people, with grazing sites and cattle owners.


Community wildlife plans. – full copies were available online. A way for the community to see what asset they have and how to protect it for the future.


Landscape partnership fund – providing old fashioned woodland skill courses for a low cost.


The Area Ranger role was about community outreach, helping people to engage in the areas they live in.


There were many opportunities for people to get involved. An annual volunteer fair was planned for the end of January. Up to 600 people would come through the door who were interested in volunteering.


Blackwater Conservation Group  - Tony

In 2010 the Wellow Parish Plan was finalised. A questionnaire was circulated and from this, two 2 points were raised.


Land advice service were very helpful in setting up a number of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.



Stay and chat with our speakers


The Chairman closed the meeting and invited people to stay and chat with the speakers.