Venue: Online
Contact: Stuart Figini Email:
Note | No. | Item |
6.30 pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions The Chairman will welcome everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the Area Board Members and officers present.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from the following:
· Cllr Ian Thorn · Simon Tomlinson – Cherhill Parish Council |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2020.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2020 were approved and would be signed as a correct record at a later date.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
6:40pm |
Chairman's Announcements The Chairman will provide information about:
a. Fostering in Wiltshire b. The Census 2021
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman drew attention to the following written announcements included in the agenda pack:
· Fostering in Wiltshire · The Census 2021 · Wiltshire Independent Visitor Scheme · Covid-19 – Community Testing for Asymptomatic People · Becoming a Unitary or Parish Councillor
The Chairman also reported that Jane Vaughan, Community Engagement Manager for the Calne Community Area was recovering well from a recent operation. The Chairman wished Jane well and for a speedy recovery on behalf of the Area Board. It was further suggested that a floral tribute should be sent to Jane by the Area Board members.
6:50pm |
Future Chippenham Programme To receive an update on the Future Chippenham Programme from Kirsty Dickerson – Major Projects Team, Wiltshire Council.
Minutes: The Area Board received a presentation from Chrissie Lamb (Wiltshire Council - Programme Specialist in Major Project Services) and Simon Hendey (Wiltshire Council - Director of Housing & Commercial), about on the Future Chippenham Project.
The Council Officers commented in detail about the project and provided information about the consultation process. In addition, the following issues were raised during the presentation:
· The Local Plan Review consultation and how this was a separate consultation to the Future Chippenham Project · Background information and programme context · Future Chippenham distributor road route options consultation · Key information about the consultation process - · Options assessment – transport and connectivity, river flood risk, landscape setting and visual impact receptors, cultural heritage and local biodiversity · Key milestones
The Chairman thanked officers for the very helpful presentation.
7:10pm |
Community Engagement Manager Update Report To receive an update report from the Community Engagement Manager along with an update from Katie Brown - Local Area Co-ordinator.
Minutes: The Area Board received an update from Peter Dunford, Community Engagement Manager (CEM) and Katie Brown, Local Area Coordinator about working towards recovery from COVID-19 in the Calne Community Area.
The CEM reported that the discussions held across the community were helping to assess current issues and future priorities in the Community Area. He commented on the issues highlighted for (i) young people in relation to mental health and wellbeing and positive activities; (ii) older people in relation to mental health, isolation and access to services; (iii) vulnerable individuals and families; and (iv) SEND young people and adults. The Area Board noted that conversations would continue to be held across the community area and actions would be developed.
The Local Area Coordinator commented on the key challenges and concerns facing the community during the pandemic and it was noted that the main issues raised by all age groups related to mental health, isolation and technology. The Area Board noted that a Focus Group would be established to hear the voice of Calne residents which would be reflected in the priorities and future action plans.
Cllr Hill highlighted the correlation between challenges and issues prior to and during the pandemic, and the need to take these into account when producing the priority lists and action plans going forward.
The Chair thanked the CEM and Local Area Coordinator for their reports.
Decision: To note the report.
7:30pm |
Partner Updates To receive an update from the partners listed below:
a. Wiltshire Police b. Wiltshire and Dorset Fire and Rescue Service c. NHS Wiltshire d. Healthwatch e. Older People’s Voices – Diane Gooch f. Calne Health and Social Care Forum (Health & Wellbring group) – Alison Ingham g. Rise Youth – Danielle Blake h. Calne Community Area Partnership i. Town and Parish Councils
Supporting documents:
Minutes: a) Wiltshire Police
Sgt Gavin Brewster provided an update from Wiltshire Police, which, in addition to the written report contained in the agenda, included detail about the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on crime in the area, the seizure of a firearm during an arrest at a property in the Calne area, and the fatal traffic collision involving a 3 year old.
b) Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
Darren Nixon, Station Manager provided an update from Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, which included detail about reducing the level of risk and harm from fire, the on-going interaction between the Protection Team and Local authorities, private landlords and tenants, on call recruitment, inspirational safety education, advice for people living with dementia, road safety, winter safety and the total number of calls for Calne Fire station between October and December 2020.
c) NHS Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group
The written update was noted.
d) Healthwatch Wiltshire
The written update was noted.
e) Older People’s Voices
Diane Gooch reported that 69 teas had been delivered to older residents of Calne during February 2021 and the Corn Exchange had been available for the Re-connecting morning support group to meet. There was a concern that older people were losing confidence in going outside their homes during the pandemic and help would be needed once restrictions were eased.
f) Calne Health & Social care Forum (Health & Wellbeing Group)
Diane Gooch reported that the Forum had not met during this year due to COVID-19 restrictions during the lockdown. Forum members were helping with the local vaccination clinics. The Calne Wellbeing day will be held on 11 September 2021.
g) Rise Youth
Danielle Blake, Youth Co-ordinator from the Rise Trust and Gemma Blake provided an update about the work undertaken during the lockdown with young people. Danielle and Gemma explained that they provided a listening ear, offering support and the importance of young people making good choices going forward, especially as the main concern for young people appeared to be the impact of COVID-19 on their futures.
Over the past few weeks, they have begun to see young people more and noted that relationships with young people have got stronger, with them often messaging staff regarding issues that might be troubling them.
h) Town and Parish Councils
Bremhill Parish Council – Isabel McCord provided an update for the Area Board. Isabel reported that the Parish Council was responding to the recent Local Plan Review Consultation and the Future Chippenham Project Consultation. Responding to the consultations had highlighted issues for some residents who had no technology to respond or who struggled with technology for many reasons. The Future Chippenham Project Team were asked to include Bremhill Parish Council in the programme as it progressed.
Calne Town Council – Mark Edwards provided an update for the Area Board. Mark commented on the circulation of the Town Council newsletter and Town Council responses to a number of planning applications.
7:50pm |
Area Board Funding To consider the following applications to the Community grants, Youth Grants and Health and Wellbeing grant Schemes.
Community Grants: i) Goatacre Cricket Club requesting £ 3,000 towards a practice net facility ii) Calne Wordfest requesting £ 1,920 towards a Young Peoples Digital Creative project iii) Calne Town Council requesting £ 195 towards new benches at Newbury Avenue iv) Calne Town Council requesting £ 4,218 towards Beversbrook Storage Shed v) Calne Town Council requesting £ 3,500 towards the Calne Town Defibrillator project
Youth Grants: i) Calne Town Council requesting £ 2,950 towards street-based youth work ii) SPLASH requesting £ 5,000 towards SPLASH in Calne iii) ACTS (A Chance to Sparkle) requesting £5,000 towards music and performing arts for young people in the Calne Community Area iv) Bridge Youth Project requesting £ 5,000 towards a Thrive Hub Worker
Health and Wellbeing Grants: i) Calne Older People/Carers Voices requesting £ 2,000 for Reconnecting social inclusion activities ii) Wiltshire and Swindon Users network requesting £ 1,000 towards the Calne Walking Buddies project
Councillor Led projects To be provided from unspent health and wellbeing funding in 2020/21: i) Cllr Crisp requesting £500 to provide ongoing facilitation services to the Calne Voices and Calne Dementia Action Alliance ii) Cllr Crisp requesting £ 650 towards the operating costs of Calne Central iii) Cllr Crisp requesting £ 2,000 towards a Memorial Garden at Castlefields
Delegated Authority To note the allocation of funds decided under authority delegated to the Community Engagement Manager and in consultation with the Chair of the Area Board as follows: i) Cllr Crisp requesting £ 750 towards ‘Covid Half Term Rescue Packs’
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Community Engagement Manager gave an overview of the grants budget position for 2020/21. The Area Board noted that the following allocations were available to invest in grant applications:
· Capital Grant Scheme - £33,704 · Positive Youth Activities - £15,835 · Health and Wellbeing/Older Person Champion - £4,184
The Area Board also considered a number of applications made to the Community Area Grants Scheme and were informed of the allocation of funds decided under delegated authority by the Community Engagement Manager in consultation with the Chair of the Area Board.
Resolved: 1. To note the latest budget position for 2020/21.
2. To award the following community area grants:
a. Goatacre Cricket Club £3,000 towards a practice net facility. b. Calne Wordfest £1,920 towards young peoples digital creative project c. Calne Town Council £195 towards new benches d. Calne Town Council £4,218 towards Beversbrook Storage Shed e. Calne Town Council £3,500 towards Calne Town defibrillator project
3. To award the following youth grants:
a. Calne Town Council £2,950 towards street-based youth work b. SPLASH £5,000 towards SPLASH in Calne c. ACTS (A Chance to Sparkle) £3,250 for music and performing arts for young people in the Calne Community Area d. Bridge Youth Project £4,635 towards a Thrive Hub Worker
4. To award the following health and wellbeing grants:
a. Calne Older People/Carers Voices £2,000 towards reconnecting – social inclusion activities b. Wiltshire & Swindon Users Network £1,000 towards Calne Walking Buddies project
5. To note the allocation of funds to Cllr led projects, under delegated authority and with the support of Cllr Crisp:
a. Voices Group/Dementia Action Alliance - £500 towards ongoing facilitation services b. Calne Central - £650 towards operating costs c. Castlefields - £2,000 towards a memorial garden d. Calne Young People - £750 towards half term rescue packs
8:20pm |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chair reported that she was willing to accept the notes of the CATG meeting held on 10 February 2021 as an urgent item for consideration by the Area Board. This would allow the Area Board to consider and approve the recommendations of the CATG meeting, which will allow officers to implement the decisions before the end of the financial year (end of March 2021).
Cllr Hill introduced the report and it’s recommendations.
• To note the discussions and updates outlined in the report • To allocate funding of £17,826.77 to issue 3-19-10 A4 Curzon Street (nr Savernake Drive) – request to improve Pedestrian Crossing measures • To allocate funding of £1,941.47 to issue 3-20-1 Compton Bassett Church Corner – request to upgrade traffic signing • To move issue 3-20-11 Calne Anchor Road area to the priority list and allocate a sum of £1,750 towards a 20mph assessment • To close issue 3-21-1 Stockley by property 2, The Cottage – request for marker posts to deter verge erosion • To close issue 3-21-4 Calne Dixon Way – request to provide off-road car parking area for residents
Close The Chairman will set out arrangements for the next meeting. Minutes: The Chairman reported that this would be her last meeting as a Unitary Councillor as she was not standing for election at the forthcoming Unitary elections in May 2021. She thanked and paid tribute to all the Councillors, officers, organisations and Parish Councils for their contributions during the last few years.
Cllr Alan Hill led the tributes for Cllr Crisp and thanked her on behalf of the Area Board for her sterling Chairmanship during the previous 9 years. He wished her well for the future.
Cherhill Parish Council also expressed their thanks to Cllr Crisp for all the help and support she had given to Cherhill over the years in a variety of roles with the Council and wished her well for the future.
The next Area Board meeting would be held at 7.00 pm on 25 May 2021.