Agenda and minutes

Schools Forum - Thursday 1 December 2011 1.30 pm

Venue: The North Wiltshire Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Liam Paul 

No. Item




Apologies were received from:


Mrs Rosheen Ryan, WGA, Secondary School Governor Representative


Mrs Ann Ferries, WGA, Primary School Governor Representative


Dr Tina Pagett, 13-19 Partnership


Mr Tim Gilson, Malmesbury, WASSH


Mrs Jane Franchi, Salisbury Dioceses


And also from;


Cllr Lionel Grundy


Carolyn Godfrey


Minutes of the previous Meeting

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13 October 2011 (copy attached).

Supporting documents:




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13 October 2011, subject to the inclusion of Mr John Proctor under item no.162, Apologies, and the following amendment:


The final sentence of minute number 170 (School Revenue Balances) to read as follows: “It was pointed out that three schools had failed to assign their excess surplus balances in accordance with the Controls on Surplus Balances Scheme and would therefore be sent letters advising them that they would have the excess balance removed, subject to appeal.”


Matters arising:


The Head of Finance, DCE, provided figures in relation to Health contributions to Independent Special School placements, as requested at the previous meeting (minute no.168 refers).


Total number of Independent Special School placements:     86

Total cost:                                                                                          £6.157 million


of which:


Funded wholly by Dedicated Schools Grant                                                      63

Funded by DSG & Social Care                                                                             14

Funded by DSG, Social Care and Health                                                           9


The total cost of those 9 placements is £1.198 million, split as follows:


Cost to DSG (Independent Special School budget)                              £484,510

Cost to Social Care                                                                                      £468,448

Cost to Health                                                                                               £244,545



Declaration of Interests

To receive any declarations of personal or prejudical interests.




Chairman's Announcements


Cllr Alan Macrae announced that following a re-structure of Portfolio Holders to be announced imminently there will no longer be a portfolio with the dedicated responsibility for Schools. A single portfolio holder will operate across all elements of the Children’s Services and Education service area, under the direction of the Cabinet Member Lionel Grundy. Cllr Macrae took the opportunity to thank the Schools Forum for their engaging and welcoming attitude and wished the Forum well in its future work.


In reply the Chairman, on behalf of the Schools Forum thanked Cllr Macrae for his work on the Schools remit and for the positive impact he had made.


Children and Young People's Trust Board Update

To receive a verbal update from the Service Director for Commissioning and Performance, Department for Children and Education.


Julia Cramp, Service Director Commissioning & Performance, DCE gave a verbal update on recent work undertaken by the Children and Young People’s Trust Board Update.


·         11-19 Commissioning Strategy

This Strategy had been approved by the Executive at Cabinet in September 2011, following comprehensive consultation across Wiltshire and across age ranges. Implementation will be overseen by the 13-19 Partnership. A highlight of the strategy is the establishment of Youth Advisory Groups in each Community Area.


·         Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Strategy

A key point for Schools relating to this strategy were the new training being rolled-out across the County to on mental health – which bore the name of the ‘Mental Health First Aid Kit’ – indicative of its nature. All those involved with secondary schools in particular were urged to attend.


A second key development was the launch of guidelines on deliberate self-harm which all those present were urged to note.


·         SEN and Disability Pathfinder

The Service Director for Commissioning and Performance, DCE emphasised her willingness to engage schools using WASSH and PHF as the vehicle for communication. She highlighted the possible impact of the government’s aspiration to expand the use of personal budgets for children with special education needs, disabilities and long-term health conditions – stressing that Schools will be key players in the process.


Budget Monitoring

To receive details of the DSG Budget monitoring for Period 7.

Supporting documents:


The Head of Finance, DCE, Liz Williams outlined the budget position as it stood at the end of October. At this point in the year an underspend of £1.626 million is projected against the overall schools budget. Any underspend at year-end will be rolled forward into the next financial year.


Key pressures and potential areas of underspend are:


a)    Independent Special School Placements

This budget is currently projected to underspend by £0.955 million. This is based on all current and agreed placements. The underspend arises from reduced numbers of placements and the increased number of pupils catered for in Wiltshire Schools.


A further underspend of £0.373 million is projected against the budget for placements in other local authority schools, again based on all current and agreed placements. Changes to charging for special and mainstream placements to be agreed in December may affect this position.

b)    Other Targeted Services

Underspends within the EMAS and Traveller Education Service have arisen due to vacancies and due to the maximisation of the Standards Funds within the EMAS Team.

c)    Early Years Free Entitlement for 3 & 4 year olds

An underspend of £0.175 million is projected against the Early Years Single Funding Formula. This projection is updated termly based on the uptake of the free entitlement across settings.

d)    Premature Retirement Costs

The PRC budget is expected to overspend by £0.122 million based on redundancy cases up to 31st August. This overspend is expected to increase through the year.

e)    Personal Education Plans (Looked After Children)

It is projected that the budget for PEPs will overspend by £0.053 million.


It was confirmed that the £0.175m underspend against the Early Years Free Entitlement for 3 & 4 year olds was projected using a model which reflects each provider’s summary statement. Officers replied that that the model does include weightings per the funding formula based on expected take up of places through the year.




To note the Budget monitoring position at the end of October 2012


Reports from Working Groups

To receive minutes, reports and/or verbal updates from the following working groups:


·         School Funding Working Group

·         Early Years Reference Group

·         Schools Services Working Group (verbal update)

Supporting documents:


a)    School Funding Working Group


Officers provided an update on the issues debated by the group and their recommendations. It was explained that with effect from April 2011 the DfE removed the requirement for Local Authorities to have a Controls on Surplus Balances Scheme in place. However, Regulations allow Local Authorities to have a ‘Controls on Surplus Balances Scheme’ if they wish.


In response to a question it was confirmed that for maintained Schools, contingency funds were within the scope of the clawback as they were considered as part of the balance as a whole. For Academy schools different thresholds and rules applied. It was also confirmed that where funds were devolved to schools then clawback was not an issue, however delegated funds can form part of a clawback where schools exceed the permitted threshold.




That Schools Forum:


a.    note the recommendation made by the Schools Funding Working Group to continue with a Controls on Surplus Balances Scheme in 2012/13.

b.    Agree to the clawback of excess revenue balances from the two schools who failed to submit an appeal.


b)    Early Years Reference Group


The Head of Business and Commercial Services, DCE reported that central Government was developing a new national code of practise for Early Years settings and was currently in a consultation phase.


A key point was the significant expansion of funding for placements for 2 year-olds with the expectation that the number of funded places will increase during 2012/13 until it becomes statutory provision in September 2013. Nationally the target is 40% of all children who meet free school meal eligibility criteria.


The Reference group and officers recognised that existing training and professional development schemes would need to be developed in anticipation of the free entitlement for (two) and three year olds, being implemented.




To note the update from the Early Years Reference Group


c)    Schools Services Working Group


The Schools Forum received a verbal update on the topics considered by the Schools Services Working group which had met ahead of the meeting.


Regarding the supply pool insurance scheme, to be considered later in the agenda, the group considered the options and had put forward a recommendation to refund 100%.


It was explained that the group discussed proposals to review the “Right Choice for your School” document. The aim of the changes is to provide a single brochure to send to all Wiltshire Schools which will set out all the services available to various schools, which fall into the following three categories:

§  Chargeable to maintained schools

§  Chargeable to Academies

§  Free to all schools (Centrally Funded)


It will also be advantageous to extend the flexibility that currently exists in contracts for academies (the ability to change / begin / terminate at any point in the year) to maintained schools.


Members of the forum queried at what level the demand for services would be below such a point that the ‘critical mass’ necessary for the local authority to provide services was not present. It  ...  view the full minutes text for item 184.


Early Years Single Funding Formula

To examine the outcome of the review of the operation of the Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) by the Early Years Reference Group, and consider their recommendation of a change to the current basic hourly rates paid.

Supporting documents:


The Head of Business and Commercial Services, DCE outlined his report.


The EYSFF was introduced in Wiltshire from 1 April 2010.  The formula provided for childcare providers to receive a payment for the provision of free entitlement childcare based upon a sum for each hour delivered plus supplements (if applicable) for the inclusion of children from deprived homes and for settings located in rural areas


The reference group undertook a survey of the EYSFF in autumn 2010.  On analysing the responses, the group noted that the formula had been in operation for only six months and considered that unless there was an overwhelming rationale for change the present arrangements should continue to avoid any potential confusion which could result from changes to arrangements which were only just beginning to be understood.  The group agreed to recommend that two detailed amendments be made to the scheme and these were approved by the Schools Forum at its meeting on 3 December 2010.


Members of the council’s Early Years’ Team, and members of the Early Years Reference Group have received many comments relating to the complexity of the EYSFF and difficulties providers have in calculating the income they will receive.  Considerable work has been done to advise and support settings but many such comments continue to be received.


In light of this a consultation was launched, and results showed that 30% of providers were satisfied with the status quo, whilst the remaining 70% were split between options for change.


It was also noted that Childminders received a rate which seemed excessively high relative to the prices on the open market


The Government allowed local determination of the EYSSF model it was explained, and the recommendation of the Early Years Reference group was to move to a model with only one rate per type of provider. This proposition would have an adverse impact on smaller settings, but it was noted that the previous years’ changes and the extension of free entitlement for two year olds would help cushion the impact of any negative change.


No inflationary assumptions were assumed in the model.


It was explained that the differential between the proposed hourly pay rates for maintained providers and PVI settings arose due to the obligation upon maintained schools to employ qualified teachers on national pay scales.


Regarding potential further changes to the EYSSF in 2013, officers expected no major changes other than further simplification, but a proposal for a 0.5% reduction across all DSG funded budgets would be considered later on the agenda for this meeting within the 2012/13 budget report.


The Head of Business and Commercial Services confirmed that there were no transitional arrangements in place for the arrangements proposed.




That as recommended by the Early Years Reference Group, the EYSFF be amended to provide for a single hourly rate for each type of provider irrespective of size and to reduce the payment to accredited childminders with the savings being reallocated to support the rate for private, voluntary and independent settings to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 185.


Resource Base Formulae

To present to the Forum new funding formula proposals for HI and PI centres, and to consider issues of under occupancy in Complex Needs Centres.

Supporting documents:

  • Document To Follow


With the Chair’s permission this and the following item were taken together.


Special School Banding Moderation outcome

To receive an update on the outcome of the banding moderation process and the implications for 2012/13 budget.

Supporting documents:


The Manager for Inclusion, DCE presented the results of the banding moderation and planned places exercise for Special Schools, Enhanced Learning Provision (ELP) and Resource Bases. Revised formulae for Resource Bases for Hearing Impaired and Physically Impaired pupils were also tabled.


It was explained that after a number of years work, officers had developed a single clear and consistent system for various types of specialist educational provision.


Key figures for Enhanced Learning Provision were as follows:


·                       The total number of ELP 1 for 2012/13 is 253 (down from 2011/12 by 13 places)

·                       The total number of ELP 2 for 2012/13 is 88 (increase of 1 place from 2011/12)


Regarding planned places it was recommended for the overall number of planned places in all of Wiltshire special schools is increased by 1 place as below:

Springfields – increase by 1 place - from 69 to 70 places

Downland – no change – 69 places including 22 residential

Rowdeford – no change – 130 places including 23 residential 

Larkrise – no change – 85 places

Exeter House – no change – 99 places

St Nicholas – no change -72 places

These developments gave rise to the following financial implications for both planned places and banding moderation:


1.    Special schools place funding will increase by £0.100m in 2012/13

2.    Residential funding will decrease by £0.018m.

3.    Downlands transitional protection will reduce by £0.097m.

4.    The overall special schools quantum for 2012/13 will therefore reduce by £0.015m compared to 2011/12.


2011/12 will be the first year that the full year effect of the formula changes for complex needs, ASD and S&L Resource Bases will apply. Formula changes for Hearing Impairment and Physical impairment Resource Bases have now been developed in line with the other resource bases would be applied from September 2012.

For Resource Bases – Complex Needs the banding moderation took place on 4 November 2011.  Please note, the original protection of funding for each resource base according to their capacity numbers is due to end and from September 2012 numbers of places need to be agreed via the planned places process. At the time of the moderation 51% of all places were taken up.


Planned places - It is recommended that the overall number of planned places is reduced by 19. As a result of this reduction the overall occupancy level has increased to 79%.

It was reported that at the moderation and banding meetings some schools raised concerns about the level of funding generated through the current formula. The Local Authority and schools representatives agreed to re-consider the current formula. The outcomes of this work will be reported back to Schools Forum in the Autumn 2012.


Additionally it was explained that in view of significant capacity issues the Local Authority will investigate options for a change of the type of special educational needs for some of the resource bases.


Questions from members of the Forum focused on the longer-term viability and occupancy levels of the resource bases, and officers  ...  view the full minutes text for item 187.


DSG Estimate 2012/13 & Schools Budget Proposals

To discuss the estimated DSG for 2012/13 and initial proposals, cost pressures etc for the schools budget in 2012/13.

Supporting documents:


The Head of Finance, DCE outlined the latest DSG estimate for the 2012/13 year based on the October 2011 pupil census and January 2011 numbers for 3 to 4 year olds.


It was explained that central government had confirmed that the current schools funding system would remain unchanged for the 2012/13 year, with comprehensive changes expected thereafter. The current methodology for LACSEG recoupment and calculation of DSG and academy budgets was also expected to remain unchanged.


Officers highlighted that the projections were work-in-progress and were based on a number of assumptions in the absence of specific announcements.


A key assumption was that there will be no cash inflation for the GUF and that there will be a negative Minimum Funding Guarantee of -1.5%. It is therefore assumed at this point that the GUF for 2012/13 is £4.592.87 per pupil. It was confirmed by officers that every pupil brought in the same amount of GUF (Guaranteed Unit of Funding).


A number of demographic and cost pressures were identified which can be found on the appendix 2 to the report – Summary of Potential cost pressures and potential savings.


In particular a need to work on the services provided through the DSG where LACSEG applies was needed to quantify the impact of the movement of many schools to Academy status.


The requirement for Independent Early Years Providers to have a Single Funding Formula would remain, with a different funding process in place for the 86 Special School placements currently being managed by the Council.


The Chairman highlighted the most salient point - a £1.9 million shortfall remained even if the savings identified in the paper were adopted.


It was clarified that in relation to recent government guidance on QES / Risk Assessments, Health and Safety legislation remained in place and control and security of school remained the local authority’s responsibility.




  1. To note the estimate of DSG for 2012/13 and the potential budget gap.
  2. That Schools Forum supports the potential options for savings identified in Appendix 2 and confirms they should be taken forward in to the detailed budget calculations.
  3. To note that Schools Forum must indicates any areas that should be considered for further savings at the January meeting.
  4. A Formula Review Task Group is established to lead the work on reviewing the Wiltshire Funding Formula in line with the proposals for a new funding system from April 2013. This will be set up as per the report, with the addition of representatives from Special Schools in Wiltshire in addition to Primary and Secondary Schools representatives nominated by PHF and WASSH.
  5. To note that officers will re-examine the census figures for Special schools to ensure their accuracy.


Controls on Surplus Balances Scheme

To review the Controls on Surplus Balances Scheme and consider whether Wiltshire should continue to operate such a scheme.

Supporting documents:


The Schools Forum received a report by Phil Cooch, Schools Accounting & Budget Support Manager, which considered whether the Controls on Surplus Balances Scheme should continue in 2012-13.


Following the recommendation of the Schools Funding Working Group made at their meeting on 15th November 2011, and discussions earlier in the meeting (see minute no.184), it was;




That the Controls on Surplus Balances scheme continue for the 2012-13 year, as detailed in the report.


Sickness Supply Pool Insurance Scheme

To consider an update on the current position of the Supply Pool Insurance Scheme.

Supporting documents:


The Schools Forum considered a paper by the Manager, School Accounting & Budgets. Following a short discussion it was,




1)    That the Sickness Supply Pool is in a position to continue with previous enhancements

2)    That 2012/13 Premiums should be offered at a 0% increase on 2011/12’s prices.

3)    That Cashback payments should continue.

4)    That the basis of the cashback calculation, as set in the 2011/12 policy, be increased from 50% to 100% (option a as set out in the report).


Schools Funding Regulations Consultation

To highlight any issues arising from the consultation on the Schools Funding Regulations 2012.

Supporting documents:


The Manager, Schools Accounting and Budgets outlined the limited changes to the School Financial Regulations which will be effective for the 2012-13 financial year only.


Regarding the transfer of the Pupil Premium for excluded pupils, clarification had been sought from the DfE to establish whether both the free meals and the service school elements (age-weighted pupil unit) move with the pupil. No response had been received at the time of the meeting.




The Schools Forum noted the changes to the School Financial Regulations 2012.


Section 251 Benchmarking

To receive a summary of the main issues arising from the Section 251 Benchmarking exercise.

Supporting documents:


The meeting of the Schools Forum received details of the Section 251: Comparison of Local Authority Spending 2011/12.


Questions were received regarding the potential for savings in areas where Wiltshire was spending above the benchmark level. In particular the Schools Budget – SEN, and the level of spending on School improvement were highlighted as examples.


In response officers pointed out that expenditure on SEN retained centrally within DSG is now in line with the national average. Reductions in spending over the last few years are mostly as a result of reductions in spending on external placements and increased delegation of SEN funding to mainstream schools.


By contrast school improvement is a key part of the Council’s business plan and thus will remain an area where Wiltshire Council’s spending benchmarks above its statistical neighbours.


The members of the schools forum took the opportunity to congratulate the DCE Finance team for their hard work.




1)    To note the Section 251 Benchmarking paper.

2)      To bring the Section 251 Benchmarking paper to the next meeting to consider further alongside any proposals for savings.


Confirmation of dates for future meetings

To confirm the dates of future meetings, as follows:


19 January 2012

01 March 2012

21 June 2012


The Forum confirmed the dates of future meetings as listed on the Agenda.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business, which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.

