Agenda and minutes

Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board - Wednesday 18 January 2023 6.00 pm

Venue: Purton Village Hall, Station Road, Purton, SN5 4AJ

Contact: Matt Hitch  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item






Chairman's Welcome, Introductions and Announcements

To welcome attendees to the meeting and receive announcements through the Chairman, including:


·       Area Board Delivery Officer

·       EV Charging

·       Cost of Living

·       Families and Children’s Transformation

·       Coronation of King Charles III

Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board and introduced the councillors and officers present, including the Area Board’s new Delivery Officer Louisa Young.


The Chairman then referred the Area Board to the following updates available in the agenda pack:


·       Electric vehicle charging grants (pg. 1)

·       Help with cost of living (pg. 3-5)

·       The Families and Children’s Transformation Project (pg. 7-8)

·       Information, including details about licences and road closures, for those planning events to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III (pg. 9-10)



She then informed the Area Board that a number of single adult male asylum seekers were staying at The Wiltshire Hotel, in Royal Wootton Bassett as part of the Home Office contingency booking. She noted that their stay would be for a maximum of 90 days and that the government has determined that every local authority area must take a proportion of asylum seekers. She explained that the hotel was providing accommodation with security and welfare staff on hand and that options were being explored for longer term accommodation. An update would be provided in due course for those wanting to donate.



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from:


·       Cllr David Bowler

·       Louise Cordas – Purton Community Fridge

·       Ray Sanderson – Malmesbury and District Foodbank

·       Stevie Palmer – Community Care Group

·       Richard Padgett



To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 28 September 2022 as a true and correct record.  

Supporting documents:


On the proposal of the Vice-Chairman, seconded by Cllr Lay, it was resolved:




To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 28 September 2022, as a true and correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



Police and Crime Commissioner

To receive an update from the Police and Crime Commissioner for Swindon and Wiltshire, Philip Wilkinson OBE, MPhil.


Wiltshire and Swindon’s Strategic Planning and Performance Officer, John Derryman, will also be in attendance to provide further information about efforts to tackle speeding in the local area.

Supporting documents:


Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Swindon and Wiltshire, Philip Wilkinson OBE, introduced himself to the Area Board and provided information about his track record of reforming security arrangements in places such as Palestine, Somalia and Afghanistan. He highlighted the biggest issues that he identified when taking over the role, the need to improve strategic planning management, cost efficiency and communications between headquarters and frontline officers. 


He then outlined the steps he was taking to improve performance to bring Wiltshire Police out of special measures, including:


·       Appointing a new Chief Constable, Catherine Roper, to review governance.

·       Reducing bureaucracy by cutting the number of boards (from 44) and shortening the business plan (from 800 pages) to improve sequencing and task prioritisation.

·       Reducing the number of key priorities in the Police and Crime Plan to give clear strategic direction to officers.

·       Implementing management leadership training, including by recruiting a retired Lieutenant Colonel.

·       Doubling the size of the rural crime team and equipping them with drones.



Swindon and Wiltshire’s Strategic Planning and Performance Officer, John Derryman, also introduced himself to the Area Board, providing details about his background in financial crime prevention and as a Community Speed Watch volunteer. He reported that Community Speed Watch had carried out over 8,000 watches in the past two years, including 270 in Cricklade, Lyneham and Royal Wootton Bassett. Work was ongoing to identify hotspots and better coordinate speed data from Wiltshire and Swindon’s 100 speed indicator devices (SIDs) including a pilot study in Salisbury. Three additional Community Speed Enforcement Officers had been employed and he was pleased to report that there had been a 68 percent increase in the number of convictions between 2021 and 2022. He noted that further details were available in Agenda Supplement 1.


During the discussion points included:



·       The Area Board thanked the PCC and Strategic Planning and Performance Officer for the update.

·       The PCC was keen to stress that there were fantastic police officers in Wiltshire.

·       He noted that he was held to account by the Police and Crime Panel, chaired by Cllr Steve Bucknell.

·       The Strategic Planning and Performance Officer paid tribute to Sarah Holden, a supervisor at Citizens in Policing, for her work on the speed data pilot study in Salisbury, which aimed to collate a wider range of data and more quickly that existing systems.

·        In response to a query about whether it would be possible to record loud cars, the officer also confirmed that they were looking at different options for recording data to evolve and develop the deterrent.

·       It was confirmed that auto speed watch cameras were covert so were not admissible in court but were useful for intelligence gathering and could be imported into a database.

·       It was noted that a briefing had been produced for communities concerned about heavy goods vehicles breaching weight limits on roads. It was now possible to directly report vehicle weight limit breaches to the PCC’s office. 





Community Food Bank Update

To receive an update from local food banks such as, Purton Community Fridge, Malmesbury and District Food Bank, Lyneham Larder and Swindon Food Collective.


Keris Healey from Lyneham Larder explained that they were using the garage next to the Little Ducklings Nursery in Lyneham and were open between 8am and 5pm. As well as providing food for different dietary requirements, the larder provided clothing and toys. She explained that they were able to use food from the Co-op that was approaching its sell by date but still good to eat. Any unused food the larder had left over was given to local farms as animal feed. 


The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager (SEPM), Andrew Jack, read out a statement on behalf of Purton Community Fridge, outlining the progress they had made since opening on 5 October 2022. It was noted that they had seen a steady increase in donations in recent months including from the Pear Tree Hotel and Co-op. Since opening they had managed to prevent over 2,500 kilograms in food waste, equivalent in weight to an African elephant. They had also diversified by opening a freezer and providing other products such as magazines.


The SEPM also highlighted the work being done in the area by other providers, such as Swindon Food Collectives, through their distribution centres in Royal Wootton Bassett and Lyneham, and Malmesbury and District Foodbank, though their distribution centres in Cricklade and Purton. Please see the following links for further information:



Emergency Contact Hubs

To find out further information from Wiltshire Council’s Community Resilience Team about proposals for Emergency Contact Hubs.


Camella Town and Chris Manuel from Wiltshire Council’s Community Resilience Team outlined proposals for the creation of Emergency Contact Hubs, based on a model operated in New Zealand. The aim of the hubs was to draw upon community knowledge to help coordinate support in emergency situations. The hubs would build upon the lessons learnt during the Covid-19 pandemic and be supported by Police Community Support Officers.   Information could be passed to and from the community from the blue light services, as well as key utility providers. The aim was to create around 150 such centres across Swindon and Wiltshire to improve community resilience. The officers were keen to stress that the centres would be community led and encouraged interested parties to come forward and contact for further information.


During the discussion, the Area Board thanked the officers for the update. They noted that the scheme could build upon emergency planning systems that had already been developed. They also spoke about the importance of communication in promoting the scheme and ensuing that the most vulnerable people were able to access the hubs.



Spotlight on Parishes and Partners

To receive updates from our key partners, including:


a.    Wiltshire Police

b.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – watch their latest video here

c.     Army Welfare Service

d.    Community First

e.    BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Together – Integrated Care System

f.      Healthwatch Wiltshire

g.    Parish and Town Councils


Supporting documents:


Written updates were available in the agenda pack from:


·       The Army Welfare Service (pg.23)

·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (pg. 25-27)

·       Community First (pg. 29-33)

·       BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Together Integrated Care System (pg. 35-36)

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire (pg.37)

·       Cricklade Town Council (pg.39)


Verbal updates were also provided by the following partners:


Wiltshire Police


Inspector Louis McCoy, the new inspector for the Area Board’s area, and Sergeant Kate Smith, who was returning to the team, introduced themselves and stated that they looked forward to working with the Board. Inspector McCoy explained that they were implementing a restructure to improve the coordination between Police Community Support Officers and response teams.


Sergeant Smith then outlined some of the key priorities for the local area including:


·       Working with the road safety team to implement the one-way system at Clack Hill. 22 tickets had been issued over the last month for drivers ignoring warning signs.

·       A visible police presence was in place in Royal Wootton Bassett after a violent incident over New Year.

·       They were undertaking work with schools in Cricklade to tackle graffiti.

·       A road safety campaign was being rolled out.

·       Work was going on to tackle parking issues and anti-social behaviour in Purton. It was also noted that the local Co-op had been burgled.


Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue


Phil Peaple, Station Manager for Cricklade, Royal Wootton Bassett and Westlea gave an update, noting that they had been having issues with recruitment and retention of staff, particularly in Cricklade. He explained that they were always recruiting for on-call staff and that Danny Willis, the new Watch Manager in Cricklade, was running a promotional campaign.


In response to a query about the response to a road accident involving a hybrid electric car near Broad Hinton, the station manager explained that once battery cells reach a certain heat it causes a chemical reaction leading to thermal runaway. This process can cause complications when dealing with road traffic collisions involving hybrid or electric vehicles, at the battery can reignite. Various studies were underway to look at different approaches to tackling this issue, with suggestions including submerging cars in water, or isolating them for 24 hours. 



Royal Wootton Bassett Banking Hub

To find out more about plans for a banking hub in Royal Wootton Bassett. The banking hub will operate in a similar way to bank branches, with banks providing staff on rotation so that trained specialists from different banks are available on different days.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Steve Bucknell reported that he had met an agent and they had identified a potential property in which to locate the hub. Negotiations were ongoing and, if successful, an announcement would be made in due course. It was important that the venue was in a central location, had space for meeting rooms and level access. It was also hoped that the post office would help to run banking services over the counter, possibly in addition to the existing post office.



Our Community Matters

Updates from Area Board Members on the Community Area Action Plan.


Updates were provided by lead members.


Youth Forum

RWB and Cricklade Youth Forum Update – Cllr Allison Bucknell


The Chairman reported that the next meeting of the Youth Forum was scheduled for 8 February.


RWB and Cricklade Environmental Forum

RWB and Cricklade Environmental Forum update – Cllr Steve Bucknell


Cllr Steve Bucknell reported that the Area Board Delivery Officer had written to parishes and that the date of the next meeting would be set once they had received further feedback. He explained that lots of good work was going on in parishes between meetings and they aimed to share best practice.


Community Care Group

RWB and Cricklade Community Care Group – Cllr Mary Champion and Cllr David Bowler

Supporting documents:


Cllr Champion provided an update about the group’s last meeting on 30 November 2022. She explained that they had discussed the role of warm spaces and the importance of transport links for vulnerable people. She was pleased to report that the Living Well Team would be attending their next meeting on 25 January, as well as a representatives from Tinkers Lane Surgery and Great Western Hospital’s Discharge Liaison Team. 



High Street Update – Cllr Bob Jones MBE


Household Economy – Cllr Jacqui Lay


The Vice-Chairman explained that Wiltshire Council was still looking at options for grant schemes to support high streets in market towns.


Cllr Lay highlighted that lots of information about the support available to households was available on Wiltshire Council’s website. It was also noted that paper copies of the Area Board’s information leaflet were now available to ensure that residents without internet access were also able to receive support. The SEPM noted that work was ongoing to add local information to Wiltshire Council’s website and suggested that town and parish councils might be happy to share details on their websites. It was suggested by the public that using QR codes would be helpful once the information was available online.



Community Safety Forum

To receive updates from the recent meetings of the RWB and Cricklade Community Safety Forum.


The Chairman reported that the forum had met on 13 January and received an update from the PCC on Young Commissioners. She also encouraged the public to attend the online meetings.



Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group

To consider the recommendations arising from the LHFIG meeting of 14 December 2022 as follows:


1)    To note the discussions and updates in the attached report.


2)    To close the following issues:


·       5083 - prohibition of entry and exit at C70 Hayes Knoll Road made permanent.

·       11-19-08 – Lydiard Tregoze signing and road markings.


3)    To move the following issues to the Priority A list:


·       11-22-16 Chelworth Crossroads improvements, Cricklade

·       11-22-10 The Barton Signs, Clyffe Pypard and Bushton

·       11-21-8 Purton, Manor Hill – speed reduction



Supporting documents:


The Vice-Chairman noted that the Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG) had a larger budget than the old Community Area Transport Group and were working closely with contractors to ensure that staff were in place to complete the works. He reported that he was speaking to engineers from Wiltshire Council’s Highways Team about improving permanent signage for the closure of the C70 to improve safety, but that funding was unavailable to progress the project at the present time.


Robert Collis, Chairman of Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council, reported that an accident before Christmas had destroyed one of their recently installed road signs. He explained that they were looking at options for a potential replacement.


The Area Board then considered the recommendations arising from the LHFIG meeting on 14 December 2022. On the proposal of the Vice-Chairman, seconded by the Chairman, it was resolved:




1)    To note the discussions and updates in the attached report.


2)    To close the following issues:


·       5083 - prohibition of entry and exit at C70 Hayes Knoll Road made permanent.

·       11-19-08 – Lydiard Tregoze signing and road markings.


3)    To move the following issues to the Priority A list:


·       11-22-16 - Chelworth Crossroads improvements, Cricklade

·       11-22-10 - The Barton Signs, Clyffe Pypard and Bushton

·       11-21-8 - Purton, Manor Hill – speed reduction




Funding Applications

To note the awarding of the following grant via delegated authority:


·       RWB Environment Trust awarded £500 towards an infrared camera to allow local people to identify areas of heat loss in their homes.


To consider applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


·       Purton Cricket Club requesting £5,000 towards resurfacing their nets.


·       St Bartholomew’s Church Croft requesting £1,750 towards a boiler replacement project.


To consider the following application to the Youth Grant Scheme:


·       The Stay Safe Community Interest Company requesting £1,450 towards the 2023 Digital Empowerment Programme.




Supporting documents:


The Area Board was asked to vote to note a grant awarded between meetings through the delegated authority of the SEPM. On the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by the Vice-Chairman it was resolved:




To note the awarding of £500 to Royal Wootton Bassett Environment Trust towards an infrared camera to allow local people to identify areas of heat loss in their homes.


Reason – The application met Community Area Grant criteria for 2022/23.


Jason from the environment trust thanked the Area Board for the grant and noted that it had already been loaned out 20 times and helped to identify areas of heat loss in 30 properties.


The Area Board then considered the following applications to the Community Area Grant Scheme:



Purton Cricket Club requesting £5,000 towards resurfacing their nets


The Fixture Secretary, Graham Wright, and the Chairperson, Callum Wright, of Purton Cricket Club spoke in favour of their application, explaining that their nets were now 13 years old, and the top layers were in need of replacement. They explained that the nets were used by a wide range of the community, around 600 people a year, including around 100 to 130 club members. They also ran Easter training camps and worked with boys and girls at local schools. On the proposal of Cllr Lay, seconded by the Vice-Chairman, it was resolved:




To award Purton Cricket Club £5,000 towards net resurfacing.


Reason - The application met the Community Area Grant criteria for 2022/23.




St Bartholomew’s Church Croft requesting £1,750 towards a boiler replacement project


Dennis, the Church Warden and Chairman of the Church Croft, spoke in favour of their application, noting that their current boiler was at the end of its life and beyond economic repair. He explained that the Croft was open to the whole community, not just the congregation, and was being used to offer a warm space during the winter.


During the discussion a member of the public raised concerns about replacing the boiler on a like for like basis and encouraged the Board to fund more eco -friendly alternatives. The Chairman proposed that the Church Croft was awarded £1,750 towards a boiler replacement project. Cllr Steve Bucknell seconded the proposal, suggesting an amendment that a condition was applied that consideration was given to alternative proposals, including heat pumps. The Chairman was happy to accept the amendment.





To award St Bartholomew’s Church Croft £1,750 towards a boiler replacement project on the condition that they first give consideration to alternative proposals, including air source heat pumps.



Reason - The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2022/23.


The Area Board then considered the following application to the Youth Grant scheme:


The Stay Safe Community Interest Company requesting £725 towards the 2023 Digital Empowerment Programme


The SEPM introduced the application, explaining that the project was originally due to have been based in both Royal Wootton Bassett Academy and Bradon Forest School with £1,450 being requested. However, he noted that Royal Wootton Bassett Academy would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 85.


Get It Off Your Chest

An open, public question and answer session to raise issues with your local representative (please note that if answers cannot be provided on the night, written responses will be provided after the meeting).


Mark Clarke from Cricklade, speaking as a member of the public, stated that he would welcome additional support from Wiltshire Council for local communities. He raised concerns about the end of grant funding for Open Door Cricklade. He also queried what would happen to any remaining Area Board grant funding if it was not spent by the end of the financial year.


In response, members offered to hold conversations about alternative funding options for Cricklade Open Door. It was noted that announcements on the remaining Area Board grant funding would be made in due course. It was also highlighted that Wiltshire Council’s draft budget for 2023-24 had now been published and was out for public consultation.


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.




To confirm the date of the next business meeting as 14 March 2023, at 6:00pm.



The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting. The date of the next meeting of the Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board was confirmed as 14 March 2023, with networking from 6pm.