Venue: Online
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
6.30pm |
Welcome Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Jose Green welcomed everyone to the meeting of the South West Wiltshire Area Board.
Slides Supporting documents: |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from:
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes To confirm as a correct record and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held online, on Wednesday 13 January 2021.
To note any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting. Supporting documents: Minutes: A request for a correction was made by Mr Derryman, in relation to minute number 5 – Chairman’s announcements. It was agreed by the Chairman to add additional wording as underlined below:
Mr Derryman – thank you Jerry for visiting in December to discuss this in detail. I am delighted to hear of the investment and response on A36. The response I had had following an article I wrote for the parish magazine was very good. Please to see the future investment in this locally, however the speed / static camera is in place in South Newton and we need to find a way between the Council and Police to reactivate it. This will ensure 24 hour a day monitoring of speeding motorists. If it needed central government to send money back to local councils then that would need to be looked at as well.
Subject to noting the above amendment:
The minutes of the previous meeting held online on 13 January 2021, were agreed a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chairman. Minutes: The Chairman made the following announcements:
A survey had been circulated to Members for feedback on how they saw the future of meetings, whether that be virtual, hybrid or in person.
A reminder that Census responses were to be completed and submitted by 21st March.
Congratulations to Jaki Farrell of Seeds4Success, who was presented with a certificate from the High Sheriff for her community involvement.
Tis The Future – Update Martin Thomas updated on the progress of the project which was now up and running. The facility had been open for business for 2.5 weeks and had an Instagram account with 702 followers in a matter of days.
They had also received a government grant to fund two kick-starters and was setting up an informal network of village champions. He thanked all at the Council for the support received.
The Chairman wished them every success.
Written Information Updates To note the following written information items:
· Clinical Commissioning Group – March update · Healthwatch Wiltshire – March Update · Wiltshire Council: o Become a Councillor o Targeted Covid-19 Community testing o Independent Visitor scheme o Foster Caring – slides to accompany this information item
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the written updates and information items available in the agenda pack, these included:
I. Become a Councillor II. Targeted Covid-19 Community testing III. Independent Visitor scheme IV. Foster Caring – the CEM also gave a short presentation
6.45pm |
Partner and Community Updates To note written updates and receive any verbal updates from Partners and Community Groups present, including:
· Police – Neighbourhood Teams · Fire & Rescue · The Fire & Rescue draft Community Safety Plan 2021-2024 and accompanying summary video and a feedback form can be found at – the closing date for comments is 13 May.
Feedback can also be emailed to
Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager. Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board noted the written updates attached to the agenda and received the following verbal updates:
Police – Neighbourhood Teams
Pete Sparrow – Wilton area There was now a roadmap to lead us out of lockdown, however it was vital that people did not rush into planning events until it was fully safe to do so.
Community Speedwatch was hoped to be back in operation from 29th March.
This would be Inspector Sparrows last area board, as after 5 years he was moving to a new role as Response Inspector. The incoming inspector would be Tina Osborne.
PC James Barret was moving roles, and PC Matt Holland would be retiring after 30 years of policing in the Salisbury Area. There would be 3 new PCs in April.
Burglaries remain low, these were expected to rise during periods of rising unemployment and as people start to leave their homes.
Residents that had the Ring doorbell camera recorders, who were also registered to the community messaging service, may be asked for any additional CCTV footage for incidents in residential locations.
The Chairman wished Pete all the best in the future.
Questions: · Where could area specific crime rate data be found? Answer: If you ask the new Inspector Tina Osborn she will point you to who can find that data for you.
Kevin Harmsworth – Mere & Tisbury areas There were similar changes in the Warminster NHPT area. Inspector Simon Cowdrey would be moving on from 9 April. We will have Inspector Alan Lumley would be in post from April.
PCSO Peter Tscherniawsky would be awarded with a certificate to recognise his work with us. His replacement PCSO Daniel Gill- already had a handover
Operation to respond to breaches of Covid legislation continued with the dedicated patrol vehicle.
A new app for reporting terrorism was called ‘I Report It ‘
In Mere – there were continued patrols at the recreation ground. Op Septre was a national initiative to combat knife crime.
There had been 5 checks throughout Feb & March in the area of CSW. There had been some media around there being a community speedwatch enforcement Officer Role. Hope to bolster the work we will do with CSW.
The force website was undergoing upgrades so some of the links were not currently working. Please let us know if you are unable to get the info you need from the new website.
Response policing would be based at the new Warminster Police station in the town centre.
Questions: I am trying to form a CSW for South Newton and Stowford. I first asked for data in August last year and not yet received it. Did you have any influence over the installation of the metro-counts? Answer: No that is down to Barney Applestone. The metro-counts generally were postponed during the lockdown. I will update at a future meeting on the progress of the CSW.
Fire & Rescue The written report from fire has been uploaded to the agenda as supplement 1. New ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
7.00pm |
Community Area Work Plan All Wiltshire Council Area Boards are compiling reports to record the output from ‘conversations’ held since June 2020 as part of the local priorities resetting process. This process has drawn on the latest Joint Strategic Needs Assessment data, local Covid-19 response and recovery work, parish council consultations and the views of colleagues involved in health and wellbeing initiatives.
Councillors are asked to agree the following recommendations:
(1) That the Area Board approves and adopts the attached Work Plan (appendix 1)
(2) That the Area Board follows a similar rolling prioritisation process to that followed by the Community Area Transport Group (CATG) – agreeing which top 5 pieces of work on the attached plan it will focus on in 2021/22.
(3) That the Area Board will prioritise its resources including funding upon those issues identified in the status report.
That the Area Board requests the Community
Engagement Manager to work with key partners, agencies and
community groups to encourage them to consider where they are best
placed to take actions around the priorities identified.
That regular updates are submitted to the Area Board
on progress made in relation to its own action plan. (6) That the Area Board expresses its thanks to those who gave their time to help bring this report and its appendices together.
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager ran through the Community Area Work Plan which was attached to the agenda. The Board was then asked to approve the recommendations set out in the report and on the screen.
The slides are attached to the minutes.
Mike Ash – I was struck by the Local Plan Review consultation paper that had recently been circulated. There was a whole area of activity opening on that front that I hope the Board would be able to engage in after the election. We are also involved with a local broadband project with over 100 houses but were stuck at the moment. The pandemic has shown us that having fast BB is not just about employment it is needed for education and health and wellbeing.
Cllr Deane - It is a marvellous piece of work and something that the next Board would need to look at it in more detail. The top 5 priority method works for CATG, but we are resource limited by staff, my thoughts were that here we may be spread so thinly. I would hope that when we are able to meet in person again we could sit down to thrash out what the priorities should be for our areas.
Cllr Wayman - Looking through the list there were opportunities to get other groups involved and then to hand over to appropriate working or external groups to move areas forward. Providing affordable housing in the villages was vital for maintaining our vibrant communities.
The South West Wiltshire Area Board agreed:
(1) to recommend to the new Area Board (AB) in May, to follow a similar rolling prioritisation process to that followed by the Community Area Transport Group (CATG), to agree which top 5 pieces of work on the attached plan it would focus on in 2021/22.
(2) To recommend to the new AB in May, to prioritise its resources including funding upon those issues identified in the status report.
(3) To request the Community Engagement Manager work with the Local Member to work with key partners, agencies and community groups to encourage them to consider where they were best placed to take actions around the priorities identified.
(4) For regular updates to be submitted to the Area Board on progress made in relation to its own action plan.
(5) To express thanks to those who gave their time to help bring this report and its appendices together.
7.10pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update To consider any funding recommendations and note the report of the CATG from the last meeting held on 17 February 2021.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Cllr Deane, CAT chairman, noted that the Transportation Engineer, Julie Watts has now departed from the council and Salisbury Officer Paul Shaddock would be standing in to cover whilst a replacement was recruited.
The Board noted the remaining CATG budget figure of £4,875 and considered the recommendations for funding arising from the last CATG meeting held on 17th February 2021, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
The Area Board approved the CATG recommendations for funding as follows:
· 6c – Tisbury 20mph - £1500 (CATG to fund £1500 & TPC to put in £1000) · 6d – Tollard Royal - £2000 (conditional on TRPC putting in £777)
7.15pm |
Area Board Funding The Board members will consider applications for funding as detailed in the grants report attached to the agenda pack, and listed below:
Youth Funding
The Board will consider the funding request attached to the agenda and listed below:
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board noted the remaining funding available in each budget, this was:
The Board then considered the funding bids which had been submitted and detailed in full in the report attached to the agenda.
Applicants present were invited to speak in support of their projects and answer any questions. Following debate Members voted on each application in turn.
Health & Wellbeing Funding
Music for Wellbeing CIC (music project) requested £1050 Applicant Liv McLennan spoke in support of the project.
Cllr Wayman moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Jeans.
Decision Music for Wellbeing CIC was awarded £1050 towards the music project. Reason The application met the grants criteria for 2020/21.
Tisbury Bowling Club (maintenance of green) requested £910 Applicant Joe Selbyspoke in support of the project.
Cllr Jeans moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Wayman.
Decision Tisbury Bowling Club was awarded £910 towards the maintenance of the Green. Reason The application met the grants criteria for 2020/21.
Wilton Help CIC (community project) requested £1500 Applicant Steve Milton spoke in support of the project.
Questions/comments: · The amount remaining in the Health & Wellbeing budget was £510. · In Mere we had 90 volunteers on a similar scheme, we did allocate a bit of money for PPE but not much. Not against the remainder of our HW budget being awarded, but this seems a lot of money for volunteers and the local councils should be paying for this, Otherwise we should look at giving £1500 to all 3 community areas.
Answer: SM - I would strongly support an award to all of the covid – 19 groups as they have been doing an amazing job. We branch out in to surrounding villages and there were a high level of older people in Wilton town.
· I don’t see that Wilton had done anything more than the other areas. Happy to award the remaining £510 but no more. The business case mentions funds for a part time administrator for the group Answer: SM – We were looking to try and build a sustainable model. Not many charitable organisations operated without paid employees. We would need someone to run the accounts.
Cllr Deane moved the motion to award the remaining £510 to the project. This was seconded by Cllr Green.
Decision Wilton Help CIC was awarded £510, towards the project to support older vulnerable and isolated people in Wilton and the surrounding villages during the COVID-19 Pandemic and beyond. Reason The application met the grants criteria for 2020/21.
Community Area Grant Scheme
Mere Electric Car Club (AB initiative) requested £11,000 Cllr Jeans spoke in support of the project, noting that the name of the scheme would be re-named following further planning.
The number of households in Wiltshire with no cars was quite high, and many households were based in rural areas, therefore reliant on public transport.
The proposal was to pilot a scheme in ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |
8.15pm |
2020/21 - Remaining Budget Allocations The Board is asked to consider the recommendation to allocate the remaining budgets as set out in the report attached to the agenda and listed below:
Detailed bids would be submitted in due course for the board to consider and approve, before funds were released.
The proposals are also dependent upon the outcome of any funding awards during the previous agenda item.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager presented the recommendations.
Youth Cllr Wayman highlighted some of the statistics from the end of year report, which showed how many individuals had been helped or worked with over the last year.
There had been 4698 voluntary hours of work across SWW. In the business plan for the forthcoming year there were a number of shortfalls for several of the projects. She noted that the cost to cover the shortfall was approximately £30k and moved the motion to award the remaining £9k in the youth budget to Seeds4Success to aid some of those projects.
This was seconded by Cllr Jeans.
Decision Seeds4Success was allocated the remaining £9814.42 of youth funding towards the provision of future youth projects as detailed in the S4S Business Plan.
Karen then ran through the proposals to award remaining budgets to Area Board projects and schemes as detailed in the agenda.
Cllr Jeans moved the motion to award in full. This was seconded by Cllr Wayman.
The Area Board approved the recommendations to allocate remaining budgets to the following schemes and projects:
Grants Review 2017 - 2021 A review of the Area Board funding awards over the last four year cycle.
Minutes: Karen Linaker gave an overview of the Area Board’s funding allocations over the past four years.
A copy of the slides are attached to the minutes.
8.30pm |
Close Future meeting dates:
30 June 2021, 15 September 2021, 15 December 2021, 16 March 2022. Minutes: The Chairman thanked everyone for their support as she would not be standing for re-election in May and this would be her last Area Board.
The Board Members and those in attendance joined together to thank Cllr Jose Green for the amazing job she had done during all of her years in the Local Authority.
The next meeting of the South west Wiltshire Area Board will be held on Wednesday 30 June 2021.