Venue: Marlborough Town Hall, 5 High St, Marlborough SN8 1AA
Contact: Becky Holloway Democratic Services Officer
Note | No. | Item |
7.00pm |
Chairman's Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the Councillors and Officers present introduce themselves. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 23 May 2017. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the meeting held on 23 May 2017 were presented and Cllr Stewart Dobson, seconded by Cllr Jane Davies, moved that they be approved and signed as a correct record
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2017 as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
7.10pm |
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements through the Chairman, to include the following:
· Consultation on Draft Housing Site Allocation Plan. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Chairman drew the meeting’s attention to the consultation being held on the Draft Housing Site Allocation Plan. 4 public exhibitions would be held and members of public were encouraged to submit comments on the draft plan before the end of the consultation period in mid-September. |
Partner Updates To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The chairman drew the meeting’s attention to the written reports in the agenda pack and invited partners to provide further updates verbally.
Wiltshire Police Inspector Nick Mawson presented the written update. There were no further questions
Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service Jason Underwood presented the written update. There were no further questions.
Marlborough Town Council Mervyn Hall, the mayor of Marlborough, gave a verbal update on the recent activity of the town council, including: work done to secure a lease on the old youth centre for a use as a new community centre; the successful transfer and re-opening of the public toilets at George Lane; a puppet parade to mark the 70th anniversary of Pelham puppets; and a visit from the South West in Bloom judges. The mayor thanked the Area Board for their grant to support St John’s students to contribute a puppet to the parade, and all the volunteers and police who supported the event.
Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan Group Mervyn Hall, delivered an update on progress of the neighbourhood plan. A professional carparking survey had been undertaken in the town centre, and a housing needs report had been published, and plans were in place to look at the business and employment needs of the town.
The Chairman thanked the partners for their reports and for their ongoing work. |
7.30pm |
Marlborough Downs Nature Enhancement Partnership Dr Jemma Batten will deliver a presentation on the work of the partnership to protect and improve habitats and landscapes, and to encourage people to use and enjoy the countryside. Minutes: Dr Jemma Batten and Arthur Witchell gave a presentation on the work of the Marlborough Downs Nature Enhancement Partnership, a collaboration between the Conservation trust, Wiltshire Council, and farmers with adjoining land across the Marlborough Downs. The partnership was set up with the aims of creating wildlife corridors, protecting habitats and landscapes, and encouraging people to use and enjoy the countryside.
The partnership had been established in 2012 with fixed-term funding through DeFRA, based on similar models in operation elsewhere. Funding now came from around 40 farmers, and a charity had been set up. The work of the partnership was a combination of habitat conservation and connecting people with wildlife and agriculture, for example through a recent Open Farm Sunday which had attracted over 1600 visitors.
Other work by the partnership had included: the creation of dew ponds across the downs so that wildlife in 80% of the landscape was now within a mile of a water source; the planting of “giant bird tables” which comprised a mix of crops that were left growing for birds to eat over the winter, and supplemented by millet and other grains provided in large bird feeders; wildlife surveys of farmland which had established that the Downs remained a habitat for harvest mice; the development of a map showing the location of bee populations; and an on-going programme of public workshops and sessions in schools.
In response to questions it was reported that the original boundary of the area had been dictated by the funding available but that new farmers could now join the partnership providing their land directly neighboured an existing partner. It was explained that because of the need to cater for distinct landscapes, it was sometimes more sensible to create new partnerships than expand existing ones. Similar partnerships operated in the Chalke Valley, in the Pewsey Vale, and in Martin Down.
More information about the work of the partnership can be found at and via a Facebook page.
The Chairman thanked Dr Batten and Mr Witchell for their presentation and for the work of the partnership to get more people out into the countryside and enjoying their local landscape. |
7.45pm |
National Farmers' Union Andrea Witcombe from the Wiltshire branch of NFU will talk about the work of the Union, and their support for farmers and the issues they currently face. Minutes: Andrea Witcombe, from the Wiltshire branch of the National Farmers Union (NFU) gave a presentation about the Union and its work in supporting farmers.
The Union was founded in 1908 to highlight the needs of the farming community in England and Wales within national policy. It was explained that the Union had no political affiliations but instead aimed to lobby those in power on any decision that would impact agriculture or the farming community, and to keep members informed of changes to regulations and their responsibilities. Work was also undertaken to promote farming in the press and to encourage public interest in agriculture which met a high percentage of the nation’s food needs and made a substantial contribution to the economy through exports and job provision.
Challenges faced by the local farming community included hare coursing and crop circle creation, both of which had a high cost to property and crops; bovine TB which had caused significant reductions in livestock production; and challenges with the processes related to modernising agricultural dwellings. Negotiations to leave the EU were also having an impact on trade, workforce and domestic agricultural policy, with clarity needed in order to adequately plan and prepare for any resulting impact. It was reported that more work was needed to train domestic labour and to promote farming as an attractive career choice.
The work of the union helped to ensure local farms remained viable, and that responsible use of the countryside was encouraged including livestock protection and support initiatives to tackle rural crime.
The Chairman thanked Andrea Witcombe for her presentation.
8.00pm |
Community Area Transport Group The Area Board will be asked to ratify the funding recommendations from the Marlborough Community Area Transport Group (CATG) meeting of the 22 June 2017. Supporting documents: Minutes: The notes of the CATG meeting held on 22 June 2017 were presented. Cllr Fogg provided an explanation of how the group operated and how issues were received and prioritised.
To receive the notes of the CATG meeting held on 22 June 2017 |
8.15pm |
Local Youth Network Update and Applications for Youth Funding To receive an update on the Local Youth Network (LYN) and for the Area Board to consider the following application to the Youth Grants Scheme:
· £3240.00 Marlborough Area Poverty Action Group Summer activities Supporting documents: Minutes: Helen Bradley, Locality Youth Facilitator, gave an update on the work of the Local Youth Network. A meeting had been held to consider the outcomes from the Joint Strategic Assessment (JSA) community event, and how these should influence how the youth fund would be allocated. Employment and training, mental health, and cyber bullying, had all be identified as important, and priority would also be given to projects that used the new Marlborough Community Centre and which made provision for transport from the villages where applicable.
One application to the youth fund was considered. This was for £3240.00 from Marlborough Area Poverty Group for the facilitation of Summer activities for young people and the applicant was in attendance to provide information and to take questions. The project was intended to enable young people to access opportunities during the summer holidays that they may not otherwise be able to afford. Cllr Jane Davies, seconded by Cllr Nick Fogg, moved that the application be granted, and following a vote it was:
To award £3240.00 to Marlborough Area Poverty Group for the facilitation of Summer activities for young people. |
8.25pm |
Community Area Grant Scheme The Wiltshire Councillors will consider two applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:
a) £950.00 Froxfield Memorial Hall Refurbishment of Toilet Facilities b) £5000.00 Ramsbury Pre-School New-build project Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Area Board considered two applications to the Community Area Grant Fund. These included an application from Froxfield Memorial Hall for the refurbishment of their toilet facilities, and an application from Ramsbury Pre-School for support with their New-build project. Both applicants were in attendance to provide further information on their projects and to answer questions.
Froxfield Memorial Hall had been gifted to the village 70 years ago and required ongoing maintenance and repair. The group continued to do ongoing fundraising but need additional funding to refurbish the gentlemen’s toilet facilities.
Cllr Stewart Dobson, seconded by Cllr Nick Fogg, moved that the grant be awarded
Ramsbury Pre-School had been operating out of the Methodist Community Hall under a rent agreement and the new-build would enable them to have their own space, including outdoor space, and to cater for a larger number of children, including more local children.
Cllr Jane Davies, seconded by Cllr Nick Fogg, moved that the grant be awarded
After discussion of both applications it was
To award £950.00 to Froxfield Memorial Hall for refurbishment of their toilet facilities.
To award £5000.00 to Ramsbury Pre-School towards their New-build project. |
8.35pm |
Councillor-Led Initiative Members will consider the following Councillor-Led application to the Community Area Grants Scheme:
· £10,000 Refurbishment of former youth centre into Marlborough Community and Youth Centre - Cllr Stewart Dobson
Copies of the completed application forms and grant application packs for theCommunity Area Grants Scheme are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Members considered a Councillor-Led Initiative from Cllr Stewart Dobson for £10,000 towards the refurbishment of the former youth centre in Marlborough into a new Community and Youth Centre.
Cllr Dobson explained that the building had been transferred from Wiltshire Council to Marlborough Town Council via a seven-year lease while the permanent asset transfer was formalised. It was anticipated that the Community Centre would become an important asset for the town and that there had been a lot of ideas about how to get the community involved in its development.
In response to points raised in the discussion that followed, the following clarifications were made: that the asset transfer would be free of cost for the Town Council and that this should be finalised within the next 18 months; and that this was a good opportunity to have the building renovated and put to good use in the community.
Cllr Stewart Dobson, seconded by Cllr Jane Davies, moved that the grant be awarded.
To award £10,000 to Marlborough Town Council towards the refurbishment of the former youth centre into Marlborough Community and Youth Centre. |
8.45pm |
Update from Community Engagement Manager Andrew Jack, Community Engagement Manager (CEM), will be in attendance to provide an update of his recent work in the Marlborough Community Area. Minutes: Andrew Jack, Community Engagement Manager, provided an update on his recent activity in the Marlborough Community Area.
Discussion was ongoing in planning the World War One centenary tree planting programme and there had been a lot of interest from the villages to get involved. Parishes who had not yet expressed an interest still had an opportunity to do so.
There had been a soft launch for the Homerun, school travel planning, app for the pilot funded by the Area Board and parental sign up had been positive. The phone app would support children and their parents to make easier and more environmentally-friendly journeys to school, and would provide the school with data for creating and maintaining their travel plan. Any funding allocated by the Area Board for licenses which was not used would be returned to the health and wellbeing budget.
The Big Pledge activity challenge held in May and June had been popular and 12,314 had covered a combined total of 324,695km. Discussions were underway about how to introduce more walking sports to Marlborough, including walking football and rugby. These sports were particularly aimed at those aged 55 and over.
The Dementia Action Alliance steering group was now well established and going from strength to strength. A new drop-in had opened in the Jubilee Centre on Thursday afternoons.
In response to a question, it was confirmed that police warning signs at beauty spots in the area would be installed as planned and that the delay had been due to a design issue.
The Chairman thanked Andrew Jack for the update and his continued work in the community. |
Any Other Questions The Chairman will invite any remaining questions from the floor. Minutes: There were no other questions. |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
9.00pm |
Evaluation and Close The next meeting of the Marlborough Area Board will be held on 12 September 2017 at 7.00pm, Marlborough Town Hall. Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and reminded members that the next meeting of Marlborough Area Board would be held on 12 September 2017 at Marlborough Town Hall. |