Venue: Alamein Suite - City Hall, Malthouse Lane, Salisbury, SP2 7TU. View directions
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||
7.00pm |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Derek Brown welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Salisbury Area Board and invited the members of the Board to introduce themselves.
In addition to the Board members, Councillors Clewer, Green, & Church, were in attendance.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from:
· Matthew Maggs – Dorset & Wilts Fire · Cllr Matthew Dean
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8th November 2019. Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8th November 2018, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were none.
Chairman's Updates The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board.
Minutes: The Chairman gave the following updates:
· To announce that as a result of the CEM re-structuring exercise, Karen Linaker would be leaving the Salisbury area after two and a half years, moving onto cover the Southern and South West Wiltshire Area Boards.
In her time with us the Board had been impressed by her knowledge, enthusiasm and sheer hard work for the city and its residents.
She has built a network of partnering organisations and has shown us what can be achieved when we work together. She will be sorely missed and we wish her well in her new endeavours.
Mark Read would be taking on the Salisbury CEM role, having formerly worked with Tisbury Area Board. |
Information items To note the written information items attached to the agenda:
a. Healthwatch Wiltshire b. Clinical Commissioning Group c. Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner – Precept Consultation 2019 d. Wiltshire Council – Polling District & Station Review & Special Schools Consultation e. Consultation Portal: link Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the following written information items attached to the agenda, or circulated at the meeting:
a. Healthwatch Wiltshire b. Clinical Commissioning Group c. Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner – Precept Consultation 2019 d. Wiltshire Council – Polling District & Station Review & Special Schools Consultation e. Consultation Portal: link
7.10pm |
Partner and Community Updates To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.
a) Police b) Fire: ‘We are DWFire’ video c) Salisbury City Council (SCC) d) Laverstock and Ford Parish Council e) Salisbury BID f) Community Engagement Manager g) Air Quality Group h) Child Wellbeing Group i) Crime & Community Safety Update
Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Chairman. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Deputy PCC Jerry Herbert gave an overview of the proposed increase to the precept. A DVD was played before and during the meeting and can be viewed online.
This year central Government made a headline announcement on how much it was willing to increase the funding for its services. They have given us the powers to raise that for up to £2 per month for a typical D band property.
The cost was typically £15/month, with the increase this would go up to £17/month for the Policing aspect. If we are unable to raise the precept we are unable to maintain the level of Policing that we have today. We have a plan to invest in Community Policing, and intend to recruit a further 41 Police Officers in the new financial year. This would be as two Cyber units, with five new officers. Other additions in Fraud, Child Sexual Exploitation, second area in increasing the roads and Armed Forces, and finally 15 officers into local Community Policing teams.
The consultation would run until 31st Jan.
Questions included:
7.25pm |
Theme Item - Air Quality An introduction by the Chairman, to this themed session on Air Quality in the Salisbury Community Area.
· An overview from Public Protection on the Wiltshire perspective · The situation in Salisbury · Q & A session · Facilitated roundtable workshops and feedback · Summing Up & Next Steps
Minutes: The Chairman gave an introduction to this themed session on Air Quality in the Salisbury Community Area.
The Board then received an overview from Public Protection on the Wiltshire perspective.
Presentation from John Carter, Head of Public Protection & Rachel Kent There are clearly a number of air pollution issues around Salisbury. The new Clean Air strategy had been published last week by central Government.
Generally, the air quality for the majority of the county was good, however there were some areas where issues occurred. In Salisbury there was a nitrogen dioxide issue related to vehicle exhausts.
There were seven hotspots where air quality related to traffic, three of those were in Salisbury. Work with groups and other Officers, we look at ways to improve this, and work with Highways England on the trunk roads.
The three hotspot areas in Salisbury were; City Centre, London Road and Wilton Road.
Monitoring takes place over a 12 month period, we have around 80 sites across Wiltshire, if the sites do not show a high level of pollution after a year, we move the sites. We are also open to suggestions from parish councils and such for new sites.
Air Quality Management Group – Richard Bolton There are a number of local issues which contribute to poor air quality. We have tried to identify current problems and hope people in attendance can come together to discuss some solutions.
Congestion Issues – The combination of the range of vehicles using the city centre on a daily basis, with the narrow pavements can make pedestrian movement uncomfortable.
It is difficult to establish dedicated cycle and bus lanes due to the lack of resources.
Avon Valley town path and shared path are busy. There are also places where the cycle routes come to an abrupt end.
There is a lack of awareness that trees and other vegetation make a vital benefit in urban environments.
Round table discussion Those present were then asked to work in groups on tables to discuss the issues for Salisbury and to make suggestions on ways to tackle those issues. Following discussion, each table was asked to feedback 2 main points, these included:
8.25pm |
Salisbury Recovery Update To receive an update on the Salisbury Recovery.
Cllr Pauline Church Minutes: Councillor Pauline Church, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and South Wiltshire Recovery, Cllr Richard Clewer, Cabinet Member for Housing, Corporate Services, Arts, Heritage and Tourism and Richard Walters, Head of Service for Major Projects were in attendance to provide an update to the Board.
Salisbury Recovery – Cllr Pauline Church · Now thinking more strategically in Southern Wiltshire – we want to look forward to the amazing things that are going on. · The Christmas Market and ice rink were a great success. We have been trying to do a lot to keep Salisbury economically active. There were 44 chalets sold this year, in addition to the ice rink which sold over 12k sessions. Very positive feedback from this. · Since the 4th March incident to 31st December, we lost over 1m visits to the city, with an average decrease in footfall of 11%. This is why we continue with the strategic work, and have a dedicated team. · The Cabinet is committed to providing a flagship library and art gallery in the city. · The high street is changing and we need to keep up with the trend. The funding of £6.1m has to be spent by 2021, otherwise it would be taken from us.
The Maltings – Richard Walters I have been involved for a good number of years in the Maltings project. The site is a significant brownfield site in the middle of the city. TH Real Estate (THRE) owns the Malting site. We have been working with them to bring forward a comprehensive scheme for that site. The March events were also played out within the area of the site.
There was always the intention to have a comprehensive development on that site.
We have secured funding for £6m to facilitate the first stage of the development. It has been a driver in us taking this development forward comprehensively.
There are 4 key components to the development, and we are proposing to use the £6m funding by 2021. To move that forward we have come forward with an application for plot 1, along with a Master Plan for applications for the other plots in due course. The Phase 1 application was submitted in December 2018.
Travelodge had been secured as an anchor tenant for phase 1. We would retain the continuity of a library service within the city.
An application for the Market Walk area would be presented in spring 2019, subject to ongoing dialogue with THRE.
Cllr Clewer The Young Gallery would be my area. There was a commitment to retain a flagship library with a reference library, and art gallery. Moving the library was always on the cards, back to Salisbury District Council days. As part of the desire to improve the Market Walk development the library has to move.
The proposed site is a decant location, and not the final site for the library. There will not be any lack of library provision in the city. The cultural quarter is being developed.
A plan for ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
8.30pm |
Local Youth Network (LYN) To note the report from the last LYN meeting, and to consider two recommendations for youth funding projects as detailed in the paper.
Cllr Ricky Rogers
Supporting documents: Minutes: Councillor Ricky Rogers introduced the two bids for Youth Funding which had been to the LYN, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda, noting that the young people had questioned the applicants thoroughly.
The money in the Youth Budget for the remainder of the financial year was approximately £1550.
The Board Considered the recommendations of the LYN, debated the projects and asked questions on the two bids.
Salisbury Live – request for £2,500 The event would run from May 5th to June 1st. The applicant noted that they had received a further £500 from sponsorship and would raise some more from fundraising.
Cllr Brown recommended a grant of £1,300, and suggest the applicant approach the SCC to ask for the rest.
Decision The Salisbury Area Board awarded Salisbury Live £1,300 of Youth Funding towards the Salisbury Live 2019 event.
Harnham Schools Association – request for £240
Decision The Salisbury Area Board awarded The Harnham Schools Association £240 towards the Harnham Slope Fun Run event.
8.35pm |
Community Area Grants To consider three applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme, as detailed in the attached report.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered three applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme for 2018/19, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
Following discussion, the Board voted on each application in turn.
Pantry Partnership – request for £5,000 This application had been deferred at the last meeting, pending further information regarding the lease of the premises. The applicant had now been granted a two-year lease.
Cllr Douglas noted that she belonged to a church that also worked with the applicant. There was not prejudicial interest so she took part in the discussion and vote for this application.
This project was considered a good use of the building and would help the community.
Decision Pantry Partnership was awarded £5,000 towards Refurbishment of the former Victoria Bowls Club. Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria for 2018/19.
Salisbury Wildlife Group – requested £1,000
The SCC Parks Team would plant the trees, with the understanding that the Group take on the maintenance thereafter.
Decision Salisbury Wildlife Group was awarded £1,000 towards tree planting at Five Rivers. Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria for 2018/19.
St Thomas’s Church Salisbury – requested £5,000
A conversion project of the church space to a large flexible space which could then be used for multiple functions and groups. Funding sought for chairs.
Decision St Thomas’s Church was awarded £5,000 towards replacement chairs. Reason - The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria for 2018/19.
8.50pm |
Health & Wellbeing Group Update and Funding To note the update and consider any funding requests as detailed in the paper attached to the agenda.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Cllr John Walsh introduced the report detailing the outcomes from the last HWB Group meeting.
The Board was then asked to ratify two funding awards which had been made under the delegated powers of the Community Engagement Manager, in consultation with the Area Board Chairman, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
Decision The Salisbury Area Board ratified the allocation of £31.15 to the Interfaith week lunch drop-in event held on 16th November 2018.
Decision The Salisbury Area Board ratified the allocation of £50 to the Celebrating Age, Christmas Lunch Party, held on 16th December 2018. |
8.55pm |
National Armed Forces Day - Funding Bid To consider the request for £1,000 of funding towards the National Armed Forces Day events, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
The Community Engagement Manager, along with the Library Heritage and Arts Team, will work to deliver three projects that will require community involvement and provide a lasting legacy following the events.
· Social media photograph campaign as part of the event launch · Community art tapestry project to be displayed at the event in June · Human poppy world record attempt at the event in June
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered the request for funding to support the National Armed Forces Day event to be held in Salisbury in June 2019, as set out in the report attached to the agenda.
Decision The Salisbury Area Board allocated £1,000 half capital half revenue to the National Armed Forces Day event in 2019. |
9.00pm |
The date of the next meeting is Thursday 28th March 2019, 7pm at City Hall, Salisbury.
Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and noted that the next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 28 March 2019.