Agenda and minutes

Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board - Wednesday 9 October 2024 6.30 pm

Venue: Purton Village Hall, Station Road, Purton, SN5 4AJ

Contact: Matt Hitch  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from:


·       Cllr Steve Bucknell

·       Lyneham and Bradenstoke Parish Council

·       Angela Jensen, Vice-Chairman of Cricklade Town Council

·       Stevie Palmer – Community Care Group

·       Alexa Davies – Engagement and Partnerships Lead

·       Mark Hopkins – Clerk at Royal Wootton Bassett Town Council



To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2024 as a true and correct record.

Supporting documents:


On the proposal of Cllr Nick Dye, seconded by Cllr David Bowler, it was resolved to make the:




To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2024 as a true and correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were no declarations of interest.



Chairman's Updates

To receive announcements through the Chairman.


The Chairman noted that Wiltshire Council’s Cabinet had recommended to Full Council that the Wiltshire Local Draft Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government.


Information Items

·         Community First

·         Healthwatch Wiltshire Annual Report available online (paper copies on request)

·         Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care Board)

·         Neighbourhood Crime Figures Search by Police Team

·         Wiltshire Council Consultation Portal

·         Wiltshire Council Information Items:

o   FACT Family Help Project

o   FACT Transitional Safeguarding

o   Wiltshire Youth Council

o   Cost of Living Update

Supporting documents:


The Chairman referred the Area Board to the following written and online updates:


·       Community First, pg. 15-20

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire Annual Report - online

·       Update from BSW Together (Integrated Care Board), pg. 21-23

·       Neighbourhood Crime Figures online

·       Wiltshire Council’s online Consultation Portal

·       Wiltshire Council Information Items:

o   FACT Family Help Project, pg. 25-26

o   FACT Transitional Safeguarding, pg. 27-28

o   Wiltshire Youth Council, pg. 29-30

o   Cost of Living Update, pg. 31-32



Spotlight on Parishes and Partners

To receive updates from our key partners, including:


Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


a.    Wiltshire Police - Inspector Scott Anger

b.    Wiltshire Road Safety Partnership – Perry Payne

c.    Road Safety Education Manager (Bikability) - Jane Deeley

d.    Parish and Town Councils

e.    Spurgeons Children’s Charity


Written or Online Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:


a.    Wiltshire Police

b.    Neighbourhood Watch – Youth Advisory Group

c.    Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service - videos

d.    Purton Parish Council

e.    Cricklade Town Council

f.     Household Support Fund – Purton Community Fridge



Supporting documents:


Written updates were available in the agenda pack from:



·       Wiltshire Police, pg. 33 – 41

·       Wiltshire and Swindon Road Safety Partnership, pg. 43 – 53

·       Neighbourhood Watch Youth Advisory Group, pg. 55-56

·       Purton Parish Council, pg. 57-59

·       Cricklade Town Council, pg. 61-62

·       Household Support Fund – Purton Community Fridge, pg. 63


The following partners also provided verbal updates:


Wiltshire Police


Inspector Scott Anger and Sergeant James Osment gave an update on behalf of the neighbourhood police team. Points included:


·       Both the Inspector and Sergeant were new to the area and looked forward to getting to know the local community.

·       Police Constable (PC) Lucy Wright had been replaced in the team by PC Mike Gassner, two days before the Area Board.

·       The neighbourhood team had held several engagements in the local area, listed on page 36 of the agenda pack.

·       Inspector Anger noted that community engagement events were always advertised online in advance; forthcoming engagements were listed on page 37 of the agenda pack.

·       The police preferred to attend events organised by other groups as they tended to get higher attendance than at standalone police events.

·       The number of crimes in the local area between 1 July and 20 September were 35.4 percent lower than the equivalent period in 2023. The number of recorded incidents in that time was down by 22 percent on the equivalent period in 2023.

·       An investigation was ongoing into a fatal road traffic incident in Bushton and support was being provided to the local community.

·       The neighbourhood team were looking to help establish more Community Speed Watch (CSW) teams in Royal Wootton Bassett and the surrounding villages.



During the discussion, the following points were made:


·       The Area Board thanked the Inspector and Seargent for their updates.

·       Mark Clarke, Chairman of Cricklade Town Council, thanked the police for supporting their local CSW and asked them to continue their good work. He also noted that the town council had invested in two new Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs). 

·       A police response team and housing association were tackling antisocial driving in Ridgeway Farm.

·       Purton Co-op was burgled on 27 August when cash and alcohol were stolen. The burglary was part of a national trend of Co-ops being targeted in rural areas. An investigation was ongoing, and the shop had been able to open the next day.

·       The neighbourhood team were working alongside schools in Purton to tackle antisocial parking. Inspector Anger said that he would welcome information about specific locations where the antisocial parking was taking place.

·       In response to a query about whether there had been an improvement in the prosecution rate for crimes classified as ‘violence against the person’, Inspector Anger stated that, although he did not have statistics available about specific types of crimes, the overall prosecution rate in Wiltshire was 16.9 percent and it was 26.3 percent in the Royal Wootton Bassett area. It would be possible to email the neighbourhood team to request a more detailed breakdown of the figures.

·       Local resident, Jason Cook, asked  ...  view the full minutes text for item 57.



Our Community Matters

To receive updates from Area Board members on the Community Area Action Plan.


Updates were provided by lead members.


Community Area Action Plan

To approve the Area Board’s priority areas for the forthcoming year and ratify the appointment of lead members to those priorities.


Supporting documents:


The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager (SEPM), Andrew Jack, reminded the Area Board that they had considered the findings of the Community Area Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (CAJSNA) and a corresponding survey, at their previous meeting. He reported that the Area Board had been using the findings from the CAJSNA and community survey to develop an action plan for the remainder of the financial year. He then gave a brief overview of some of the key goals within the draft plan, including:


·       To reestablish a youth forum to support local groups to provide youth services to the community, including in rural areas.

·       To deliver another youth festival including a range of activities.

·       To reestablish an environment forum and work closely with Royal Wootton Bassett Environment Trust to promote active travel.

·       To host and environment fair to bring together different groups.

·       To publish an update to the community directory.

·       To run a Techie Tea Party the help older and vulnerable people to improve their IT skills.

·        To support carers to sign up for the new online ID cards.

·       To provide career advice and establishing business networks in the area.



The Area Board were then invited to ratify their action plan for the forthcoming year.


In response to a query about how the community directory would be kept up to date, given that it was planned to print it, the SEPM explained that the Engagement and Partnerships Lead, Alexa Davies, was working with a care provider called Home Instead, who would produce and update it.


On the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr David Bowler, it was resolved to make the:





To appoint lead members to, the following priority areas and their associated working groups:


Youth Engagement and Positive Activity Opportunities


·       Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Youth Forum – Cllr Allison Bucknell


Older People


·       Community Care Group – Cllr Mary Champion and Cllr David Bowler




·       Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Environment Group – Cllr Jacqui Lay




·       Career Advice for Young People – Cllr Allison Bucknell

·       Business Advice – Cllr Nick Dye

·       Household Economy – Cllr Mary Champion


Youth Forum

RWB and Cricklade Youth Forum update – Cllr Allison Bucknell


The Chairman reported that the Area Board were discussing potential dates to hold youth engagement events. She also highlighted that Wiltshire Council were working on a county wide youth strategy, with input coming from its overview and scrutiny committees.


In response to concerns from the Chairman of Cricklade Town Council, Mark Clarke, that Wiltshire Council was not spending all of the Youth Grant funding allocated to Area Boards, the Area Board Chairman noted that part of the role of the emerging youth strategy was to identify the activities on offer across the county. She explained that grants were available for seed funding and to support one off events, but not for the continuous core funding of services. It was possible that the grant criteria might be reviewed as part of the wider youth strategy in development.


The Vice-Chairman highlighted that Wiltshire Council’s Children’s Select Committee would oversee and scrutinise the delivery of the strategy to make sure that it reflected the needs of harder to reach young people.


RWB and Cricklade Environmental Forum

RWB and Cricklade Environmental Forum update from Cllr Jacqui Lay.


The Vice-Chairman explained that she was keen to work with local environmental groups to develop plans. She reported that she had accompanied Cllr Mary Champion to Sustain Farm Shop to learn about how they were growing food and to talk about different visions for sustainable living. She then provided some comments about a range of environmental issues including flooding and packaging. Points included:


·       The Vice-Chairman had attended the Operational Flood Working Group for the north of the county. The group had heard from a company able to map the likely sources of local floods for a fee of a few thousand pounds.

·       Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 required Lead Local Flood Authorities, such as Wiltshire Council, to investigate flooding incidents and then publish a report on the results of the investigation. Wiltshire Council had carried out investigations following recent events, including Storm Babet and Storm Henk.

·       The government had introduced an Extended Producer Responsibility scheme for packaging, which commenced in April 2024 and required producers of packaging to pay fees based on the type and amount produced. Some of the fees would ultimately be allocated to local authorities, including Wiltshire Council, to reflect the costs they incurred from collecting and managing waste packaging. This change was being incorporated into the action plan for Wiltshire Council’s Household Waste Management Strategy.


She then invited the public to share their environmental priorities with her.


During the discussion, points included:


·       Thanks were given to Cllr Steve Bucknell for his work in chairing the Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Environment Forum.

·       Jason Cook from Royal Wootton Bassett Environment Trust said that he would welcome further communication from the Area Board about the Wiltshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy. The Chairman offered to find out further information and highlighted that consultation opportunities had been advertised through Wiltshire Council’s communications network as well as in the press and on social media. 

·       The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager, Andrew Jack, also highlighted that two short briefing notes about the Local Nature Recovery Strategy had been attached to the Area Board’s agendas in March and June. He reported that he had held conversations with the strategy officer for the scheme and she had been excited about using Area Boards as a vehicle for consulting with communities about the plan. Although that had not happened in the autumn, it was anticipated that there would be future opportunities for public input.

·       Mark Clarke, Chairman of Cricklade Town Council, noted that Wiltshire Council were asking for views about a mapping exercise to identify sites for nature improvement projects. A further public consultation would take place.


RWB&C Community Care Group

To receive an update from the las meeting of the Community Care Group held on 5 September 2024.


Cllr Mary Champion and Cllr David Bowler

Supporting documents:


Cllr David Bowler referred to the Area Board to the report included on pages 67-69 of the agenda pack. He highlighted that the Community Care Group had discussed setting up a new community fridge in Royal Wootton Bassett and that he hoped it would be possible to start running the fridge in the new year.



Cllr Allison Bucknell – Career Advice for Young People


Cllr Nick Dye – Business Fit for Future


To learn more about the Wiltshire Council programme which is being developed to support and enhance businesses across Wiltshire.


Up to £25,000 in grant funding is available for the Start Up and Rural Hubs initiatives.



Cllr Mary Champion – Household Economy

Supporting documents:


Career Advice for Young People


The Chairman stated that she would hold conversations with local schools.



Business Advice


It was reported by Cllr Nick Dye that grants, advice and energy efficiency surveys were available for small businesses through the Wiltshire Towns Programme. Further information was available in Agenda Supplement 1. 


He also noted that he was keen to establish whether there was sufficient demand in the Area Board’s area to establish a chamber of commerce. His predecessor, Cllr Bob Jones MBE, had investigated the possibility of establishing a chamber of commerce in Cricklade but there was insufficient critical mass in the town to set one up. Cllr Dye explained that Warminster had a successful chamber of commerce, so he would be keen to replicate this in the Area Board’s area.


Household Economy


The Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager, Andrew Jack, reported that the government had decided to extend the Household Support Fund scheme. He explained that the money was distributed through Wiltshire Council and could be put towards free, or subsidised, food.


Community Safety Forum

To receive updates from recent meetings of the Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Community Safety Forum.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman reported that the Community Safety Forum had held some very interesting recent meetings, as listed on page 75 of the agenda pack. She stated that their next update would be on 11 October when they would hear from the National Farmers’ Union. 



Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG)

To note the minutes and consider any recommendations arising from the latest LHFIG meeting held on 11 September 2024, as set out in the attached report.




1.    11-24-22 Cricklade Town centre Sign review – To note an increase in cost from the original estimate of £3855.59 to £4,604.54, (a difference of £748.95). The LHFIG will cover the additional expenditure with no further requirement from Cricklade Town Council to increase their previously agreed contribution of £963.90

2.    11-24-16 - Greenhill Crossroads, Lydiard Millicent – Proposed relocation of 30 speed limit terminal point, village gates x 2, signs and road markings. Allocate £8,000.00 (25% contribution from Lydiard Millicent Parish Council = £2,000.00)

3.    11-24-25 A3102 Calne Road / Preston Lane Mini RDBT - Options 1 including High Friction surfacing, changes to road markings and sign improvements. Allocate £8,000.00 (25% contribution from Lyneham Parish Council = £2,000.00)

4.    11-24-13- C414 Hook Street to Coped Hall RDBT - Topological survey for footway improvement work. Allocate £6,960.00 (100% contribution from Lydiard Tregoze parish council = £6,960.00)

5.    11-23-15 - Manor Hill (North of Manor Hill Farm) Purton - Kerbing and carriageway work with ‘road narrows’ warning signs (x 2). Note Temporary Road closure required for approx. 1 week. Allocate £6,000.00 (25% contribution from Purton Parish Council - £1500.00)

6.    11-24-17 - B4696 Braydon Road (Includes Lydiard Millicent & Purton Parishes). Sign and road marking improvements on B4696 Braydon Road. Allocate £5,500.00 (12.5% contribution Lydiard Millicent PC = £687.50, 12.5% contribution Purton PC = £687.50)


Total allocation request - £35,423.90, less third party contributions of £13,835.00 = £21,588.90


Further information on the LHFIG process can be found here.


Supporting documents:


The Area Board then considered the recommendations arising from the Local Highway and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG) meeting of 11 September 2024.


The Chairman was pleased that significant progress had been made with dropped kerb projects.


Jason Cook asked whether the footway improvements proposed under 11-24-13 would enable use by people in mobility scooters. The Chairman said further information could be provided outside of the meeting.



On the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr David Bowler, it was resolved to make the:




To approve the following recommendations:


1. 11-24-22 Cricklade Town Centre sign review – To note an increase in cost from the original estimate of £3,855.59 to £4,604.54, (a difference of £748.95). The LHFIG will cover the additional expenditure with no further requirement from Cricklade Town Council to increase their previously agreed contribution of £963.90

2. 11-24-16 - Greenhill Crossroads, Lydiard Millicent – Proposed relocation of 30 speed limit terminal point, village gates x 2, signs and road markings. Allocate £8,000.00 (25 percent contribution from Lydiard Millicent Parish Council = £2,000.00)

3. 11-24-25 A3102 Calne Road / Preston Lane Mini RDBT - Options 1 including High Friction surfacing, changes to road markings and sign improvements. Allocate £8,000.00 (25 percent contribution from Lyneham Parish Council = £2,000.00)

4. 11-24-13- C414 Hook Street to Coped Hall RDBT - Topological survey for footway improvement work. Allocate £6,960.00 (100 percent contribution from Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council = £6,960.00)

5. 11-23-15 - Manor Hill (North of Manor Hill Farm) Purton - Kerbing and carriageway work with ‘road narrows’ warning signs (x 2). Note Temporary Road closure required for approx. 1 week. Allocate £6,000.00 (25 percent contribution from Purton Parish Council - £1,500.00)

6. 11-24-17 - B4696 Braydon Road (Includes Lydiard Millicent and Purton Parishes). Sign and road marking improvements on B4696 Braydon Road. Allocate £5,500.00 (12.5 percent contribution Lydiard Millicent PC = £687.50, 12.5 percent contribution Purton PC = £687.50)


Total allocation request - £35,423.90, less third-party contributions of £13,835.00 = £21,588.90


Further information on the LHFIG process can be found here.



Funding Applications

Remaining Budgets:


Community Area Grant

Older & Vulnerable

Young People






Community Area Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Royal Wootton Bassett Arts Festival – Phase 1C



Cricklade Bowls Club - fence



Older & Vulnerable Grants:



Grant Details

Amount Requested


Wiltshire Misic Centre – Celebrating Age Wiltshire




Further information on the Area Board Grant system can be found here.

Supporting documents:


The Area Board noted the budgets remaining for allocation at the meeting and heard from representatives in attendance who gave a brief overview of, and were questioned about, their projects.


Community Area Grants


        i.         Royal Wootton Bassett Arts Festival Requesting £500 Towards Phase 1c


Representatives thanked the Area Board for their previous grant. They explained that safeguarding prevented them from using personal ‘phones to take photographs to promote the festival. Group ‘phones would allow them to promote their events and accept non-cash payments in their café.


On the proposal of the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Mary Champion, it was resolved to make the:




To award Royal Wootton Bassett Arts Festival £500 towards Phase 1c


Reason: The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2024/25.


       ii.         Cricklade Bowls Club Requesting £500 Towards a Metre High Fence



It was explained that the club had around 80 members between the ages of 45 and 80. The fence would separate the club from residential properties and also prevent dogs from entering the bowling green. It was confirmed that hedgehog holes would be made in the fence.


During the discussion, it was noted that it was a dog owner’s responsibility to ensure that they did not trespass. It was emphasised that the fence would have wider benefits, such as enhancing the appearance of the club.


On the proposal of Cllr Nick Dye, seconded by Cllr Champion, it was resolved to make the:




To award Cricklade Bowls Club £500 towards a metre high fence.


Reason: The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 2024/25.




Older and Vulnerable Adult’s Grants



     iii.         Wiltshire Music Centre Requesting £1,500 Towards Celebrating Age Wiltshire


Pat, a volunteer at Celebrating Age Wiltshire, explained that they had provided 12 activities in the Area Board’s area between September 2023 and August 2024. The events tackled isolation, as they allowed the 618 people that had attended to socialise.


On the proposal of the Vice-Chairman, seconded by Cllr Champion, it was resolved to make the:




To award Wiltshire Music Centre £1,500 towards Celebrating Age Wiltshire.


Reason: The application met the Older and Vulnerable Adult’s Grant Criteria 2024/25.




Delegated Funding


The Area Board noted the following funding award which had been made between meetings under the Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager’s Delegated Funding Process, due to a matter of urgency:


Toucan Café self-help group were awarded £250 towards running costs.



The Chairman stated that the Area Board would welcome creative applications for Youth Grant funding. 


Information links: Area Board Grants and Grants Criteria



Get it Off Your Chest

An open, public question and answer session to raise issues with your local representative (please note that if answers cannot be provided on the night, written responses will be provided after the meeting).


The Chairman took the opportunity to wish the Vice-Chairman a happy birthday.


Jason Cook requested a response to a question that he had submitted for the Area Board’s Highways Matters event. The Chairman offered to make further enquiries.


Urgent items

Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.



Close and Future Meeting Dates

Future Meeting Dates (6:30-8:30pm):


·       11 December 2024 – with Chief Constable Catherine Roper

·       12 March 2025


For information on applying for a grant or grant application deadlines for these meetings, please contact the Strategic Engagement and Partnerships Manager or Engagement and Partnerships Lead



Future meeting dates were confirmed as:


6:30 – 8:30pm with networking from 6.00pm


·       11 December 2024 – Cricklade Town Hall

·       12 March 2025

·       20 May 2025 (Extraordinary meeting on the rise of Full Council, not before 11am)

·       18 June 2025

·       24 September 2025

·       26 November 2025

·       4 March 2026



The Chairman reminded the Area Board that Chief Constable Catherine Roper would be attending their next meeting.


Meeting details, Agendas and minutes can be viewed here.