Agenda and minutes

Westbury Area Board - Thursday 18 October 2012 7.00 pm

Venue: Bratton Jubilee Hall, Melbourne Street, Bratton BA13 4RW

Contact: Roger Bishton  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Chairman's Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Westbury Area Board and introduced;


·                Cllr Jane Scott, Leader of Wiltshire Council, who would be making a presentation later in the meeting on the legacy of 2012, and


·                Cllr Richard Gamble, Portfolio Holder for Public Transport, who would speak about the proposed changes to rail services in the Westbury area.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr KG Drewett, Mr Keith Harvey and Cllr Francis Morland.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16 August 2012.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any non-pecuniary and pecuniary interest or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Cllr David Jenkins declared a non-pecuniary interest as he was a member of Westbury Town Council.


Cllr Russell Hawker declared a non-pecuniary interest as he was a member of Westbury Town Council and also a member of the Leigh Park Community Centre Committee.


The Chairman declared a non-pecuniary interest as he was a member of Westbury Town Council and also the Leigh Park Community Association.




Chairman's Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements can be discussed and members of the public can ask questions but they are not an item on the agenda open for debate;  officers / people with the knowledge on the subject are not usually present to answer questions or provide additional information.


However members of the public do have an opportunity to ask for any further information to be included as an item for a future agenda.




(a)       Wiltshire & Swindon Local Nature Partnership


A Steering Group formed in January 2012 with representation from Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and the AONBs to guide the development of a Local Nature Partnership (LNP) in Wiltshire & Swindon.  As of July 2012 the Wiltshire & Swindon LNP has been officially recognised as a LNP by Government.


This information sheet provides a brief update on the progress that has been made and invites contributions from interested parties in relation to the strategic direction and future work of the LNP.


Further information is included in the agenda pack.



(b)       Barrier Busting Proposals


Volunteers, community groups and social enterprises of many kinds have great ideas about how they could make their neighbourhood a better place to live and would like to play a bigger role in local life but sometimes barriers get in the way. Red tape, rules and regulations stop people putting good ideas into action. Not only is this frustrating – it means that local people miss out.


The Government have a ‘Barrier Busting Team’ to help with this problem.


Further information is included in the agenda pack.



(c)          Minerals Sites in Wiltshire and Swindon


Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council jointly submitted the Proposed Submission draft Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 20 July 2012 along with supporting evidence reports and proposed minor modifications to the Plan stemming from the final, pre-submission round of consultation held earlier this year.


Copies of all submission documents including copies of representations made and other supporting documents which, in the opinion of the councils, are relevant to the preparation of the Site Allocations Plan are available to view on the councils’ website and at Council Offices.


Further information is included in the agenda pack.



(d)      Informal Adult Education In Wiltshire – update


At its meeting held on 10th September 2012, Cabinet received a report on the outcome of the consultation on adult education in Wiltshire which had been undertaken and invited the cabinet to determine the future role of Wiltshire Council in respect of the provision of informal adult education.  The full report can be found at


Further information is included in the agenda pack.



(e)       Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Wiltshire – Consultation


Wiltshire Council is in the process of preparing a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule. CIL is a new charge that local authorities in England can place on new development in their area. The money generated through the levy will contribute to the  ...  view the full agenda text for item 5.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman made the following announcements:


(a)       Wiltshire & Swindon Local Nature Partnership


A Steering Group formed in January 2012 with representation from Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and the AONBs to guide the development of a Local Nature Partnership (LNP) in Wiltshire & Swindon.  As of July 2012 the Wiltshire & Swindon LNP had been officially recognised as a LNP by Government.


(b)       Barrier Busting Proposals


The Chairman reported that volunteers, community groups and social enterprises of many kinds had great ideas about how they could make their neighbourhood a better place to live and would like to play a bigger role in local life but sometimes barriers got in the way. Red tape, rules and regulations stopped people putting good ideas into action. Not only was this frustrating – it meant that local people missed out. However, the Government had a ‘Barrier Busting Team’ to help with this problem.


(c)       Minerals Sites in Wiltshire and Swindon


Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council had jointly submitted the Proposed Submission draft Aggregate Minerals Site Allocations Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 20 July 2012 along with supporting evidence reports and proposed minor modifications to the Plan stemming from the final, pre-submission round of consultation held earlier this year.


Copies of all submission documents including copies of representations made and other supporting documents which, in the opinion of the councils, are relevant to the preparation of the Site Allocations Plan were available to view on the Councils’ website and at Council Offices.


(d)      Informal Adult Education In Wiltshire – update


At its meeting held on 10 September 2012, Cabinet received a report on the outcome of the consultation on adult education in Wiltshire which had been undertaken and invited Cabinet to determine the future role of Wiltshire Council in respect of the provision of informal adult education.  The full report could be found at


Dr Peter Biggs enquired how this would be provided in Wiltshire.  Ms Julia Cramp, Service Director for Commissioning & Performance reminded the Board that all Area Boards were consulted on this during the Summer and this Board had considered the matter at its meeting on 14 June 2012 when it recommended the adoption of:




Option 3 – Wiltshire Council to facilitate the provision of informal adult education at a local level, and


Option 4 – Wiltshire Council to coordinate and promote informal adult learning opportunities offered across the county.


Cabinet had agreed at its September meeting:

a)               that the Council adopt the role to facilitate the provision of informal adult education at a local level;


b)               to approve the appointment of a 0.6 full-time equivalent part-time adult education officer to work with local community networks to develop a sustainable locally-based adult education provision including information on, and promotion of, opportunities and


c)               to allocate budget of £32,000 from the revenue savings accrued from the closure of Urchfont Manor College to meet the costs associated with the appointment.



(e)  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.



Community Area Grants

To consider the following applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme:-


(a)        Westbury Town Council  to replace and improve CCTV system - £5,000 requested.


(b)       Bratton Recreation Ground Skate Ramp – to install a skate ramp at the village recreation ground - £1233 requested.


(c)        Health Eating Project – area board councillor led grant application £1870 requested.


(d)       Trowbridge Sea Cadet Unit – To purchase a minibus - £5,000 requested.


(e)       Youth Funding  To agree £4,040 youth funding should be earmarked for the purchase of keep fit /activity equipment for teenagers. The funding to be transferred to Westbury Town Council to help fund this project.



Supporting documents:


The Community Area Manager reported that over the past three years this Area Board had awarded more than £11,000 for projects in Bratton and gave a brief resume of each project as follows:


·                Bratton Allotments -  £1000 for fencing and water connection


·                Bratton Recreation Ground - £1,250  for a mower, £1,000 for fencing, £2,140 to upgrade kitchen facilities, £850 to improve access


·                Bratton Jubilee Hall and the Pavilion - £1000 for Jubilee celebrations, £535 for Jubilee Players, £1,000 for new tables, £525 to improve toilet facilities in the Pavilion


·                Bratton Village Green - £1000 for replacing play matting


·                Bratton Community Orchard - £589 for tools 


She then introduced the report and explained each application in turn.


(a)       Westbury Town Council – to replace and improve CCTV system - £5,000 requested.




To approve a grant of £5,000 to replace and improve CCTV system.




To replace out of date cameras with modern responsive equipment and to add two new devices.


This project reinforces the commitment to community safety.


(b)      Bratton  Recreation Ground Skate Ramp – to install a skate ramp at the village recreation ground - £1,233 requested.




To approve a grant of £1,233 to install a skate ramp at the village recreation ground.




A group of young people in the village approached the Recreation Ground Committee to ask permission to raise funds to purchase a skateboard ramp; this project supports their efforts to help themselves. By placing a half pipe skate board ramp on the Recreation Ground in Bratton we will be providing a safe place for children aged 10+ to play on their scooters, skateboards and BMX bikes. It will also encourage young adults and children to access the other amenities available in the field e.g. All weather gym equipment, football and basketball. 



(c)       Healthy Eating Project – area board councillor led grant application - £1,870 requested.




To approve a grant of £1,870 to promote healthy eating for Year 6 pupils in schools.




To raise early awareness of the importance of healthy eating good dental health care at the earliest opportunity. It will also raise awareness of health related issues and healthy eating. Its message would reach both parents and children and hopefully have positive knock on effect through publicity and awareness raising. 


(d)      Trowbridge Sea Cadet Unit – To purchase a minibus - £5,000 requested.




To approve a grant of £250 towards the purchase of a minibus for the Trowbridge Sea Cadet Unit, bearing in mind that only four young people from Westbury are members of this Unit.




A replacement minibus is vital for the Sea Cadets to be transported safely to outdoor recreational pursuits of sailing, boat pulling and canoeing, as well as to aid participation in training and development sessions, competitions and events. These activities encourage self confidence and team spirit. They lead young people towards responsible adulthood by encouraging high standards of conduct.  


(e)       Youth Funding – To part fund keep fit/activity equipment - £4,040 requested.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



Legacy of 2012

Cllr Jane Scott, Leader of the Council will make a presentation, including the showing of a video recording, on the Legacy of 2012.


The Chairman welcomed Cllr Jane Scott, Leader of the Council, who was attending to make a presentation on the celebratory events held in Wiltshire during the past Summer, including the showing of a DVD recording, and was assisted by Ms Laurie Bell, Service Director, Communications.


It was noted that over 225,000 people - half the population of Wiltshire - turned out to welcome The Queen when she visited Salisbury in May and to see the Olympic Torch when it was carried through sixteen towns, villages and Salisbury in May and July. It was also noted that Wiltshire was the only County to have the Torch visit on two separate occasions, and that combined with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, 2012 had presented an opportunity to bring communities together, to showcase what the County had to offer in front of the national and worldwide media, and to provide a boost to the local economy.


A DVD was presented which showed highlights of these events and how well received they had been which was being made available to all Area Boards.


Whilst the economic impact on the County as a result of the celebrations had yet to be fully assessed and realised, it was anticipated that the £290,000 spent by the Council had been more than justified.  The boost to the local economy on the five event days was estimated to at nearly £3.8 million, which was far more than anticipated. The film footage of Wiltshire towns and villages and also of former Olympic Gold medal sprinter Michael Johnson at Stonehenge were broadcast across the world with more than 350 million people viewing Wiltshire. The impact on the number of visitors and the increase in tourism was still being evaluated but it was expected to be substantial and a significant boost to the tourist industry in Wiltshire.


Cllr Scott explained that the emphasis now was to keep the momentum and  legacy going in Wiltshire’s communities, the Council and the economy. In this regard, a small Legacy Steering Board had been established which she would chair and the membership would include relevant Cabinet members and officers and representatives from appropriate partner organisations. The Board would be supported by a delivery group, chaired by Laurie Bell to ensure delivery and evaluation of the ongoing legacy work.  In particular it was intended to provide support and encouragement to prospective Olympic contenders and it was planned to organise a series of business events and promotions.


Cllr Scott paid tribute to all those members of partner organisations and staff who assisted at the events to ensure they were a success. 


At the conclusion of her presentation, the Chairman warmly thanked Cllr Scott for attending this Area Board meeting and for her presentation.







Westbury Community Area Community Plan

Carole King, Chairman of the BA13+ Community Area Partnership, will make a presentation.  Hard copies of the presentation slides will be provided on each table for members of the public.


Mrs Carole King, Chairman of the BA13+ Community Area Partnership, presented the Westbury Area Community Plan for the period 2012 – 2017, copies of which were distributed at the meeting.


She explained that the Plan was a living document and had been compiled following consultation and research in the Westbury area, as well as meetings with relevant groups and individuals to identify priorities, and with reference to the Joint Strategic Assessment (JSA) 2011 findings. Westbury Forward, a major event held jointly with the Area Board in January 2012, identified the top priorities for action, which were outlined in the Plan and divided by theme.  The Plan would very shortly be available to view on line on the BA13+ website at


It was noted that the purpose of the Plan was to help groups, service providers, this Area Board and Wiltshire Council to tailor their services more specifically to Westbury and the surrounding villages’ needs, as well as to provide a guide for community groups and individuals who wished to contribute to the community.  In addition to statutory bodies, volunteers were able to take on projects where possible and theme groups, which examined specific issues, were open to anyone in the community.  The BA13+ Partnership would support any initiatives in line with the priorities of the Plan.  The Plan would be updated online as projects progressed and new priorities were identified.  Quarterly partnership meetings would be taking place to consider new initiatives and update the Plan and all members of the community were being encouraged to participate in the process by submitting fresh ideas on community needs. 


During the ensuing discussion, the following themes for improvement were made:


·         Improvements to public transport facilities and, in particular, rail services.


·         Provision of a bypass for Westbury.


·         Construction of a skate park.




To accept the contents of the Westbury Community Area Plan 2012-2017.





Westbury Campus

The Revd Jonathan Burke, Chairman of Shadow Community Operations Board (SCOB) will present a verbal update at the meeting.



The Revd. Jonathan Burke, Chairman of the Shadow Community Operations Board (SCOB), presented a verbal update on the provision of a Westbury Campus.


He explained that SCOB were researching the level of services most needed by the community from a Campus and were carrying out an initial consultation between the end of November and January 2013.  The outcomes of this consultation would be presented to a future meeting of the Area Board for decisions to be made.     



Community Asset Transfer

To consider the Community Asset Transfer of the Leigh Park Community Centre from Wiltshire Council to the Leigh Park Community Association.  A report is attached.

Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to a report by the Area Development Manager in which the Area Board was requested to consider the transfer of Leigh Park Community Centre, Westbury to Leigh Park Community Association.


On hearing from Cllr Russell Hawker, member of the Leigh Park Community Association Committee in support of the application,




To approve the transfer of Leigh Park Community Centre, Westbury from Wiltshire Council to the Leigh Park Community Association on a long leasehold, subject to the following conditions:


(1)          The lease cannot be completed until ownership of the land has passed from the current owners, Persimmon Homes, to Wiltshire Council.


(2)       As the hall has not yet been built, this is a new venture. It is, therefore, considered that the transfer should be on a long leasehold basis rather than a freehold as is normally the case.


(3)       There will be a covenant restricting use of the property to community purposes.


(4)       The property has been designed as a community hall. All running costs will be met by Leigh Park Community Association. Therefore, there are no financial implications.




This proposal supports and implements Wiltshire Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy.




Housing Need and Review of Wiltshire's Housing Allocations System

To receive information on the review of Wiltshire’s Housing Allocations system.  A presentation will be made by Nicole Smith, Head of Strategic Housing.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman introduced Ms Nicole Smith, Head of Strategic Housing and Mr Barry Hughes, Chief Executive of Selwood Housing and also of Wiltshire Housing Partnership, who would provide information on the review of Wiltshire‘s Housing Allocations System.

It was explained that due to policy changes introduced by the Government, a review was currently taking place on all housing priorities in Wiltshire. During the next few months a new Housing Strategy would be developed that would set out the Council’s housing-related agenda for the next five years. The three overarching objectives that would drive the housing agenda were:

  • To improve the quality and make best use of existing stock across Wiltshire
  • To utilise all opportunities to meet existing and future housing need
  • To help people to achieve independence and choice and to support local communities across Wiltshire

To assist with formulating this new Strategy all area boards were being consulted and their comments would be taken into account.  Once the Strategy had been formulated and agreed it would be brought back to area boards for information.   

Some statistical information regarding housing in the Westbury area was shown and explained (Copies of which are appended to these minutes).


Mr Barry Hughes explained the changes in benefit arrangements and the consequent problems that would arise regarding rent collections.  A new bedroom tax would be introduced in certain cases as part of the Government’s changes and those tenants who would be affected would be informed of these changes as soon as possible.


Ms Nicole Smith led a discussion on the allocation of social housing and explained different options available, such as mutual property exchanges or the taking in of lodgers.


During the ensuing discussion there was general concern about how these new arrangements would affect in particular the elderly and more vulnerable members of society.  It was considered most important that those who had experienced a recent bereavement were not subjected to the additional pressure and problem of having to move to a smaller property; additionally it was felt that such people, particularly the elderly needed a spare room in which to accommodate family members when paying a visit. 


Members were then invited to participate in a question and answer session in which they would be asked for their views on a review of housing allocations by amending Part 6 of the Housing Act, as required by the Localism Act 2011, as follows:




How should Wiltshire Council consider the Local Connection?


1.         Maintain an open housing register for all – 5 in favour

2.         A Local Connection to Wiltshire is required to join – 6 in favour

3.         Priority to those with a local connection to an area – 7 in favour



What is a Local Connection to an area?


1.         Employed in the area – 13 in favour

2.         Lives or previously lived in area – 14 in favour

3.         Family currently reside in the area – 11 in favour



Should additional priorities be given to the following?


1.         Under occupation – 11  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.



Partner and Community Updates

To note the written reports and receive any updates from the following:-


Town and Parish Councils


Wiltshire Police


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


NHS Wiltshire


Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG)

Supporting documents:


The Area Board received the following partner and community updates:-


·         Crime and Community Safety

·         Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service


Cllr Sue Ezra referred to traffic problems in Eden Vale Road, Westbury and in particular the parking of cars on pavements.   It was agreed that this problem should be investigated by the Police.  



Community Area Transport Group

To consider an update report on the work of the Community Area Transport Group and to approve funding for its projects.  A report is attached.

Supporting documents:


Consideration was given to an update report on the work of the Community Area Transport Group in which approval was sought to the funding of certain projects.




(1)          To spend £800 on improving road markings at Gooselands roundabout.


(2)          To spend £600 on a pedestrian survey at the White Horse Health Centre.


(3)          To spend £3,000 towards the cost of improving the footpath between Avebury Close and Station Road.


(4)          To confirm commitment of £6,000 towards improvement of the junction at Edington – to be carried over to next financial year.






Issues Update

To receive any verbal updates.


Fly Tipping The Community Area Manager referred to flying tipping that had been taking place in various places including Slag Lane, Brook Lane and also within the White Horse viewing area and requested that any instances seen should be reported to Wiltshire Council at who would investigate and clear.


Wiltshire Voices Work was progressing on the Wiltshire Voices project which in Westbury had concentrated on the views and voices of older people.  The Community Area Manager stated that filming had been completed and the film would be available shortly.  Details of the film and the launch would be would available as soon as possible.


White Horse Health Centre  It was noted that, although there had been some initial teething problems regarding the bus service to the new Primary Care Centre, the service had now settled down and was working satisfactorily.  It was also noted that the appointments system at the Care Centre could work flexibly if the patent was reliant on public transport.    



Preview of December Meeting

The next meeting of the Westbury Area Board will be held at The Laverton on Thursday 13 December 2012. It will be a special themed meeting devoted to subjects, projects and issues concerning children, young people and families.  The meeting will be slightly earlier than usual with refreshments from 5.30pm and the meeting starting at 6.00pm.  Everyone is very welcome.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Westbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 13 December 2012 at The Laverton, Westbury.  It would be a special meeting devoted to subjects, projects and issues concerning children, young people and families.   The meeting would start slightly earlier than usual with refreshments being available from 5.30pm and the meeting starting at 6.00pm.  Everyone would be very welcome.