Venue: Onlne meeting
Contact: Lisa Moore (Democratic Services Officer)
Note | No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
7.00pm |
Welcome and Introductions Minutes: The Chairman, Councillor Richard Brillton welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board.
Apologies Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held online on 27 May 2021. Supporting documents: Minutes: Decision The minutes of the previous meeting held online on 27 May 2021, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were none. |
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman made the following announcements:
Leader delegated decision The legislation which allowed local authorities to take public meetings and decisions online during the pandemic, was not extended past 6 May 2021.
All Area Boards held online would be required to pass any recommendations for a decision, through the Leader Delegated Decision process.
Old Sarum Skate park The Chairman had attended the opening of the skate park at Old Sarum and congratulated Laverstock & Ford PC on the success of the project.
Future arrangements for Area Boards Ove the last 18 months, Area Board had been held virtually due to the pandemic. The Council was considering various options for future meetings, including virtual, hybrid, and in person. The Charman asked those in attendance whether they felt strongly about any of the options. Those commented agreed that a mixture of in person and online meetings was preferred, with flexibility to choose on a Board-by-Board basis.
Cllr Richard Clewer noted his concern regarding the governance implications of continuing online, but confirmed he was looking at options to find a balance.
To note the written reports and updates in the agenda pack or distributed on the night
· Wiltshire Council Updates – Ash Dieback (written paper & slides) · Healthwatch Wiltshire · Current consultations Consultations - Wiltshire Council
· Climate Strategy & Natural Environment Plan Consultation paper attached. Supporting documents:
Minutes: The board noted the written updates and information items attached to the agenda and available online, these were:
· Wiltshire Council Updates – Ash Dieback video
Healthwatch Wiltshire
Current consultations:
7.10pm |
Matters of Community Wide Interest a) Announcements from Parish Councils and Community groups eg. upcoming village events
Thanks to a smart piece of Parish Council collaboration between Downton, Redlynch, Alderbury, Idmiston (and potentially 2 other) councils, training by the Play Inspection Company (recommended by ID Verde) will be delivered to officers and councillors at a considerably reduced price than would otherwise be charged if ordered per council. And an added bonus… the training will happen in each local play area, rather than at a remote venue. Impressive work.
b) Community Policing – local issues and priorities
In attendance: Inspector Tina Osborn Supporting documents: Minutes:
Announcements from Parish Councils and
Community groups eg.
Karen Linaker noted that thanks to a smart piece of
Parish Council collaboration between Downton, Redlynch, Alderbury,
Idmiston (and potentially 2 other) councils, training by the Play
Inspection Company (recommended by ID Verde) will be delivered to
officers and councillors at a considerably reduced price than would
otherwise be charged if
Other PCs were able to contact Karen or Downton PC for further information.
Community Policing – local issues and priorities
Inspector Tina Osborn explained that the data within the written report now covered a month period. For further data, make contact with Tina.
· There had been a spike in criminal damage offences in June, and then a reduction in July & Aug. · Following a series of burglaries in Whiteparish, one man had been arrested and an investigation was ongoing. · Catapult offences increased in July with incidents reducing in August. · Vehicles had recently been stopped and ceased after being found to have no insurance. · In Redlynch there had been some ASB reported around the War Memorial. The removal of a bench, had resulted in no further reports of to date – thanks to PC for their help. · Community Speedwatch would continue. · There had been increased fly tipping in the Coombe Bissett area, Officers were targeting repeat offenders with rural patrols. · There had been a focus over the summer on the use of E scooters with education and advisory letters being distributed. Some E scooters had been ceased along with off road motorbikes. · The area was generally in a good place.
The Chairman thanked Tina for her comprehensive report and the good work her and her team did.
Was rural farm machinery theft opportunist or more planned? Answer: It was sporadic, and at this time of year farmers were out farming with machinery at all hours.
The new PCC made a statement regarding a police station and custody suite locally, had there been any start up plans? Answer: Not for me to answer at this stage. The visible support of the CSW groups by an Officer was really important, the more visits the better. Answer: There were a number of CSW groups across the wider area, it was not always possible to get round to all but we would continue to push it through our teams.
Fire & Rescue
Matty Maggs, Station Manager noted the recently published Community Safety Plan for 2021-24, which could be viewed online.
Fire services had been busy across the South Wilts area as a whole due to the global temperatures, which had seen an increase in field fires, often caused by equipment and hot exhausts from farm machinery.
Questions: Did the annual report include statistics of causes of fire and was there a breakdown? Answer: Yearly we publish a breakdown of the top 10 types of incidents, ... view the full minutes text for item 24. |
7.25pm |
Highways 5 Year Work Plan Diane Ware, Principal Technical Officer, will take us through the proposed 5 year work plan followed by an opportunity for questions.
Supporting documents: Minutes: Diane Ware, Principal Technical Officer, presented the proposed 5-year work plan for the area, followed by an opportunity for questions.
The draft maintenance plan was presented, the final version would be brought back to the Area Board in around March/April for formal consideration.
Over the last 3-4 years funding had been spent in each AB area depending on what level of need there was. The 5 year plan for Southern Wiltshire totalled over £1m of works. The overall budget for the whole of Wiltshire was £9m.
Diane asked that any feedback or comments for consideration for inclusion in the plan should be emailed to her at:
Comments and Questions:
· Following the boundary change between Southern Wilts and Stonehenge Area Boards, when would the split with regards to the area data and the Highways Engineers be in place? Answer: Graham Axtell and Paul Shaddock are the Officers for Southern area; the report data would be accurate in time for the April report.
· The list contained roads which appeared in better condition to some of the other roads, as pointed out by resident. Answer: The priority for the unclassified roads was quite low compared to the rest of the Highways. The better our A, B & C roads are, the more money we get from central government. We have started to include more unclassified roads. Drop me an email detailing any particular roads causing an issue. |
7.45pm |
Youth Update and Activities Funding Rural Youth outreach – Community First Programme
Activities Allocation of youth funding: · Funding of Area Board Commissioned Activities · Funding contribution to multi-agency work tackling ASB in Downton Supporting documents:
The Chairman noted that the Workplan for the Board had been carried over from the previous Area Board and adopted by the new Board as the way forward. He urged anyone with any proposals for the inclusion of new work streams to make contact with Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager. Suggestions could be considered by the Board as the areas of focus as set out in the Work Plan could be re-ordered or evolve where appropriate.
Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager gave an update on the Rural Youth Outreach project, which was a 12-month Area Board initiative shared across 5 Boards to strengthen engagement with young people in rural locations.
The Chair noted that the Board had always regarded youth activities as having a huge importance for the area.
· As the Winterbourne was new to the Southern Wiltshire AB, following the boundary review, they had not participated in the original survey and wished to be fully included moving forward. Answer: The Board would ensure that all of its parishes were consulted in the Youth Survey which would be circulated later in the month.
Funding of Area Board Commissioned Activities
Karen set out the two options for Area Board funding as detailed in the report attached to the agenda:
Option 1 – 50% commissioned providers / 50 % reserved fund Option 2 – 33% commissioned providers / 66% reserved fund
Based on the value for money that option one would bring, Members were in support of the 50/50 split option. Variety, number of sessions and hours provided.
Cllr Zoe Clewer gave an update on some areas of work in her area. · NFPA met 2 people online who were in touch with the CEM regarding youth work, the local ranger and Helen Robinson. · Had a visit with John Glenn to Cameron Cottage, part of the RSPB – there were opportunities for youth work. · Karen or Cllr Clewer could be contacted for further information on possible collaborative opportunities.
Decision The Area Board agreed to adopted option one - 50% commissioned providers / 50 % reserved fund.
8.05pm |
Other Area Board Work Plan Update · Health & Wellbeing · Communications · Eco Friendly Living / Climate Change · Community Safety Supporting documents: Minutes: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager gave an update on the following areas of focus within the work plan as set out on pages 81 to 86 of the agenda pack.
Any support on any aspect of the work plan would be welcomed. Make contact with Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manger.
· Health & Wellbeing · Communications · Eco Friendly Living / Climate Change · Community Safety
Updates included:
· Promotion of the ‘Our Community Matters’ (OCM) site
· Delivery of the Rural Youth Outreach Project · Support Village Youth Groups – aiding them to start back up · The Make a friend be a Friend project had been brought to a holt due to the pandemic. · Deliver a Local Programme of Health & Wellbeing support and services. · Delivery of Healthy Schools project
Cllr Zoe Clewer noted that the Community Engagement emails that come out on a Friday were excellent in content and were widely re-circulated through social media groups.
8.15pm |
Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update To note the minutes and actions arising from the last CATG meeting held on 4 Auguste 2021 and consider any recommendations, as detailed in the attached papers.
· 4a - £7000 · 5d - £187.50 · 6a - £600 · 6b - £187.50 · 6d - £1125 · 6e - £1425 · 6f - £2705 · 6j - £366.75
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The Board noted the report from the last CATG meeting held on the 4 August 2021, and considered funding recommendations as detailed in the agenda.
Decision The Southern Wiltshire Area Board approved the funding proposals for the following schemes:
· 4a - £7000 · 5d - £187.50 · 6a - £600 · 6b - £187.50 · 6d - £1125 · 6e - £1425 · 6f - £2705 · 6j - £366.75 |
8.20pm |
Community Area Grants The Board will consider applications for funding received by the deadline and detailed in the report attached to the agenda.
Officer: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered the applications for funding as set out in the funding report attached to the agenda.
Applicant’s present were invited to speak in support of their projects, followed by questions and debate.
Area Board Initiatives:
Health and Wellbeing Events involving interactive wellbeing activities and Silent Discos - £540
Karen Linaker outlined the project which aimed to put on two 2 hour events in October and January.
Decision The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed to award £540 towards the Health & Wellbeing Initiative. Reason The project met the Funding criteria for 2021/22.
Funding assistance to support multi agency interventions into local ASB issues - £1000
Karen Linaker outlined the Multi-agency project to tackle ASB in the Downton Area.
Members were in support the project which would focus on intervention work to tackle ASB in a specific area. It was noted that the PCC had been asked to contribute to the project.
Decision The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed to award £1000 towards the ASB multi-agency Initiative for the Downton area. Reason The project met the Funding criteria for 2021/22.
Community Area Grants:
Winterslow Scout Group - Grass sledges for Winterslow Scout Group and other youth organisations - £387.80
The applicant, Paul Hardiman presented the application.
Decision The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed to award £387.80 to the Winterslow Scout Groups project for Grass Sledges. Reason The project met the Funding criteria for 2021/22. Celebrating Voice CIC - Celebrate Voice Celebrating Age Gala - £500 The applicant, Lynsey Docherty presented the application.
Decision The Southern Wiltshire Area Board agreed to award £500 to Celebrating Voice CIC, for the Celebrate Voice Celebrating Age Gala. Reason The project met the Funding criteria for 2021/22.
Redlynch PC - Community Defibrillators – Application Withdrawn
Alzheimer’s Support - Salisbury Dementia Centre Outreach Office Development - £2,500 The applicant, Steph Bardzil presented the application, who noted that the Centre was based in Salisbury, however the catchment would cover south Wiltshire, people living in the city and southern Wiltshire. There had been 54 referrals from the Southern Wiltshire area.
Questions and comments included:
· Members asked for clarity on whether all three of the Area Boards covered by the remit of the project would be approached for funding.
· The total project cost was £20k, however the applicant held £145k of reserves. Answer: As a charity we are supposed to have £3m for running costs, we are slightly under that. · Was the Scotts Lane site rented? Answer: Yes · How many places would you be offering at the centre during the day time for clients? Answer: 40 a week (10 spaces a day for 4 days a week) with the option to increase if high demand. · What would a session cost? Answer: £45 a day to attend a full day of care. · Is there a facility for anyone that cannot afford the £45/day? There would be support available through means testing and WC. · Cllr McLennan noted that he understood the concerns, however until this year the Board ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
Close Minutes: Next meeting will be on Thursday 9 December 2021.