Agenda and minutes

Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board - Wednesday 10 March 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: Join the On-Line meeting here

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)


No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introductions and Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements:


·         Cricklade Leisure Centre Refurbishment 


·         Fostering


·         Independent Visitor Scheme


·         Covid-19 Community Testing


·         Become a Councillor




Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the on-line meeting of the RWB&C  Area Board


The Area Board members introduced themselves


The following Chairman’s Announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:


·         Cricklade Leisure Centre Refurbishment 


·         Fostering


·         Independent Visitor Scheme


·         Covid-19 Community Testing


·         Become a Councillor



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mollie Groom and Jane Vaughan – Community Engagement Manager, whom the Area Board wished a speedy recovery



To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 25 November 2020

Supporting documents:




·         The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 25 November 2020 were agreed a correct record and signed by the Chairman



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



Cllr Bob Jones - Cricklade Heritage funding application and Cricklade Defibrillator group fundingapplication - would not vote on these applications



RWB&C Area Board 2017-2021



Cllr Allison Bucknell introduced various speakers who gave updates since the last Area Board meeting 


Local Area Coordinator – Francis Barrone


·         That the Wellbeing Hub were now carrying out door step visits to seek out shielders who haven’t been contacted by Wiltshire Council as yet


·         Good collaborative working with local GP surgeries


·         That local Church groups were now getting involved


·         That food bank usage was now reducing in the community area


·         Lots of creativity and resilience being shown by people


·         Lots of Whatsapp and social media use going on


·         That the virtual meeting platforms continued to be a good way for connecting up people



Rise Youth, Supporting Young People – Danielle Blake


·         Numbers of young people a bit thin on the ground, but still delivering a service


·         That many young people were worried about going back to school




Community Safety Group


·         That the group had continued to meet – thanks to all who had taken part during the last four years 



Dementia group


·         Looking to get the group back on track when the restrictions relax



Royal Wootton Bassett Environmental Group


That the group had continued to meet in line with the Covid restrictions,

during this time project groups had:

·         Produced a residents’ cycling survey and network of proposed cycle links in RWB, and engaged with RWBTC on this.  They continued to engage with Wiltshire council for the long awaited cycle path to Swindon


·         Researched best practice and solutions with Plant life and Dorset council. Met with Highways, Streetscene and the chair of the Wiltshire Council climate emergency taskforce in the efforts to introduce a wildflower trial in RWB



·         Supported local sustainable shops with an online Eco-Fest in 2020.  Plans to launch a sustainable shopping app called Future Friendly in 2021


The Chairman thanked everyone for their updates



Partner & Parish Updates

Supporting documents:


The following written partner updates contained in the agenda pack were noted:


Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


NHS/Healthwatch Wiltshire


Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council


Cricklade Town Council


·         That the Town Council were looking forward to some new councillors joining them after the 6 May local elections


·         That the Town Council were taking over new assets from Wiltshire Council included the Cricklade Leisure Centre


The Chairman thanked everyone for their updates


Investing in our Community - An overview of Community Area Funding 2017-2021

Cllr Allison Bucknell


Cllr Allison Bucknell gave an overview of the 2020/21 Area Board budget


Capital Grant scheme


·         2020/21 allocation - £47,776

·         Invested to date - £4,888

·         Available for investment - £42,888

·         Balance if all requests are granted - £15,383



Positive Youth Activities


·         2020/21 allocation - £19,528

·         Invested to date - £335.50

·         Available for investment - £19,192.50

·         Balance if all requests are granted - £5,685



Health and Wellbeing/Older Person Champion


·         2020/21 allocation - £7,700

·         Invested to date - £1,700

·         Available for investment - £6,000

·         Balance if all requests are granted - £6,000








Grants for Local Groups

Community Area Grants


·       Cricklade Bloomers requesting £3,000 for Utility vehicle


·       Cricklade Defibrillator group requesting £2,200 for Defibrillators


·       Green Machine requesting £999 for Digital Devices for home schooling


·       Saxons Petanque requesting £1,750 for Pitch improvements


·       Cricklade Heritage Trail requesting £2,500 for Interpretation boards and promotion


·       Cricklade Town Hall requesting £5,000 for DDA Compliant facilities


·       Broad Town Parish Council requesting £4,904 for Improvements at Red Hills playing field


·       Old Court Community Pre-School, Royal Wootton Bassett requesting £900 for Digital devices and software


·       St Sampson’s, Cricklade requesting £700 for CCTV project


·        St Michael’s, Church Hall, Lyneham requesting £552 for Foodbank project


·        Lyneham Village Hall requesting £5,000 for Lyneham Village Hall


Youth Grants


·        The Rise Trust requesting £1,232.50 for RISE YOUTH Detached Outreach – Cricklade


·        Cricklade Local Youth Network requesting £3,625 for Positive Youth activities for 13-18 yr olds in Cricklade 2021 to 2022


·        Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council requesting £8,650 for Detached Youth Work (Rise Youth)



Supporting documents:


Community Area Grants


Cricklade Bloomers awarded £3,000 for Utility vehicle



Cricklade Defibrillator group awarded £2,200 for Defibrillators

Note: Cllr Bob Jones declared an interest and abstained from the vote



Green Machine awarded £999 for Digital Devices for home schooling



Saxons Petanque awarded £1,750 for Pitch improvements



Cricklade Heritage Trail awarded £2,500 for Interpretation boards and promotion

Note: Cllr Bob Jones declared an interest and abstained from the vote



Cricklade Town Hall awarded £5,000 for DDA Compliant facilities



Broad Town Parish Council awarded £4,904 for Improvements at Red Hills playing field



Old Court Community Pre-School, Royal Wootton Bassett awarded £900 for Digital devices and software



St Sampson’s, Cricklade awarded £700 for CCTV project



St Michael’s, Church Hall, Lyneham awarded £552 for Foodbank project



Lyneham Village Hall awarded £5,000 for Lyneham Village Hall

Youth Grants


The Rise Trust awarded £1,232.50 for RISE YOUTH Detached Outreach – Cricklade



Cricklade Local Youth Network awarded £3,625 for Positive Youth activities for 13-18 yr olds in Cricklade 2021 to 2022



Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council awarded £8,650 for Detached Youth Work (Rise Youth)



Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Community Area working towards recovery

Cllr Allison Bucknell


Cllr Allison Bucknell advised that discussions had been held across the community which were helping to assess current issues and future priorities across the Community Area


These conversations would continue across the community area and develop actions that could be taken forward by the Area Board and its partners


Priorities were:


Young people - Mental Health & Wellbeing and Positive Activities


·         Access to Education and Training

·         Access to Transport

·         Access to Social & Cultural activities

·         Signposting to support and advice


 Older People - Isolation and access to services


·         Access to Transport

·         Access to Social & Cultural activities (to counter social isolation and loneliness)

·         Access and support to IT



Vulnerable individuals and families - ongoing support


·         Mental Health of the whole community

·         Digital Exclusion - particularly amongst older people and those living with Learning Difficulties

·         Economically Vulnerable – ‘Just about managing’

·         Food poverty, IT poverty, Fuel poverty

·         Domestic abuse



The Local Economy 


·         Promotion of High Street and Local Businesses (esp. eco friendly)






















Local Elections - Thursday 6 May 2021


That most town and parish councils would be looking to elect new councillors, and the importance of registering to vote if you haven’t done so






Cllr Mollie Groom was thanked for her long service as both a local councillor and as a Wiltshire councillor and was wished a long and happy retirement


The Chairman thanked the Wiltshire Council officers for the support that the Area Board had received


The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting


The next meeting of the Royal Wootton Bassett & Cricklade Area Board would be held on Wednesday 16 June 2021