A report from the Chief Executive Officers.
The Chairman invited Cllr Philip Whitehead, Leader of the Council, to present a report updating on Covid-19 and the financial position of Wiltshire Council.
The Leader started by thanking all communities, partners and businesses in Wiltshire regarding their response to Covid-19. The incident was ongoing, and staff were working extremely hard to facilitate the response. The report to Council contained appendices with 2 sub reports which had been through Cabinet, on 19 May 2020 and 9 June 2020. These reports were summarised by the Leader and included:
· The structure used to respond to COVID-19 including the Local Resilience Forum, the Gold group and the use of existing emergency powers to allow officers to make decisions, although it was stressed that all decisions taken had been fed either through the Leader or through Cabinet;
· Details on the recovery phase which was just beginning, including the usual democratic decision making and scrutiny processes. The continuation of the Local Resilience Forum in case there were further outbreaks;
· Infection rates in the Wiltshire population;
· Creating safer public spaces;
· The Wellbeing Hubs;
· Support to businesses;
· School attendance;
· The Recovery Cells;
· The financial report from 2019-2020 and the financial implications of Covid-19.
The Leader proposed a motion that the recommendation on page 100 of the agenda report be adopted, this was seconded by Cllr Clewer.
The Chairman invited Cllr Graham Wright as Chairman of the Wiltshire Council Covid-19 Response Task group to speak on the report. Cllr Wright stated that from an overview and scrutiny perspective they had scrutinised all of the processes and had consultation with the executive and officers.
The Chairman invited the group leaders to speak.
Cllr Thorn, Leader of the Liberal Democrats began by paying tribute to the staff in Democratic Services and thanked them for organising the meeting. Cllr Thorn also thanked Cllr Whitehead for his openness and response during Covid-19. With regards to the report he thanked all officers for their professionalism and hard work. The serious financial implications were a concern, it was hoped that central government would step in to help. Another issue was democratic deficit and it was hoped that in future there may be a way to involve politicians more in emergency decisions. Cllr Thorn supported the recommendations in the report.
Cllr Ernie Clark, Leader of the Independents, echoed Cllr Thorn’s views and thanked all staff for their hard work.
Cllr Ricky Rogers, Leader of the Labour Group, echoed Cllr Thorns views. Regarding recovery, he felt there would not be a simple back to normal, but a phased, slow return, so it was hoped that Wiltshire Council support would continue.
One public statement had been received from Cllr Ian James of Bremhill Parish Council. This was read out by the Democratic Services Officer and was published in agenda supplement 1.
The Chairman then invited comments from Cabinet Members. Cllr Whitehead stated that the budget problems were revenue rather than capital. However, the HIF Bid would stand us in good stead and decisions would be made on this in open public meetings.
The Chairman then opened the debate regarding the proposed motion that the recommendations in the report be adopted.
Comments made in debate included support for the recommendations and thanks to local communities, staff, partners, town and parish councils and volunteers. A comment was made regarding the underspend on government funding for grants for small business, whether this was still to be claimed or if this funding could remain in place to support recovery. Cllr Cape stated that she felt the HIF Bid was no longer appropriate after Covid-19, this was supported by Cllr Murry. Cllr Jacobs spoke regarding the grants and stated that there were discretionary grants that were still to be awarded to businesses who had not yet received help. Businesses could apply on the Wiltshire Council website by 22 June 2020. Cllr Hubbard requested that the support that the public and the community of Wiltshire gave to the Covid-19 response be noted. Cllr Clewer stated that for decisions to be made at Cabinet they legally had to be added to the Forward Work Plan at least 28 days prior to the meeting, which added to timescales involved. All decisions made by officers had involved consultation with Cabinet members. It was hoped that the climate emergency would be considered in all aspects of the recovery plan.
Cllr Whitehead, Leader of the Council supported Cllr Clewer’s points. Cabinet Members had been involved in decisions throughout the situation, although the decisions were made under the emergency powers already contained in the constitution. Wiltshire Council were continuing to contact businesses to see if they wanted to apply for a grant. The Leader once again wanted to thank the community for their resilience.
That Council:
1. Thank local communities, the voluntary sector, businesses, strategic partners and education settings for their support during these unprecedented circumstances.
2. Acknowledge the significant and exceptional effort of staff working throughout the COVID-19 response.
3. Approve the inclusion of slippage from the 2019/20 Capital Programme (£35.535m) within the 2020/21 Capital Programme, subject to a recommendation from Cabinet on 9 June.
4. Note the two reports to Cabinet and that future reports will be received by Cabinet in the coming months.
In accordance with the Constitution this was a recorded vote.
Vote 1 - For items 1, 2 and 4:
Votes for the motion (88)
Votes against the motion (0)
Votes in abstention (0)
Vote 2 - For item 3:
Votes for the motion (87)
Votes against the motion (0)
Votes in abstention (3)
Supporting documents: