Venue: Online
Contact: Stuart Figini Senior Democratic Services Officer
Note | No. | Item |
7:30pm |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Area Board Members and officers present.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Curly Haskell – Pewsey Parish Council.
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 8 March 2021 and 18 May 2021.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Decision
The minutes of the meetings held on 8 March 2021 and 18 May 2021 were agreed as a correct record and would be signed by the Chairman at a future meeting.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
7:35pm |
Chairman's Announcements The Chairman will make the following announcements:
· Area Board Operational Model 2021 Onwards · The 2023 Boundary Review Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman drew attention to the following written announcements included on the agenda:
7:40pm |
Appointments to Outside Bodies and Working Groups To appoint representatives to Outside Bodies, and to reconstitute and appoint to Working Groups for the year 2021/22.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The following appointments to Working Groups and Outside Bodies were made for the forthcoming year:
Outside Bodies: a) Partnership for Older People in Pewsey (POPP) – Cllr Stuart Wheeler b) Pewsey – The Vale Health and Wellbeing Centre – Cllr Paul Oatway QPM c) Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP) – Cllr Paul Oatway QPM
Working Groups: a) Community Area Transport Group (CATG) – Cllr Jerry Kunkler b) Young People Group– Cllr Jerry Kunkler c) Health and Wellbeing Group – Cllr Stuart Wheeler
7:50pm |
Pewsey Area Board - Agreeing Priorities for 2021-22 To receive an update from the Community Engagement Manager and for the Area Board to agree its priorities going forward.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board considered the report of the Community Engagement Manager (CEM), Richard Rogers, which provided an overview of the Community Area Status Report. The Community Area Status Report combined the main messages gathered from local data and discussions with the local community. From these discussions and the gathering of evidence, the information provided a base from which priorities were identified that the Area Board could focus its resources upon.
The Area Board then considered the following priorities for the Pewsey Community Area for the forthcoming year:
· Positive activities for young people – Cllr Kunkler · Climate change – Cllr Kunkler · Transport and access with strong links to loneliness and Isolation – Cllr Oatway · Mental health (community approach) – Cllr Wheeler
It was noted that each Area Board Councillor would champion one or more of the priorities. The priorities would then feed into a rolling work plan detailing how each priority is progressing, with regular update reports to the Area Board.
1. That the Area Board approves and adopts the 4 initial priorities with councillor champions as identified above.
2. That the Area Board prioritise its resources including funding upon the agreed priorities.
8:10pm |
Partner Updates To receive any updates from partner organisations:
· Wiltshire Police · Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue · Healthwatch Wiltshire · NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group · Older People’s Champion and Partnership for Older People (POPP) · Pewsey Community Area Partnership · Town & Parish Councils
Supporting documents: Minutes: a) Wiltshire Police
Insp Al Lumley provided a verbal update from Wiltshire Police, which included detail about a slight increase in assaults in the last quarter, but mainly categorised as assaults within the family. There had been an increase in the number of calls received about missing persons, generally these were young people playing truant or elderly people wandering off. They were all found and returned to their homes. Insp Lumley referred to Operation Ardent, which was a national objective in relation to abductions, child exploitation, county lines and human trafficking. The Area Board congratulated Paul Whiteside who had recently been appointed as a regular police officer in Pewsey from a PCSO.
Insp Lumley responded to questions about the police organisational structure chart for the Pewsey Area, he indicated that work on the chart was available on the Police website and would be available for Parish Council’s. Insp Lumley also commented on the frequency of Police reports for Parish Council’s and indicated that he would take this forward.
b) Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
Dave Adamson, Station Manager provided an update from Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, which included detail about reducing the level of risk and harm from fire, interaction between the Protection Team and Local authorities, private landlords and tenants, on call recruitment, inspirational safety education, advice for people living with dementia, road safety, winter safety and the total number of calls for Pewsey Fire station.
c) NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group
There was no written report.
d) Healthwatch Wiltshire
The written report was noted.
e) Older People’s Champion and Partnership for Older People (POPP)
Cllr Wheeler reported that there had not been a meeting of the Group since the local elections in May 2021.
f) Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP)
Dawn Wilson explained that a Health and Wellbeing meeting had not taken place, although the membership had been combined with the covid response group as the same people were on both groups. Work was ongoing with Shalbourne Connect and walking groups.
Susie Brew commented on Pewsey Vale Tourism and in particular provided an update on the ‘Walkers Are Welcome’ project and the ‘Itineries’ Project
Colin Gale commented on the bus proposal and had received an acknowledgement from Bill Grewcock from Wiltshire Council and understood that the proposal was being considered as a grant application. Both Pewsey and Bedwyn Rail User Groups were keeping in contact with Devizes Gateway Team about proposals for the new station. Discussions were also taking place with Transwilts about a community rail partnership. Colin made it clear to Transwilts that the proposals must not have a negative impact on current services but only improve them.
g) Town and Parish Councils
· Rushall Parish Council – Colin Gale raised an issue about the condition of the road through Rushall. He explained that the road had been closed for some time as Highways were about to undertake some repair works. There was a need to make further urgent repairs to the road and Colin ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
8:30pm |
Community Engagement Manager - Delegated Decisions To consider a proposal to authorise the Community Engagement Manager to agree expenditure up to £5,000 and urgent matters, in consultation with the Chair, when they arise in between Area Board meetings. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board considered a report about Community Engagement Manager delegated decisions which included the following proposal:
Decisions taken between meetings will be reported in the funding report to the next meeting of the Area Board explaining why the matter was considered urgent or necessary to expedite the work of the Board. Where a significant number of urgent matters arise between meetings, a special meeting may be called, following consultation with the Chairman to determine such matters.
The Community Engagement Manager (CEM), Richard Rogers explained that due to changes in the Area Board operational model, as detailed above in the Chair’s announcements, the Area Board would be reducing the number of ‘business’ meetings to four a year. The proposal above would provide the CEM with the flexibility needed and allow him the ability to respond to community need outside of formal Area Board meetings. He stressed that the views of all Area Board members would be sought prior to expenditure decisions being made.
To approve the above proposal.
8:35pm |
Community Area Grants To determine any applications for Community Area Grants.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Area Board considered a number of applications for Community Area Grant funding. The Chairman invited the local Councillor to introduce each application, following which a representative of the applicant was given an opportunity to give a brief overview of their project to the Area Board.
The Area Board also considered introducing an upper limit awarded for grants. It was suggested that £3,500 would be a suitable maximum amount awarded by the Area Board for the forthcoming year.
1. That a maximum amount of £3,500 be introduced for the award of individual grants during the forthcoming year.
2. To award the following grants:
a. Upavon Allotment Society - £1000 towards an extension of water supply to teenager plots on Upavon Allotments – Youth Grant.
b. Stanton St Bernard Village Hall - £994.12 towards essential village hall maintenance – Community Area Grant
c. Hilcott Village Hall - £3,500 towards village hall next steps new build – Community Area Grant
d. Wilcot Cricket Club - £3,500 towards Pavilion extension for changing rooms – Community Area Grant
e. All Cannings School PTFA - £3,500 towards schools Playground project – Community Area Grant
f. Rushall and Charlton St Peter Village Hall - £2,756 towards Village Hall fence – Community Area Grant
g. Pewsey Vale Tourism Partnership - £2,500 towards Waymarking for the Pewsey Vale Circular Way – Community Area Grant
h. Pewsey Vale Bowls Club - £3,500 towards the replacement of roof structure – Community Area Grant
3. To note that £300 was awarded by the Community Engagement Manager, through delegated authority to provide a shed and hose for volunteers looking after the gardens around Pewsey Library. |
8:50pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) To consider any recommendations arising from the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) meeting held on 16 June 2021.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Area Board received the minutes of the Community Area Transport Group of their meeting held on 16 June 2021.
1. To close the following Issues: 10-19-3, 10-19-4 and 10-20-8.
2. To move the following Issues to the Priority Schemes lists: 10-21-5 (allocate £500 towards the cost)
3. To agree a provisional contribution of £5,000 towards issue 10-20-3.
4. To agree a provisional contribution of £2,000 towards issue 10-20-7.
5. To review the GATG meeting dates so that they coincide with Area Board meeting dates.
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items.
Future Meeting Dates and Close The next virtual meeting of the Pewsey Area Board is scheduled for 20 September 2021 starting at 7pm.
Minutes: The next meeting of the Pewsey Area Board was scheduled for Monday 20 September 2021, starting at 7pm.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.