Agenda and draft minutes

Trowbridge Area Board - Thursday 5 December 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Conference Suite - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Ellen Ghey - Democratic Services Officer  Email:

Note No. Item




To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence from Members were received from:


  • Councillor Ernie Clark


Further apologies were noted from:


  • Inspector Andy Lemon – Wiltshire Police




To approve and sign as a true and correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 October 2024.

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 October 2024 were considered.


Following which, it was:




The Area Board approved and signed the minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 October 2024 as a true and correct record.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



In relation to Agenda Item 5, Area Board Funding, the following interests were declared:


  • Councillor Jo Trigg declared an Other Registrable Interest in respect of the grant for which Trowbridge Future was a beneficiary by virtue of her position as the Chair of Trustees.
  • Councillor Stewart Palmen declared an Other Registrable Interest in respect of the grant for which Trowbridge Future was a beneficiary by virtue of his position as a Trustee, and the grant related to Wiltshire Rural Music for which he is a representative of Wiltshire Council.



Information Items

The Area Board is asked to note the following information items:


·       Wiltshire Local Transport Plan Consultation - Consultation Portal.

·       Wiltshire Police Spot the Signs Campaign

·       Wiltshire Police VAWG Quarterly Update

·       Vaccine Confidence Training Sessions

·       EV Chargers

·       Community First Update

·       Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care System)

·       Cost of Living Update

Supporting documents:


The following updates were provided through the Chair as per the agenda pack:


  • Wiltshire Local Transport Plan Consultation - Wiltshire Council Consultation Portal
  • Wiltshire Police Spot the Signs Campaign
  • Wiltshire Police VAWG Quarterly Update
  • Vaccine Confidence Training Sessions
  • EV Chargers
  • Community First Update
  • Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care System)
  • Cost of Living Update




Area Board Funding

To note the remaining budgets and to consider any applications for funding, as detailed in the attached report and summarised below:


Remaining Budgets:


Community Area Grant

Older & Vulnerable

Young People





Community Area Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Wiltshire Rural Music – Wiltshire Rural Music Building Repairs



Young People Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Sustainable Image Lab CIC – Colour and Light Youth Art Programme



The Pump Trowbridge CIC – Future Sound of Trowbridge 2025



Further information on the Area Board Grant system can be found here.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board considered the following applications for funding:


Community Area Grants:


  • Wiltshire Rural Music - £1,600 towards Wiltshire Rural Music Building Repairs


On the motion of Councillor Mel Jacob, seconded by Councillor Horace Prickett, it was:




The Area Board awarded £1,600 to Wiltshire Rural Music for Wiltshire Rural Music Building Repairs.


Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria.



Young People Grants:


  • Sustainable Image Lac CIC - £2,460 towards Colour and Light Youth Art Programme


During the discussion, the applicant explained that in tandem with Trowbridge Future they would advertise the programme throughout the local Secondary Schools in order to access a broad range of students, and they emphasised the importance of providing accessible creative experiences for all children and young people. In response to a query, the applicant confirmed that they would review their safeguarding policies ahead of the project and that an updated version would be sent to officers to ensure compliance. Members thanked the applicant for re-submitting their grant application with a further breakdown in costs associated with the programme.


On the motion of Councillor Mel Jacob, seconded by Councillor David Vigar, it was:




The Area Board awarded £2,460 to Sustainable Image Lab CIC for the Colour and Light Youth Art Programme.


Resolved – The application met the Young People Grants Criteria.



  • The Pump Trowbridge CIC - £4,975 towards Future Sound of Trowbridge 2025


During the discussion, the applicant provided further details on the events with regard to attendance, performers, and the different ways in which young people could get involved such as mentoring in audio and lighting skills, and marketing and advertising opportunities. Members congratulated the recent accomplishment of the venue in being jointly awarded the “Outstanding Contribution to Grassroots Music” Award during the Music Venue Trust event in October 2024.


On the motion of Councillor Antonio Piazza, seconded by Councillor Jo Trigg, it was:




The Area Board awarded £4,975 to The Pump Trowbridge CIC for the Future Sound of Trowbridge 2025.


Reason – The application met the Young People Grants Criteria.




Update on Neighbourhood Collaborative Model

To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Collaborative Model from Caroline LeQuesne, Engagement and Partnership Lead.


Update on Neighbourhood Collaborative Model


Caroline LeQuesne, Engagement and Partnership Lead, provided an update on the Neighbourhood Collaborative Model.


It was explained that the Neighbourhood Collaborative and the “Core20PLUS5” approach was designed to support Integrated Care Systems (ICS) in driving targeted action in healthcare inequalities improvement. “Core20PLUS5” was then broken down and explained as:




Young People


“Core 20” -The most deprived 20% of the national population as identified by the Index of Multiple Deprivation


PLUS” - Population groups chosen by the ICS who experienced poorer-than-average health access, experience, and/or outcomes, who may not be captured within the Core20 alone and would benefit from a tailored healthcare approach.


Wiltshire Specific Groups:


·       Gypsy Roma Travellers

·       Boaters

·       Manual Workers (specifically those in minority groups)


Wiltshire Specific Groups:


·       Gypsy Roma Travellers

·       Boaters

“5” - Key clinical areas of health inequalities nationally.


·       Maternity

·       Severe Mental Illness

·       Chronic Respiratory Disease

·       Early Cancer Diagnosis

·       Hypertension


·       Asthma

·       Diabetes

·       Epilepsy

·       Oral Health

·       Mental Health



It was then explained that each Neighbourhood Collaborative was based on Primary Care Networks, with Trowbridge being its own. It was further explained that there was a Steering Group in place which connected leaders of different organisations in the public health space to work in tandem to support the improvement of health inequalities. The Steering Group also supports the local Neighbourhood Collaboratives which work to six core principles:


1)    Partnership Working

2)    Co-Production

3)    Whole Community Approach to Addressing Equality Gaps in Health and Wellbeing

4)    Integration to Create the Community Led Vision

5)    Enabling Volunteers and Staff to Thrive

6)    Creating a Movement for Change


It was confirmed that the Trowbridge Neighbourhood Collaborative had its first meeting the week prior to the meeting in which attendees raised priority areas that they felt was most important for the Trowbridge community. It was highlighted that many of the areas were linked to cost-of-living issues which despite not necessarily being an area that the NHS would usually focus on, had significant repercussions on their services.


During the discussion, points included:


  • It was confirmed that each Collaborative would choose a general area for a first project which could then be targeted more specifically during the Launch Programme. During this programme, as many professionals and front-line workers would be sought as possible to bring further experience, knowledge, and expertise to support the group in reaching their aims and making the most impact.
  • Members specifically highlighted concerns such as loneliness and isolation with older people, and lack of support for special guardians, particularly financial support, who were often older people with limited income.
  • It was emphasised that the importance of the right interventions and ensuring that a broad range of voices were heard during the process and who could then communicate and promote the Collaborative’s messaging throughout their organisations and communities.
  • It was further emphasised that services should be accessible, particular for those residents who had limited technology literacy or where English was not their first language, to build their confidence in getting the right  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55.



Area Board Priority Update

To receive updates from Lead Councillors for the local Area Board priorities:


Area Board Priority

Lead Councillor Representative


Youth Engagement, Employment, and Positive Activity

Cllr Jo Trigg

Addressing Climate Change and Protecting Green Spaces

Cllr Mel Jacob

Supporting Low Income Individuals and Families

Cllr Antonio Piazza

Older and Vulnerable People: Supporting Positive Mental and Physical Health

Cllr Stewart Palmen

Community Safety

Cllr David Vigar



The Area Board received updates from the following Lead Councillors in respect of each of the local Area Board priorities:


Councillor Jo Trigg – Youth Engagement, Employment, and Positive Activity


  • It was confirmed that Trowbridge Future were undertaking various Junior and Senior “Life-Skills Sessions” in areas such as budgeting and healthy relationships.
  • The Youth Forum had been established which comprised of Members of School Councils from the three main Secondary Schools and who had met twice. During the meetings, Members had discussed the reopening of the Town Hall, the new Trowbridge Leisure Centre Project, and working with Trowbridge Town Council to understand how young people’s voices can be heard.
  • Collective discussions were being undertaken regarding detached work provision and understanding how several groups can work together to make an impact in their communities.


Councillor Mel Jacob – Addressing Climate Change and Protecting Green Spaces


  • It was confirmed that there had been lots of tree planting in the local area, including 3 community orchards, as a result of additional grant funding as well as looking at the different policies for leaving areas of long grass, meadows, and pollinator areas. Furthermore, a few Tree Wardens had been appointed and there would be a focus on how to further support them in the future.
  • Members were working towards a more cohesive approach to tree planting between different services within Wiltshire Council and emphasised the importance of education within the community to ensure residents understood the benefits of additional tree planting.
  • Further updates were given including community activities such as litter picking, bulb planting, and supporting people with cost-of-living concerns and waste reduction.
  • Future points of focus were noted as reviewing the EV Charging Consultation responses, monitoring air quality, active travel and the safety and ease of using cycle routes, and efficient home heating.


Councillor Antonio Piazza – Supporting Low Income Individuals and Families


  • The Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment report was raised, and it was noted that approximately a third of houses in Trowbridge were considered deprived in accordance with the 4 main measures of deprivation: education, health, crime, and barriers to housing and services.
  • It was acknowledged that the work undertaken by the Neighbourhood Collaborative would look to improve that statistic, but it was noted that the vast majority of the community were impacted by cost-of-living issues and Members raised concerns as to the sustainability of relying on a volunteer-based system during the current economic climate.


Councillor Stewart Palmen – Older and Vulnerable People: Supporting Positive Mental and Physical Health


  • The work of the Neighbourhood Collaborative was raised alongside the positive impacts that different projects could have on communities.
  • Regular meetings were noted as being key and all Members were encouraged to attend and engage in future discussions to benefit Trowbridge residents.


Councillor David Vigar – Community Safety


  • It was noted that although crime figures were rising, this was due to increased reporting and a minority of prolific offenders.
  • It was confirmed that a Retail Crime Forum was held at the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56.



Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive any updates from the



a)    Wiltshire Police

b)    Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

c)    Child Friendly Trowbridge

d)    Trowbridge Future

e)    Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives


Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives are encouraged to attend the meeting and provide an update on issues and successes arising in their respective areas.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board received updates from the following partners:


Wiltshire Police


As Inspector Andy Lemon had given his apologies, Members noted the written update included within the agenda pack.


Trowbridge Future


Councillor Jo Trigg provided a brief verbal update under Agenda Item 7, Area Board Priority Update: Youth Engagement, Employment, and Positive Activity.


Family Hub Wiltshire Council


Carl Houghton, Community and Family Navigator, provided a verbal update and highlighted that there were Family Navigators available in libraries across the County for residents to speak to regarding any additional support that they may need. Members were also informed that there were two projects starting in 2025, namely:


  • First Aid Awareness Sessions – to be held in community libraries in collaboration with St John Ambulance to provide first aid knowledge to residents where needed.
  • Funky Foods – a series of cookery sessions throughout the County.


Members queried if further information regarding the range of services available through the Family Hubs could be promoted within schools, and it was confirmed that officers would work to create an electronic flyer that could be distributed to parents.




Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group

To note the minutes and consider any recommendations arising from the last LHFIG meeting.


Further information on the LHFIG process can be found here.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman, Councillor Jo Trigg, alongside Councillor David Vigar, introduced the minutes and recommendations from the previous meeting of the Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG) held on 21 November 2024.


After which, it was:




The Area Board approved the notes and recommendations of the Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group meeting held on 21 November 2024.



Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.




Future meeting dates:


·       20 February 2025

·       20 May 2025

·       26 June 2025

·       18 September 2025


For information on applying for a grant or grant application deadlines for these meetings, please contact the Engagement and Partnership Lead:


The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 20 February 2025.